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Get players to engage with community maps more


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I really enjoyed the experience of grinding christmas fleet (which took me like 30 attempts) and gave me a nice reward and then having the experience of clearing treasure fleet easy.
It was a nice full circle moment that really elevated my PvE experience since im more of a casual player that doesnt go for speedruns or any of the sort

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I am also a huge fan of the community maps. We even reworked the UI of the community maps section a while ago to make them more accessible (the old UI was terrible) and added gold rewards and some achievemnts (Before then, you would only get playtime BfP rewards, but not even gold). We also host events on community maps every now and then. We also have a speedrun ranking for some of the community maps in the forums (here).

If you have any specific ideas on how to motivate players further to play them, I would love to hear them, as this is one of the favourtie parts of my game.

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The problem is that you have both great community maps that feels like a true scenario (restoring Lyr, fortress of tears, dwarven stronghold rework) , and then you have stuff like legion, awakening, frozen death..

Some of which looks like real maps, and turn out to be made not for the community at large (they are made with very specific strat in mind).

Outside of making some of them more officials than ohers, it is hard for new players to know which one to pick that isn't not adapted for them.

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I really enjoy community maps too. They give me the same sense of adventure and discovery I had when I first started playing BattleForge, I wish more people were interested in them. I think the simplest and most effective way to encourage players to try them would be to have a Map of the Day just like you did for campaign maps, but for custom maps.

That said This is Halloween 2 point is very valid. Not all custom maps fit the campaign-style experience. So, a MOTD system would only work if maps were reviewed and categorized properly. Here are a few possible categories off the top of my head:

Campaign-Compatible: Well-refined and playtested
Experimental/In Development: Not fully polished yet
Event-Only: Special variants like the Oracle map, where you start with 16 orbs and max power

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Hey there,

first of all thank you so much for keeping the game alive!!

I logged in 2 weeks ago and the motd for the campaign is such a cool and good way to play the campaign again. I really hated it, when they started the rpve maps back in the days, because it destroyed the campaign and the upgrade system. Now there are always people on for the motd 🙂

Btt it would be good, when you could make a motd for custom maps too. I dont know how much "good" maps there are, but maybe there are 10 at least and they could rotate. It would be good for the custom map makers to see that the maps are used and they would make some more maybe 🙂 There could be a voting every month, if some new maps are coming to the pool and others maybe leave, because they were played long enough in the rotation.

Just some thoughts.

Maybe the custom motd could be on the start screen with the campaign maps somewhere that every player see it, when they look at the maps.

This could be a very good improvement for new content.

4esan4o95 and Majora like this
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