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Beta Tester
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About Swanea

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  1. Ah I had this issue minus the DC. On encounters with twilight. While I did not get DCed this caused my client to not respond to my boxes that highlight all my units in an area to not work unless I held ctl. Finishing the map made the bug go away. I was not able to DIRECTLY reproduce the bug. But alt tabbing on the same map right after caused me to be unable to buy my next orb on a monument. Will update post if new/different problems arise from it.
  2. dotdotdot lol. I dunno what it could be....But I bet it's Swanea... lol
  3. Gimme dem free loots (or free games)
  4. When the game hits open beta I'd enjoy some PvP help and some general stuff on Advanced/Expert PvE. I was super casual in the game and really didn't push to much in either.
  5. I had someone buy me that and I never played it lol <.<
  6. Glad to know that GDPR hopefully won't affect you at all. @Lavos2018 And yeah, I could just spam some harvesters in that forge all day. Promo Harvester or go home!
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