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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by wanky

  1. who pissed on your leg? Have not mentioned with a word that I'm against it.Just said that the message from him felt so, for me, that he has difficulties to make these maps at all. That it is sometimes tedious to play a specific map I know too. Everyone has his maps that he likes, and which he less like. I for my part also find it tedious to play e.g. 65 Feuerkrten. Or to play Rpve, I just find this mod boring, everyone has his preferences. But if you say that in general, I like this and that not, there is another who does not like something else in daily quests, and if you would then "make away" all (so at least I understood it that the quest that you should play a specific map no longer give) there would be no more quests, because every quest someone does not like. I for one support a reroll even with the 5PBF penalty, from my point of view you should be allowed to reroll more than 1 quest per day. However, each time 5BFP get deducted per reroll, but for the quests individually. as an example: quest 1: 75bfp quest 2; 75bfp reroll quest 1 quest 1: 70bfp quest 2; 75bfp then reroll quest 2 quest 1: 70bfp quest 2; 70bfp reroll again to quest 2: quest 1: 70bfp quest 2; 65bfp something like this. Shouldn't be too hard to get into the game. /wanky ps: I had no contact with Direatos, until now, I'm just generally about the BH farmers. Had very often rank 14+ people who have not really played well on fairly "simple" maps. Sometimes I've even had games where in Titans for example in the game joint (on expert) and then says that he has never played the map, but he is now looking for people who can carry him through who he may feed, mind you with a platinum rank. On the question of how he became the plation if he has never played the first maps in the campanie, then comes simply the answer: have only BH fed until now. These conversations I had by the way also with maps like Crusade on Standart, where I had noticed that some players have probably never played the map, of course also with minimum platinum rank. I could now list more examples (also RPVE dif5 where people with 14+ rank and decklvl 100+ almost lose the t1 bases and bruachen until map end to get out of the base) but this would go beyond the scope here, and I will not go into it. IN MY OPINION, you could at least have a basic knowledge of the maps and how the game works if you are platinum rank or higher. This is from MY EXPERIENCE unfortunately not the case, just by this BH madness.
  2. in my opinion its is. he is over 5.8KK XP considering that each match on expert get ~3500xp means he made ~1700 Pve games (Rpve including) Considering to the ingame ranking, i cant see his name often on any other ranking than Bad Harvest. This looks for me he just Grinded ~1600 Bad harvest Runs to get gold and XP and ?maby? he did 100 different games in Rpve and other cPVE matches witout showing up in the rankings.
  3. usualy with your rank u have playd this game for -+ 1 year. This happens if u only Grind Feeder in Bad harvest and then get Rank PVE 17+. Witout this Bad harvest grind u did, u would know every map very well, and all of them can bi done Solo (exept of Empire and 12player maps) So i do not rly understand ur anger. Its your own fault. and just to notice: If u have trouble finding people to play with, just join into discord. There are many times player online who play with u, and carry u trough the maps. sorry for the harsh choice of words, by the way. but there's really no other way than to say: it's your own fault.
  4. update for the Gold challange: After Shadow and Nature also frost is done, Pretty shure fire is also duable. I just missing a lot of charches for fire cards. Little notiz: I hade some runs did not get the amii-operator switch at the First Banditcamp on left side. This makes it impossible to get T3 before reaching the top middle orb (after the 4 Bandig camps with tortugun and ship any many more) Happend in ~9run 2 Times. /wanky
  5. Do you have internet disconection in general, or just in skylords? If u play other onlinegames, u do not have any problehms?
  6. What is the curend version of this map? I have in my folders the 0.8V (only by perendi) i heard there are some bugs on map cleard away later, is there a newer one? Just to get shure everyone play on same version of the map. /wanky
  7. wanky

    Shrine of War

    Just to know. As example: in Ocean ADv community challange, i decidet to NOT use the Shrine, just cause its not even Worth to use. In this map, like i many otheres, there are just not enough units around to Freeze in a effectiv way. The 8% is maby ok for Rpve, but in cPVE its just not usefull in most cases. if u intrestet, i can show replays after challange is done, with and without this crappy Shrine /wanky
  8. very hyped to see the replays in Stream. but....i do not have time to writh here, still not a clean Pur Frost run done by myself :O Gogogo Guys. Last try now How many replays u already got @Toggy ?
  9. wanky


    Exactly the reason why i do not Writh anyting in here anymore. I Already Said everything i wantet to. But its seems like some players in here have a huge barrier and missunderstanding of the View of Probematic in here. So arguing against this typs of people is just usless. I hate Btw BH in every single turn, If Speedrun, its quied boring, for everyone, Casual play i do not like in this map. WHY u may ask. idc. My Fav. map is Ravens End, witout any reason, it is just like this, each player have diffrend preferences
  10. wanky


    so to be honest it seems to me that decomposer as a card as it exists now would not cause any problems. Since everything you say depends only on XP and Gold Reward, I mean the upgrates on a map to farm with decomposer is now a moot point. You do the map 4-5 times then you have eigendlich the most important upgrates all. Especially since it is not to forget that on most maps even with decomposer still very much must be done, even by the suport player. The thing is this: Even back in EA times you got more XP if you have completed all quests. Most will certainly still remember. Otherwise just watch an old BF video on Youtube, As soon as a "side quest" was completed came directly the number of XP this has yielded. It should not be too difficult to introduce this system what mind you very well fucnktionierte, in the game. Decomposer is and remains from my point of view a niche tactic for speedrunners. TBH it is sometimes not much fun to play a super role without decomposer because carry as well as super players just wait 1-2 minutes for the energy to come. Ravens End, for example, is just such a map. There is something fed at the beginning then no longer, simply to minimize the 2 minute wait. I would prefer it if times a position of a Devs comes here regarding this. It feels like we've been talking about the same thing for 15 posts, all of them. Everything has been said, multiple times, and all facts and all views shared. Now it is up to a dev to decide how to proceed. /wanky
  11. tbh, i did not get any disconect since realease, an i am quied often online. To get 100% clear, 1 Disconect i had cause of Server side and they needed to restart (back in january i think) Playing on highest resolution and highest grafics posible in fullscreen mode.
  12. wanky


    Introduce that not completing all quests on a map no longer gives 100% of the gold and XP, in BH as an example, you will do the cannons nor the deffence on the wagon, so skipping a large part of the map. If you assume that 100% is 4k gold, you could say 10% is the minimum you would get if you skipped everything, and for every quest you do you get a percentage more gold. In BH, I think it's 4 cannons, 1 wagon deffence, 3 stone lords, 1 jorne. So 9 quests in total. 10% if you do nothing and win spoeedrun (3 lords 1 jorne) 50% all cannons and defence are also 5 quests, so also 50%. So the speedrun would still give 2k gold, which i think is still too much to stop goldfarms from playing zombie mode on BH. Therefore my suggestion: what has to be done for a map (at BH the 3 lords and jorne) give a maximum of 25% of the reward, everything else that is "voluntary", which can be skipped by a tactic, give 75%. This is how you have regulated it not only for BH, but for all maps. Because we all know that if BH can no longer be made, the next map will come, probably GoL, and then the map will be destroyed for speedruns by map changes or cards. After GoL comes the next map that can simply be used for gold farms, then the next, and this until it is no longer fun to play any map because you have to clear any map completely for getting done, which is just boring from a speedrunner's point of view, apart from RPVE perhaps. In my point of view it would be good, if speedruns themself get nerved that rewards are way more smaler by skipping things on map who are not 100% nessesery (like the cannons in BH), but still is playable for the Fastest time. /wanky edit: btw, this is what we are talking about since weeks/months, we startet talking about rework reward system after some streamers start to farm gold and Xp live on twitch, cause we clearly saw this abuse coming für gold/XP farm.
  13. if u are going for EZ gameplay by yourself, u almoste need to creat decks for every single map, (maby vor every single position if they are played diffrend) bit as some players already said: Schaman is n1 to have and way less micro then only WW with surge of light. I would recommend u a Schaman WW Dryad (B) deck. With this units u cal almost go t2 on every cPVE map and also on Rpve till dif. 9 Maby u struggle a byt on map with timers like f.e. blight cause its not very fast. Wearbests i rly like, but more for fun, cause u do not rly need a tank unit infront of WW shaman + Dryad.
  14. a video tutorial how this programm works would be awsome
  15. I just have 1 question: is it allowd to use from the Dev Team? Sounds like the programm gets into the skylords or may i am wrong? /wanky
  16. u also have this disconnects in fullcreen mode? maby test it out if not
  17. wanky


    it is not the decomposer. Doing speedruns does not mean that you always play with decomposer and simply feed through a certain number. As shown in the video of convoy (link down below), for example, you can also play massive map skips without a decomposer and this achieve a very fast time. In Bad Harvest, for example, you skip the entire defensive part of the wagon, as well as the cannons. Such map skips are possible on many maps (like the well-known one in GoL where you kill the building over the wall and many more), whereas in e.g. Ravens end such map skips are not possible, but the decomposer makes them a few minutes faster because you don't have to wait for energy. Even if the other player then also goes t4 and clears parts of the map, it is faster if one is t4 early than if 2 are late. Another example this month MOTM10 where decomposer was used to balance the energy deficit of the player who loses many wells and also orb at the beginning. You can't argue against clear facts, just don't. The reward system is broken in that it always gives the total rewards even if you skip many parts of the map. Because that's what effectively annoys most people. The decomposer is just one of the maps that makes this easier on some maps, like Bad harvest. On most maps, however, you can do these skips without any problems. So if you want to get to the root of the problem, you have to rework the reward system a bit. Not the cards that have no effect on the players apart from speedrunning and solo plays.
  18. everything eles is up to date? Drivers? DirectX? maby it just need a lot time to start, on my rly old laptop (13y old) it have like 4-5minutes for starting the game
  19. I'm pretty sure that with a little practice and understanding of the map as it is constructed, anyone can get well under 25 minutes. With a little grind, even under 20 minutes, with any colour. Keep in mind that the top times that are currently in the ranking are the result of several hours in a row several evenings until you have the final tactics and could play them out as intended.
  20. wanky


    If u want to change this, u are actually talking about, Farming XP and Gold Rewards after finisch a map, u should start talking about, what idea u prefer to change the reward system for completing a map. i still don't see any reason to change anything about the decomposer, except to make the real speedrunners unhappy. /wanky
  21. i register also GPU usage from 40-80% since newest update (before it was at 40% max) having newest drivers and using Nvidia Titan RTX (sould handle this 13y old game) I also heard some players having sometimes heavy laags cause of a high GPU usage. Maby somefing is "crashing" with the newest Update (windows 10 update some days ago) btw. i myself do not have any lags, thats why i did not report anything. /wanky
  22. wanky


    Frost with theyr shilds is unice themself, no other faction can get a 2nd helthbar. (from the main fractions). in Fire, u have many high dmg speels, like no other faction have. (e.g. eruption ---> fire sphere) i think its one of the most importent things that every faction have theyr own UNIQUE stuff. In Nature u still have good healing, and shadow is the faction about void and playing like killing yourself. tbh i know what ur talking about, there is a reason why high end decks looks many times similar. There is a reason why in some speedruns decomoser is used. (mostly just cause there is no room for 2 carrys) So its have to be clear that the energy from the "suport" is going to the carry player. In many speedruns (for our team) Suportplayers have a huge jop todo with speels, and guiding. Thats why i would first like to see other stuff come better playable before nearfing the most used things in this game. I rly think if we are going to change stuff about the moste using cards in this game, many many players will get "angry" and maby delet this game. There is already a little playerbase, so why make the playerbase mad with things like this? I hope u understand my "anger" about this discussion. /wanky
  23. wanky


    dont forgeth: frost: make them frosty and urself shild fire: burn them
  24. @Toggy can u may add your discord name to your profil or to the first post, i already read in global chat ingame that players have problems to find your discord. Thx. btw. pur frost in top 10 atm
  25. wanky


    every faction have theyr unic typ of cards. f.e. Fire have the huge Dmg spells, nature the good healing speels, frost awsome CC speels and also good defenc buildings. also shadow have his cards, mainly playing around the void and self killing units.
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