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Everything posted by Volin

  1. Me and my 68 (?) promos would be seriously impressed. Anyway, good job, was fun to read through your journey!!
  2. You can block players? I feel that feature could be extended, tho it delivers at least what you are asking for
  3. Even more then unfair, it's confusing a little if there is such big diferences
  4. It has most likely nothing to do with MotK effects, or? Missing spawn presence around orb/well clusters is a thing that happens sometimes in rpve and also a thing we had often when testing new maps. Not sure if the map makers can do something about this 🤷‍♂️
  5. No need to build 5 Orb decks for me. Something you can cook in theory pretty easy, isn't it?
  6. I don't care too much about Amii nerf, but the above post shows why I think the new design is just terrible. A good deck builder plays aboves deck currently with an Amii Mon switch, not taking the 4th map orb. The amii change is a therefore a huge nerf to a good Comet Catcher/Sage deck. Now we can have 5 Orb..."decks". Yeay. But as Majora and WH already said, we can't have everyone agree on this topic anyway.
  7. That was confirmed on Discord, yes. I mean at least for some maps/modes thats kinda mandatory imo
  8. A contest description in a single sentence, how beautiful! Honestly, this is a true successor of the CCC concept - good job on this one!
  9. Asked years ago the same and still back this. That feel of running behind constantly must even be bigger now with map of the day I guess.
  10. Had this problem too in the past. Feel you and agree that a few more likes per day would be cool! As you say, why even a limit. But as life happenes in Discord and Forum is half dead anyway, probably not a big thing
  11. Was not sure, that's why I put it as question. But that is mainly my assumption, yes. But as I'm only concerned in card text, names and voice over - I'm 100% satisfied and leave this to you lore guys ^^
  12. Where is the german translation awful? Always played in English, but from what I've heard and seen from the German version (is it even translated?) it is absolutely outstanding!? 🤔
  13. Thanks for pointing out 😄 Was also confused and are glad now w-lan (or whatever) eat my post
  14. The difficulty of your dailies was tied to rank in the past, guess that didn't change
  15. Nah it never did that. You'll have to wait until months end
  16. May I assume it is your first rank 1, made during the month? Achievement will trigger at the END of the month, as the text says.
  17. In the upcoming patch (no exact date yet)
  18. Did you try Bloodhealing before? You can use it on Undead Army, a Revenant, an anyway dying unit, or whatever - it is one of the strongest heal spells of the game. Winter Witch also can offer great sustain, if you can manage the micro.. LSS green was also slightly buffed, as it can vacuum up revenants, but going that way can be a challenging way to play. Very important if you want to play pure LS, is that you bring crowd controls like Frenetic or(!) Freezes. Pure LS decks should be absolutely viable for any content around. But it can be a challenging deck to play with a TON of micro management options.
  19. A replay file saves the whole deck, wether cards are played, or not. So yes, he is able to see the played deck with a few klicks only
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