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Everything posted by Ultrakool

  1. What are you talking about that is clearly the wagon
  2. Well you are welcome to join the server is open to all
  3. Is not original Try again @N0SKYO it seems you lost da wey
  4. Nah dude you deserved that for trying to bring some life into the forum @Wampire It wasn’t just about being nice
  5. @Zwyrtekhave you read my post? I have explained that thoroughly
  6. Good luck everyone for the giveaway! May the Forge be with you(soon TM)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Equinox98x


      May he be with you too :kappa: oh wait :kappa: 

    3. Deadman


      Trying to farm rep I see... :kappa:

    4. Ultrakool
  7. Since there are some misconceptions here, let me try to clear this up once and for all. @Lotte2525 The Date for Open Beta has been delayed exactly once. No matter what has been said by PCGames or any other game news website. Fiki is not asking you by the way, hes telling you. And you go and contradict a staff member by quoting some news websites? Not cool. The first date for Open Beta was announced for Jan 30, which was way too optimistic and was postponed to a BEST CASE SCENARIO. I really don't understand the mentality of getting angry and angry if dates are postponed, its just due to the nature of this project. It has been said before many times, this is a FREE project. Many factors affect development speed. Such as the private lives and jobs of the developers which will naturally always come first. Due to this if it so happens that we get lucky, devs get a lot of free time and we are lucky to not run into many bugs, the Best Case Date is always still possible. The only moment when it becomes clear that it is definitely not possible is very close to the date itself. It is not a How can you say things like they are "still far from finished" if you don't even know the extensive scope of development progress? Do you think that its a good idea now to not give any date at all then? I understand that it can be frustrating but for once if you could look at this from the developers point of view. They are doing this all for free on their own free time on their own free will and really all any of us have to do is try to be positive, and patient. That's all.
  8. @xxraidxxI think you have absolutely no idea how servers work. To make a server that everyone can join, there needs to be a stable server with the least amount of bugs possible. What’s the point of everyone joining if the server will crash within 30s? You want things that are not reasonable at all for your selfish reasons, if you really love and support this game then please have some patience
  9. Doesn’t understand the point of this thread
  10. @Fotti I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s a rather pessimistic approach to things though. I’m not questioning your experiences on similar projects but you really underestimate our developers. Sure, some might be young but they are really all very dedicated to recreate this game server, even though as I’m sure you know this is a free project. @fiki574 deserves some special mention as since he joined he has continually put in a lot of work on this project and without him we would never be where we are now. @Bolrader is another dev with a job and more experience in reverse engineering and he is making major progress on the server. Basically, all the skills and determination of the devs is 100% there, the only limiting factor is time and as with projects like this( free, UNPAID ones)a persons actual job or responsibilities take priority, yielding development to come in bursts. I totally disagree with your prediction of 2 years it seems you are either very misinformed or very pessimistic. We are going very fast with the project in the new server and bolrader even tested games local server and it works. So, if you can’t stay optimistic yourself, that’s fine, just please don’t spread false pessimism when you are so misinformed.
  11. Hello everyone. It's been a while since this thread was posted, and as we are inching closer and closer to the dream of the grand reopening of BattleForge, with the best case scenario of Open Beta being End of Febuary (Not set in stone), I have given some thoughts how to best organize this great coaching idea. After all, this coaching scene could come alive within just a few months! I've gotten in touch with Destoyerfros and we have decided its a good idea to open a Coaching and Tutoring server on discord. Please bear with me, the server is a Work In Progress and is not even close to done. We will have a bot system where you can apply your own roles and the factions you play etc, as well as text channels to ask and receive answers regarding strategies etc. Anyway, regardless of whether you are a Tutor who applied or an apprentice, or just a keen BattleForge soon-to-be player, anyone is welcome in the discord server. The link is here: https://discord.gg/dZzKexQ As always any comments or critics are welcome as a reply or in the server under #Serversuggestions. Ultra
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