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Everything posted by Volin

  1. You are a responsible man, or? You would not dare to play with our hearts...or? πŸ™ On topic: Great news as always!
  2. Hello Skyladies, Skylords and other Skybeings, Over a year has passed since our successful bandit hunt, but unfortunately we have to ask for your help once again. It seems that some of the unopened gold chests have been taken away by some Stonekin scum, it is of utmost importance to secure them as quickly as possible. So What is the Task? It is almost like the bandit hunt – it was simple, it was fun – let’s do that once again: play rPvE/Battlegrounds 4player, Map of the Month, difficulty 9 only pure color decks are allowed every player has to play a different color open every gold chest on the map be as fast as possible (map completion) no legendary/neutral cards allowed this time your replay must be a victory How Can I Participate? The contest is running from now on until the 26.03.2023 - 23:59 CET You just have to send in your best replay, including the player names and the time, to @Volin either via PM or preferably via Discord (Volin#8101). Please name your Replay in the format: Mins_seconds_Player1_Player2_Player3_Player4.pmv (Example: "13_37_Ultralord_nukie_Kapo_Volin.pmv") If your team has a name for meme, or whatever reason, just let me know via PM. It is important that all members of the team agree! It is enough that one player of the group sends me the replay! How to find the replay on your PC Sounds Fun, What Are the Prizes? The prizes are per person, only your highest place will be rewarded: 1st Place: 8 general Boosters 2nd Place: 7 general Boosters 3rd Place: 6 general Boosters 4th-5th Place: 5 general Boosters 6th-10th Place: 3 general Boosters 11th-50%: 1 general Booster All remaining boosters from the ranking rewards will go to a random draw, those ranked below the top 50% will be entered into the draw first! Once every player below the top 50% has won a booster EVERY participant will be entered into a booster draw for any remaining boosters. @Bengel Sponsored 2.500 BFP. Those will be split into 5*500 BFP that will be drawn in the lower 50%. In addition I will reward any contest related meme that is send to me with an additional booster if we think it is good enough to share it in the stream! When Will The Winners Be Announced? The winners will be announced via a Twitch stream co-hosted by Ultralord and me! The stream will include at least the fastest three runs, quiz questions (with prizes!) and some interesting data from the event. Location: https://www.twitch.tv/ultralord_t1421 Date: 31.03.2023 19:00 CET Future Events If you are interested in helping with these kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself as I do it here, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Send @nukie, @Metagross31, or @Minashigo Hiko a PM on the forum, or direct message via Discord (nukie#9354, Metagross31#1103, Minashigo Hiko#1126). They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring towards your prize pool! We hope you have a lot of fun with this event and are looking forward to seeing all your replays! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. FAQ: - Can we also participate with a team of less then 4 players? -> Yes, of course you can, just stick to the rules as they are and you are fine!
  3. See it exactly the same! Fire lets you work together over the 4 starting positions and no other color comes close to that. Yeah Shadow rewards with early RB, what is a HUGE advantage if executed correctly, but that is rather a speedrunners topic imo. Even more as it helps vastly to know the map to utilize the Shadow start perfectly. Also I share your inventory on Nature starts, yes they can be helpful in very certain situations, but here you also have a big advantage to know the map in advance (and utilize that as a team). Plus this comes with the downside that either the Nature starter needs to be bombed through with the help of Fire players or is way slower in a scenario where time is pressing even if you are not speedrunning at all. Plus you have less firepower for the other 3 fire-starters. Just to mention that. That is the reason why all solid 10 players usually choose a Fire start for random matches. As soon as we are speaking about motm/speedrun things may change ofc. One more reason for fire starts: Even if you have 4 really good players, every few matches one of them will missplay slightly and need some help, there's so many things that can go wrong in a BG10 T1 phase. Happens to all of us. Here you need fire starters or the player that made a mistake is blown from the map. And just to stress this out once again: Of course any color is viable, even more in perfect teams. Kybaka for example plays sometimes an excellent frost start. Seen Treim starting with any colour or a group around Donaar and Gameover played 10s even with a pure frost setup over the whole team. That is totally possible, but for above reasons nothing that is ever suiting in a random group. Same goes by the way for the rest of the deck ^^ Yeah ofc you can play almost any faction (with small exceptions) in 4 player 10s. But it will lower your win-rate drastically as certain situations are not possible when not some quite meta decks are around.
  4. For sub 12 you can run buffed Batas, pure Fire or Bandit Decks with either 2/2 orbs or 3 shadow 1 fire, driven by BH and Emberstrikes. Even "classical" BH Decks should be very fine. Not sure about Banzais, they are super strong, but perhaps too slow, idk. If you want to do sub10 things get quite special. You need a team of very experienced players, good coordination and a suiting map. Then probably you want to have a certain mix of above or all going Bandit. 1-2 Players having Plauge may help, tons of spells, most early SoW and more. I share this perhaps, even if I perform SUUUUUUPER bad, this is a showcase of a sub10 run (quite at the beginning)
  5. Very good 10 random groups just skip any LS with air-T2 immediately. This is so out of line in balancing, that you only play this as motm if you have a sane mind πŸ˜„ That's how I was taught it by the master, and that is how I see it myself these daysπŸ™‚
  6. 1. Ofc it is doable with any color. But you should know it is a bit more complicated why fire is commonly asked for. 2. 10s are not casual content at all?
  7. Doing again a lot 10s lately. Yeah doing a lot of gate keeping - and sometimes you get some most pleasant groups, but it is crazy how many people I offend because I kick them. Still I hear often that they are driven by that boosters. And today I had a rank 20 who needed a longer explaination why wheels are a kinda super bad idea in 10s where everybody usually should play a better buff via spells. I know it probably is senseless to dig this out, but I need to share my feelings somewhere to keep my patience ingame. And ofc always even before the achievement there were a lot people comming that did not understand how big the step up from 9s to 10s is. But it is really crazy this days.
  8. Volin

    I cant loggin

    Perhaps just read the text there πŸ˜‰
  9. I'll open the party at 18:00 CET on my channel with a bigger opening (+100) and we will raid to Ultralord at 19:00 CET then
  10. Volin

    I cant loggin

    Perhaps just read the text there πŸ˜‰
  11. + while the layouts can be quite unfair in 1pl they time limit if very forgiving When I did my first 10s in open beta with Stonekin decks I often needed 30-40mins for that. This was a good challenge, enjoying and I learned a lot - but that was a complete different gameplay as my first 4player 10 I remember those, a group around Treim was looking for a Nature starter for their pos4 and he asked me to join for that. My job was just some heal support, not to touch T3 and waiting for Treim to bail me out. It was a blast when we finally hit T4, often with less then 5-6min left and all those guys started with their Batas and BHs. In the first matches I often thought "damn we can't win it anymore" but still won as their decks were fast enough to deal with it. 4pl and 1pl are so different that they are very hard to compare
  12. Just read on discord that pausing the forge ("K") may probably works as a workaround here to reduce lags
  13. Yeah sure, I get your point. Still you get mine also I guess. Btw don't get me wrong here, I'm a perfect example for overestimated ranks. I have rank19 and cry when I get most expert maps as quests ^^ My request if this should be tied to rank would be: Make it not visible before 15-17 then. Gold ranks are gotten pretty fast by just hanging around in the game.
  14. Said a few days ago on Discord: Seen more then one ember rank (what is that, 17?) that had not much clue about deckbuilding and spawn mechanichs while also played a few weeks ago with a sliver rank with perfect nomad micro, spawn trapping and other signs of deep understanding of game mechanics. My father always says: Not all older people are wise, some just get old. I had not much hope when creating this thread, even more as the lead designer had this topic on the table before this, and rejected. But the shoulder I cried out today told me to open up a discussion here
  15. As the title says. It just gets more and more nuts. No changes, just delete it. Please πŸ™
  16. I tab out very often, and have therefore often issues. But at least for me it helps just to tab out and in again when I see my hotkeys don't work. May that helps you too
  17. I agree with the most people from the discord discussion: If you played it in a team on standard you would have had no problems at all. You decide to go solo and expert for your first try, no point in blaming the game design or even the people from that discord conversation. In the time you were now complaining about this map you could have played it on all 3 difficulties
  18. Not even that. 3x the exact same icon with the exact same wording are per definition a duplicate. But who even cares.πŸ₯± As you say it is a redundant non-information and has nothing to do at all with knowing what the card does. If I have 1x, 2x, 3x or 4x the info to hover that a kill gives me 15% void return has no value on the information. I dare to say it is even the opposite, it is additional non-info that only may confuse. @WindHunter Can you clarify if this is really a intended design decision or has other reasons we may not see, as it seems to be no technical limitation?
  19. I personally have no issues, but I'm playing on quite a monster of PC currently. But I would say it is quite obvious there's something going on, too many reports of the same issue. I can even accept that it is currently not being fixed as the problem can't be identified yet. But I also read between the lines "problems must be from your end" and that is sad
  20. Not possible is just not possible, everybody can (or should) understand. As I said once to you, even "this is too much work" would be a good reason to reject a request. But saying 4 times the same icon (with the exact same information and text) is "not duplicate" is just ... 🀐
  21. They all show the same information, but are no duplicates... yeah sure ^^
  22. Just saying. This goes for all Shrines btw.
  23. Feel you. 2 or 4 yellow Inc Mo buffs but you can't see an Enlightenment or Shrine. Or one of the 3 Wheel buffs shown multiple times... Makes no sense to me either. If there is technical limitations, k then we have to deal with that, but if temporary buffs like Shrines and global buffs from spells would have priority, or could at least be shown next to one Wheel or Inc Mo buff that would be great QoL
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