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Everything posted by SilenceKiller99

  1. 1492 (this is the 1494'th post in this thread... someone indeed missed some numbers, like @Azta said)
  2. I don't think it is strong tho... if you rely on that strategy and you get a bigger 1v1 pvp map, it will be more than likely that you have more than 2 or 3 well clusters to defend... if you place such a tower at every well cluster it is a lot of bound power that the attack can use to just focus 1 well cluster, right?
  3. Strong defensive card... but for PvP there is a rule: Going defensive is losing the game, right?
  4. Just stop... please... Have some more patience please. The game will be finished in the end, you just have to wait for it. And let me tell you this: it doesn't matter how much you cry on this forum, it does NOT speed up the progress....
  5. @Loptous I am not sure, but you might have a wrong version of the allcards.bfreborn.com site. If you hit 'reset all' in the top right corner your site will update to the newest version, by deleting your cookies, I thought. But care: all your decks that you might have built are gone then, so you might wanna save them first or something.
  6. screw you, you said the wrong number! 1472 no thanks, I would have lost already xD
  7. 1465 ( @MephistoRoss could you please delete the double post of forger, two numbers up?)
  8. If you want more videos to watch (untill you can play the game yourself), I recommend @Eirias his video's on the community channel. Also, as you watched them all, Farrock is a great youtuber and explains a lot of situations in his replay videos.
  9. well... there are a few thinks: first of all: your micro. if you micro your units good, half of the work is done. the other half would probably be your deck/strategy. So its important to know how to micro good and you can only do it good by practice. another thing is for maps to know where fire dancers can 'cliff dance'. This way you will not be surprised and overreact/underestimate it. it is also nice to know what are the strong parts en the weaknesses of certain decks, for example: pure fire has great M counters in T2, but also has a lot of M units in T2. Also practice to know what card to pull out when you try to counter something, so if you play pure fire and you see a night crawler, you immediately play a drake or enforcer to counter it (this is also situation dependent) and just to make sure: i'm not a pro either, so things might work better or worse for you...
  10. Just a must need... very OP... beats almost every other ogre soldier... charge is OP
  11. I was just thinking this: if you are attacking a well with some units, and you use this against a fire player... you will probably get rekt by a wildfire, as they do insane damage if you don't micro out of them
  12. Looks kinda strange for just a fight, as the enemy can flee and come back when its over... But could be really strong if you are focussing a well/orb. With U3 upgrade it has 40% damage reduction and 15 sec duration in total, so its sort of strong and definitely worth the 60 power if you use it on a few good siege units (like a group of burrowers or tremors or something). Might not be worth the deck slot though.
  13. I think it's a Northguard actually. If you look at the Northguard card you can also see the big shoulder defenders. I don't think this card is good in PvP, but I noticed that almost all twilight cards suck in PvP (maybe vileblood or deathglider are kinda okey). I saw the card Twilight Warfare, which took my attention, but this one isn't that good in my opinion.
  14. This would make every card interesting xD but I get the point, northguards have no real value to a good pvp frost deck
  15. A lot of health, low power cost, decent attack for a frost T1 card... actually never liked frost so much, but could it be compared to thugs (except no looting ability, but is 10 power cheaper instead)? On the other hand, maybe not so useful because frost already has master archers as S/S and frostmage as medium S counter
  16. yeah, you are probably right... they have a lot of other games to ruin xD
  17. I was just wondering... would there be an 'undercover EA guy' on this forum, just to monitor the process or something? How would they actually know when/why to stop the project if they wanted to?
  18. It's a really awesome site! Nice that you guys try to keep us up-to-date. A shame though, that it is not updated that much. Keep up the work!
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