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Status Updates posted by samsin99

  1. Its been a good couple years since of been on this site!

    1. anonyme0273


      Most of the action is now on the Discord.

    2. Eirias


      Good to have you back! Yeah, you were here in the early days (when there were few enough people that I can remember the active usernames)

  2. Happy Birthday to Roguzf Coreykun and samsin99

    1. Ultrakool


      Haha :P Happy birthday dude :D 

    2. samsin99
  3. School year is going fast. An airshow is coming up in April in Florida at my school. Gotta get grades up to go. Summer is around the corner and so are huge test. Tennis season is over. Gotta get athletic even when season is over. Gonna work til I play pro tennis. Gonna get a car soon. And sittin on the toilet.

    1. Dodotron


      enjoy your shit and i hope you will still have some time for battleforge in your busy life :)

    2. samsin99


      Lol you know it. I will always make time for videogames! Always!

  4. Lol my rank is savage. I call many people that. Anyways happy Birthday for last 2 or 3 months haven't been active too much so gotta change.

  5. Go to my page to read a VERY IMPORTANT Question on the About Me Section!

  6. I got 3/4 of homework, studying, and projects done so i should be able to come on more.

  7. I should be on bfreborn more often had alot of work to do!

    1. Ladadoos


      Welcome back!

    2. veryhasted


      Yes. bfreborn is a vital part of everyone's life. Just sayin :hype:

  8. Happy Birthday to all. Tell your parents or call them you love them (I don't know if your grown or not). SHOW MORE LOVE IN DIS WORLD.

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