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Everything posted by anonyme0273

  1. For me, no game is similar to BF. If you were to make a recipe for BattleForge, you would need many ingredients from which only a few things each time would go straight into the product Strategy RTS card collection PvE PvP upgrade action and skill are just a few keywords I think of from the top of my head. If you want to kill time before release though, there is another topic to help you with that MEMES
  2. Roses are red, violets are blue, no updates for 5 minutes? Boo-hoo-hoo...
  3. Wish granted. Your wish is uncorruptable. You get hit by a bus, but this wish remains uncorrupted. Noone will ever corrupt your wish. It is your legacy! Your stamp on the world! Be proud... I wish for 34,99$.
  4. Hi! I am not a particular fan of the game (Clash Royale, not BattleForge!! ), but if I ever find interest in it, I will bear it in mind Until then, enjoy your stay on the Forum and see you in the Forge soon, Skylord!
  5. Likes to shoot people in the face with an arrow with friends
  6. Wish granted, you can fly! You fly high and die of lack of oxygen and cold. Your cold, lifeless body falls and shatters with a *plop* sound. I wish for night vision (but keeping my normal vision as well, be original )
  7. You stopped global warming. Global cooling started, in 100 000 years, we will all be frozen I wish for a dog treat
  8. Wish granted. You got a cake. It was delicious. You liked it and wished for another. Yummy. Another! SO GOOD! MORE! ... ... this goes on for about 8 lines, then you drown in cakes I wish for a new phone, preferrably Nokia C3310
  9. Wish granted, you wake up one day just in time to see the flames that grill you to a coal block. I wishh for a driving license
  10. Great card, I love looting Power I also like their quotes Power efficient early on, and if left untouched, can do great damage against bad micromanagement With low HP, however, can be killed quickly, especially if dazed (but that sums up most of Fire units, especially early on)
  11. Make them go boom! I dare ya (let's see who first, when PvP is up and running, uses Rifle Cultists)
  12. I was always a numberphile

    123,666,1337 <3 


    1. ikke2902


      You got a rep for that now, it's 124 :rolleyes:

    2. anonyme0273


      Ooh :(

      Thanks :D 

      I also got another mail just now, so the 1337 is gone as well :(


  13. I like the knockback, the damage and range are ok, but as I didn't play Stonekin, I did not really play this often. I preffer the Infused version (medium knockback T2 tower? not really bad)
  14. nonono, this will be done soon... now onto your wish Wish granted, you have ALL cards, but you can't ever upgrade them I wish for 247 BFP
  15. Wish granted, it grows into a monster and eats you in your sleep. I wish for a kitten
  16. @FarRock is a great commenter when it comes to ingame strategy and tips as micromanaging etc. However, when the game comes back, I think one of the best things he can do is finish the "deck building tutorial" series he started, where he explained counters and card values and uses very well. I used to watch FarRock all the time, through him I even found this project (in "suggested" channels on the side of his channels - and man am I happy for that ) However, when it comes to deck building, I prefer my own method - test and try, fail, fix, repeat. Takes time, but with every mistake, you learn a bit and that pushes you towards the final deck, that may look very familiar to existing meta ones, but the thing is you found out yourself. Everyone has a different playstyle and cards who some may deem useless fit perfectly into a different kind of strategy, and lets face it, BattleForge for me was the best strategy I have yet played (and probably will ever play) because of the infinite numbers of ways I can play and use non-meta cards for my advantage.
  17. A fairly interesting card, not really "mainstream", but fun to use against someone who is still in T2 to knock around his units and an average good tank. Not really great, not really terrible... about average. In early T3, often XL units will be spawned to siege down bases or so, so L counters are fine against cards like Ashbones or other L armor type cards, but... not really sure worth the Power cost
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