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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. to be fair to player that start at release. We do not want new players to start with nothing while most players will have most cards, or does that seem fair to you?
  2. imagine a case when someone manage to get first place and some high ELO by good win-streak and win over the old #1, and stop playing, there will be no way to remove him from the first spot without defeating him, and no one will be able to defeat him because he will not play, There are some ideas to give top X players on PvP leaderboard rewards every week/month that would mean that player would be getting reward for not playing. Does that sounds correct to you?
  3. It represent the actual rank, right now rank do not have any speedup to go down, it it just baseElo * min(30, matchesPlayedInLast30Days) / 30 so if you play 1 match per day on average it will not drop. This is subject to change later. So as long as you play at least a bit only way to go down is lose Rank is also used to buy upgrades, so players that do not play, and do not have PvE rank can not buy upgrades. to your example "champion" if you will not participate the next tournament someone else will be "new world champion", so in real world you keep some piece of metal, but you do not keep the title and all the bonuses it represent. So from real world perspective it also seem comparable to lose the rank.
  4. "medal" you mean rank icon? called "Badge" here: https://battleforge.fandom.com/wiki/Player_vs_Player
  5. If I understand it correctly we can no use money for the prizes, but not really sure about it @MrXLink probably know more. We already have more than 20000 players We did not not have internal discussion about the review format, but I think you can create a topic somewhere on the forum and let community know about your map being available in game (for that you would need to re-upload it every day or two, because of server crashes ). When we get to point when we will be discussing that I will be for some kind of community review process so your map(s) may already be "validated" when you submit them for official review
  6. "90 % of who plays now is hardcore" not true, over 20% did not play the game before "I guess 50 Pvp players playing online at one time" your guess is wrong it is much worse if there are 3 players searching for match in one hour (not at same time) then that hour is above average for PvP so the conclusion is correct for this part "At some point speedrunners will need new Maps to speedrun" in combination with other factors, they already improving old times by a lot. But it is planned to add new community maps to official list. "Communitymapsplayers until now 1% of the players cause atm no loot." not true it is actually over 3% of matches, not much better, but better. "no loot" is a problem to determinate automatically because you can create so easy maps that would give so big rewards. The current plan is to review maps manually and add them to official list. "So my opinion. Give me all cards make them all u3" if we give all players all cards, what will be the point of boosters, rewards, etc? It will be only competitive game? If the team ever chose to do that I will left, because I do not like that kind of games "achievementsytem" read and maybe add suggestions here: "play 30 shamans" sounds bad, because not everyone have shaman
  7. "not a lot of crashes" our definition obviously differ a bit Just some math if you will have all cards 4 copies after 3 months that is about 2100 cards (rounded down to better number ) that mean after half a year we will have 84000000 cards no one will want, because they will already have them, and that is over 4,38 TB of raw data (not counting any reference data and ordering data, and index data....). Some players like collecting which would make their interest in game 3 months long. Which would even increase amount of the dead cards. I also did not count booster distribution, because most cards are commons which would make again even more dead cards in DB. That much DEAD data does not seem good to me. What do you think about these numbers?
  8. @Pritstift I still can not understand it, may you try to explain it in more detail why new content is more important to you than server crashes?
  9. if you want extra topic you should create it I am not good at writing long texts (almost) no one will read, so if you have specific question just ask. Editing cards is possible, but we did not test it yet. Main problem here is that we do not want to break the game with card changes, so each change will be discussed in the team and with player to be as sure as possible it do not break anything else, and then tested before moving live of course... One of multiple things I focusing on right now is improving anticheat, I always know we identified only small parts of the game, but when I did much deeper analysis for the AC my metric showed it was actually less than 0.5% month or two back So when we launch Open Stress Test I have no idea about more than 99.5 % of the game and it was enough to make it "somehow" work for 100s of players It is really interesting how little is needed to get started If you have more specific questions, I may consider checking with Fiki if I can answer them, so do not worry if some do not get answers quickly
  10. sorry, about the joke, but answering same question 10-20 times per day "no we do not have any date for you, when we will we will tell you" with copy paste is too boring, I hope you can understand that... but to your points: I do not know how much you know about the technical part so I go with simple example imagine a row of boxes numbered 1, 2, 3, 4... and ordered by these numbers these boxes contains information about each accounts next imagine if it is faster to go to box with number 23456, while you go around these boxes that was not used or the alternative is that we create new row that will have only 20000 boxes total there is performance penalty for having bunch of inactive users, or deleted users, because you can not reuse these numbers, we have 1000s of those because of multiaccounting all characters on one account share BFP, that limitation EA left there, with mostly invalidate rest of your points, because without BFP/cards they would not be able to change their decks, because no one have 4 copies of each card
  11. I am worried we can not do anything about it you can configure message center to mode that it will not show any messages while in game.
  12. You have open stress test to find which deck you want first... I have bit of an discussion yesterday about how much of BattleForge I am able to edit, and the answer is LESS than 1% Result of discussion was that I should remind players of that fact more often, because some think we successfully disassembled all of the Battleforge, which is not true. MrXLink in Open Stress Test - All you need to know! said: So @Treim I understand your problem, but you was warmed that wipe will come. Some players waiting only to final wipe to start, and it would not be fair that they would start with about nothing while some players would have keep their cards....
  13. is your email or password extremely long (I think 16 chars+), there was bug discovered recently that truncate it, and I think no one manage to fix it yet unless they did it without telling me
  14. ok sometime between next month and 2666 April 1. that should be precise enough if you want some time frame, and give us enough time to finish it
  15. yes for that I did not count charges I just count unique cards, everyone start with 50 unique cards, so it is probably not most objective metric for most things, but to measure if players have chance to test cards I think it is good enough or you disagree on that?
  16. over 60% of players get over half of cards in first month of play... what will you do after having all the cards with full charges? Stop playing the game, because there will be no more goal to reach?
  17. this was discussed maybe a month ago so no one fix it
  18. @T1421 you did not read correctly the message it was saying "Send me..." NOT post on the forum! so your message is hidden fro normal members
  19. both are 40 if I am not mistaken and you do not lose mails if your mailbox is not big enough, because of game limitation you can not have more mails at time, but server store all of them, and after you delete some of them you will see the other mails up to the limit.
  20. it is safe to play, I would suggest try to delete the mail, maybe it will work
  21. solved, will be fixed with next launcher update, which is bit delayed because of technical difficulties, but I hope it will all be solved today.
  22. that picture can not be opened, your upload probably failed.
  23. all these files too, didn't du guide state it clearly that you should put everything from both archives to same folder? If you have some suggestion how it could be made more clear let me know please.
  24. SkylordsRebornUpdater should be in same folder, thats why it can not fin Battleforge, because you put it to different folder
  25. provide screenshot of the folder
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