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  1. Thats a lot to read. Thanks people! I promise, i will get to the bottom of it. 😄
  2. I will join once, when shadow T1 not allowed. 😄 Forsaken Frenzy Rush / Nox Trooper Motivate Rush makes 1v1 so frustrating for me... Pure shadow is a beast overall in 1v1 in my opinion, this keeps me away from pvp.
  3. Is it even possible on Expert? Some nice thing just like at start you can get 2 or 4 twillight enemy "randomly" if you get 4 you can like start again because 1 well will be destroyed. The only way what i found to stay alive on expert 20 mins is to lure factions to each other but... Endless hordes
  4. New idea. Can it work? Make weekly quests with negative BFP rewards. Like help to "rebuild the empire". Or something nice name. Play 5 min. These quests would follow your achievment rank and you get higher tier of this quest as you have more achievment done. Every tier would be higher -BFP. 50,100,150,200 etc. This would solve the problems what you wrote to my first tax idea. You cant hide from it(with mails and auctionhouse) and you can do trades safely.
  5. I suggest a tax idea. Once on every week (pick a day) the system remove 3% (more or less if you want but do not forget you can get total of 1050 BFP weekly) of your total amount of gold and bfp. If we could get it in mail with message of the amount would be perfect. Results: Old players (who is just sitting on a vault of bfp and gold) will tax more until they reach that amount what makes their tax equal what they get weekly. Its around 33K BFP (3% = 990 BFP tax with 1050 BFP income) New players want cards so they never will have huge amount of bfp for a long period.They are "safe". The progression will be bit harder because they will tax still. I think its a good final solution to fix the total amount of bfp and gold in the game. I dont know how is it possible to do it with programming. Only cards left. There is no other option than a way to remove cards from the game somehow. Disenchant or a reroll (1 from 3) would be nice but it is just not possible as i know. I think about a BOT Account if Kubik can do things like this. It would be online always. Set the highest amount of bfp for it what you can. Players can mail cards for it and the bot send a reply with fix amount bfp / cards. Sometimes reset it or it will have millions of cards. Maybe 5/10/25/50 , common/uncommon/rare/ultrarare or just 5 for everything. I hope you find something usefull. Sorry for my poor english.
  6. I think all the economy depends on the mixture of playerbase. Veterans make more cards to auction so they decrease the prices.New players incrase the prizes because they just buy everything they need. The actually problem is because "Old" guys stop playing and dont fill the market with the same amount of cards what they bought when they were "New". Auctionhouse is like a card pool and most of the people get more from it then they fill. It makes everything expensive. I think the only non programming solution is to keep veterans playing. There should be some great thing like disenhant cards option for fix bfp price/rarity.It would fix the minimum price for "trash cards". Make flat for auctions /rarity.It would maximize the prizes for ultra expensive cards. Make a reroll ring where you can put 3 cards to destroy from the same rarity and you get a random new one. I think these things just impossible at the moment. So only card balancing left what can makes some minor changes in the prices of the auction house.
  7. Nah.Sorry. Im just a gamer with no experience about programming. But i smell good games and BF is one of them with no concurrency.
  8. Change main things is just not possible. All of us dream about a lot of changes and have great ideas just like you. The name what could solve this: War of the Elements or something whatever you want. Pick everything good from Battleforge, change things what you must to be free from EA. Collect great ideas just like the one above (orb combination passives are just WOW!) My idea: Give every card 2 Affinity and make it like only one can you use for PVE and the other one for PVP. Separated Card Pool for PVE and PVP could solve a ton of Balance issue. Start it on Kickstarter. I will be one of the supporter i promise and I know im not alone.
  9. Make reset choosable.^^ At Login Screen :Do you want to reset your account? Yes No Everyone will be happy!!! Who did it can keep it. Who love to collecting and start everything over and over again they can. Who wait for it can join with no fear of it. Sorry for my poor english. Almost everyone. Kubik wont, probably. Its just more and more to do.
  10. I use 2 different deck on RPVE 10 atm. For full combat: Orbs: G S F S T1: Werebeasts Surge of Light Windweawers Home Soil Dryad (b) Primal Defender Shaman T2: Shadow Phoenix *Nether Warp (G)* Matter Mastery (G) Embalmer Shrine Breeding Grounds Furnace of Flesh *Resource Booster* T3: Lost Horror (G) *Infect* T:4 Grimwine *Maelstrom* Lost Spirit Ship (G) Regrowth For Support: Orbs: G S F G Remove the *cards* from the combat deck and fill with: T1: Fountain of Rebirth Construction Hut T3: Wheel of Gifts The Incredible Mo Shrine of War is insane if someone has in your group. In my opinion the best way is to win if you combine the decks with your group. A Support builder A "Devil Army" (Batariel,Bloodhorn) An LSS Crusher A Necromonger (Overlord,Grim Bahir,Infect) Are always welcome.
  11. Thanks Kubik. I take pride in these numbers^^ Just an idea. Is there a way in programming to add quests like do a specific map with a special orbs? Forexample: Crusade with 3 Fire and 1 Shadow. I think this would give us a lot of challenge and fun to achieve every campaign map with different decks. Probably its not possible but i have to ask. Thanks.
  12. The current system fast/slow is relative just like everything. I do not like to slow down things. Kubik can says my playing stats maybe i can only tip them. Its like a year i play with Skylords Reborn. Around 1000 quest done(more i bet). Its mean 333 Booster and 666*75 Bfp i got. I never made any "tradetrick" like buy things and resell or try to manipulate the market with building monopol situation with a special card. My collection is still incomplete!!! 3 promo is missing just lile about 30 cards from the most expensives.(max charges) What time is acceptable for you for a new player being "complete"If its like 1,5 years atm and you want to slow things down? Sorry for my english. I cant really understand the whole problem btw. I like to play Skylords Reborn anyway and not only for the collecting. Its like you want to punish everyone because of those who quit after they complete with their collection.Who win from this? We fill the market with cards so even the ones with less play time can get their cards cheaper.
  13. I think no one use any except long. Set the short to 8 hours. Medium to 24 hours. Long to 72 hours. Its the easiest way i think. Make longer auctions is not so usefull because if you dont sell something within 3 days then your price is just to high and you wont sell it even if you set up a month for period. Its only my opinion.
  14. What would happen if we give !every! Melee units +4% moovement speed and nerf !every! Ranged units moovement speed with -4%. I think its not that much to break the pve experiences but it would help a lot in pvp balance.Like there are a lot of nice melee creature what would counter something but with a good commanding melee units will only chase the enemy while other ranged units kill them. It is mostly in T1.
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