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  1. fixed it by removing documents/battleforge directory
  2. hi, returning player. i tried to reinstall, im logging in and getting a success message but once it's about to finish loading me in the game just exits 😞
  3. hollyyyyy shit. you are the best thank you!! will def try it! if you decide to play pvp anytime hmu! would love to spar 🙂
  4. Thank you!! side note, are you guys still in touch? does he know the game's back? he was such a fun player to watch back then. made nature look so fun
  5. Thank you! will give it a go
  6. Hi, if anyone remembers - Bejingguy was a really cool nature player, he used werebeasts, living towers, spikeroots, primal defenders etc. any1 happens to know what his deck was? did he run no t3?
  7. yes, regular server. no idea why it wouldn't work
  8. the nomad thing sounds really cool. i'll try, thanks! if you could watch the replay Dallarian uploaded; i did many of the things you did there.would love insight
  9. The t1 was a mistake, I agree. Killing stormsingers with enforcers I don't find so easy - stormsingers are swift, and I only have one charge. plus, you always carry a war eagle with you that 2 shots the enforcer. The jugger play was a mix of tilt + I wanted it on the field because I knew my orb was gonna fall. Thanks for the tips
  10. Hi. I've been playing almost every element (besides shadows mix and pure shadow) in pvp and one matchup I couldn't work no matter how hard I tried is pure fire vs pure frost. I genuinely think this issue needs to be addressed. I wouldn't mind a hard matchup, as this is part of the game, but I honestly feel like this is hardly playable. As long as you don't get some massive t1 lead (map dependant - can't always scavy rush, and even if you do the frost player can defend it), on T2 you get destroyed in any point of the game. Defending is next to impossible because fire doesn't have building protect spells, so even if you kill the units a well probably will drop. frost has stormsinger + abillity, area ice shield, skyelf, cc (coldsnap) and homesoil and you have drakes. can't even play gladi for the skyelf cause they'll get destroyed by an eagle so you're force to spam drakes which doesn't work cause you can only cast ravage on one of them. Carrying Global warming (which is not effective AT ALL in any other matchup) is a bit dumb, cause it's only for frost matchups (and maybe fire frost). Rushing T3 doesn't fit fire playstyle mostly and it is not that effective since frost players can easily counter juggernaut stamepede, even if you manage to get one. Would love to get some insight, and/or suggestions. I couldn't think of anything, because pure frost isn't as strong as pure fire in PVP in general and nerfing frost is definietly not the right call.
  11. had the same thought yesterday. can be awesome
  12. Hi, does anyone play it? Would love to see an example of a deck. Thanks
  13. Chorba

    Replays center?

    Thanks guys. Is it possible to comment in that platform? Might've missed it
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