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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, that mean GPU was logically disconnected. Few possible reasons your GPU was physically disconnected you have more than one GPU and some "smart" software decided to switch them Your GPU driver contains some bug, that causes logical disconnect of the GPU You run another software that wants exclusive access to the GPU, and windows was stupid enough to allow that
  2. definitely weirdest disconnect timing I ever seen
  3. I do not think any of the logs is from correct time
  4. In that case @Dvr34m you either do not have same problem, or you did not install it (which NightBlue did not explicitly state is necessary).
  5. Well that is the point, there is no good reason to expect something is invisible, but the upgrades are.
  6. By same logic you can say cars do not have an engine, because it is normally not visible 😛 , I have no clue why they are all at firs position stacked on top of each other, and made invisible.
  7. none shown does not mean it is empty, for some reason EA decided to do the filtering on the UI elements 😞 so they are all there, just not visible.
  8. @Kapo how it can be empty for you? where did you lost all your upgrades? and there is already a bug report for that
  9. do you have an option to try another computer?
  10. 1.) delete the globalConfig 2.) rename or delete "Documents\BattleForge" directory 3.) try to start BattleForge with "SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe" and press "Play" 4.) Zip and send whole folder "Documents\BattleForge"
  11. can you try starting `StartBattleForgeDev.bat`, instead of `SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe`
  12. Did it create `crashdata.mdmp`? (in same folder as the log)
  13. looks like team is not interested in adding these new filters at the moment 😞 But would you be interested in a text file, or section in the config where you can write custom complicated filters, and name them, so in game you can then use the simple name, and it will filter by the configured filter? That way you can have very complex filters in just few characters, and no need for translations.
  14. What is weird on it, it would be weird if you would not be able to reproduce it in the replay
  15. do you have same issue when watching it in replay?
  16. every time and of the entities in the network changes "in combat" (quotes to not confuse with "combat" state, or "fighting" state, neither are official names 😛 ) state whole network support is recalculated, so to your example 🤔 not sure I get it correctly so few: 8 entities supporting 1 entity with cap of 5, and one of the 8 entities enter combat, means there are 2 entities that can get support and 7 that provide support. so it will be spitted 4 / 3 another way I can read your example is: there is 8 entities total and 1 is "in combat" receiving 5 support (meaning 2 supports are unused in the network), when another entity enters combat there will be 2 "in combat" and 6 providing support so each of them will get 3 support (unless the second entity does not have cap lower than that, but I think currently only Sun Reaver have cap lower than 3, but he does not provide any support)
  17. @Nemoo SK I this this is better topic to explain what "T1 hybrid orbs conundrum" you mean?
  18. I wish it would be that easy as just adding icons 😞
  19. Well I think I can make twilight orb, I think I can make it work for spawning cards (with correct restrictions I mentioned), I can give it new shooting spell that will have color according to the orb color I think I can give it two abilities to switch to the single color variation So for my variant only 2 things are missing: Designers decision And testing if it actually works
  20. but why that restriction at all? why not give the orb option to switch, and count is as neutral for T2 and above, so it can not be abused, and player needs to chose. Forcing second orb to a specific color(s) seems weird. (note that neither is fully possible, but my variation, is much closer to being possible)
  21. good idea, you only forget to mention where we can get source code of the game to be able to implement it. And I see an issue with second orb scenario, what if player want to play 3 or 4 color deck? Would he really need to build an orb, just to destroy it instantly?
  22. Why you not join to create new content?
  23. and what name would you suggest for them?
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