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Is Construction Hut Supposed to have a Healing Aura?


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I'm a relatively new player, but I've been playing at least an hour a day since the start of the month. Right now, I'm trying out different mixes of elements, and I'm working on Frost.

I noticed that sometimes my units will start to heal during a match, when I don't have anything that should be providing healing. I figured it out, though. The Construction Hut has an aura around it that heals units. It doesn't heal structures, just units. The key thing though, is that there's nothing on its card that would suggest it has any healing for anything.

The Construction Hut has the ability "Maintainance" that says "Friendly buildings in a 25m radius will be constructed 45% faster and will require 25% less power cost"

It's supposed to make buildings construct faster, and doesn't say anything about healing units. Is this a bug? A discrete hidden feature?

I haven't put in a bug report since I'm so new I'm not 100% sure it's not supposed to be like this, plus it's not part of the purpose of the building, so I think it wouldn't be just an accident? But it does have a special effect so maybe? If you place the building, it has a glowing ring of blue light that shows the healing area.

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Hey ReleeSquirrel,

All friendly buildings cause the units around them to passively regenerate a percentage of their life points each second, as long as they have not taken damage recently. So this is a feature not just of Construction Hut, but also your wells, orbs, and all other buildings. This passive regeneration is a big reason why people bring Ice Barrier in Frost decks, because it can function as a 20p healing location. 

The blue ring around Construction Hut reflects the area in which the "Maintenance" effect takes place. The area in which units can passively regen is likely 5-10m smaller.

Hrdina_Imperia and Metagross31 like this
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It's possible that you simply saw the visualized area around Construction Hut and when you noticed that units were healing right next to the hut you made the connection that it has to have something to do with the aura.

But Construction Hut has nothing that differentiates it from other buildings as far as passive unit-healing is concerned. Also, the healing only occurs out of combat on idle units.

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