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Beta Tester
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About Riviute

  • Birthday 12/18/1991

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    Battleforge Reborn, Stardew Valley, Stronghold Crusader I, Battleforge Reborn, Skyrim, Heroes of the Storm, Battleforge Reborn :D

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Devastator (12/34)



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  1. We were isolated from the world of Nyn. A nearly unbreakable wall has been raised to keep us away... A curse i laying on the world of Nyn and are not able to help. But then, a small bunch of skylords have gathered their powers and now summoning a mighty spell to tear down that wall. These skylords are calling themselves: The devs... They already created a small rift in the wall and a few chosen skylords are able to get down to the world and started with the cure of the twilight curse... Soon the whole wall will be shattered in pieces and we all can go back to our true homeland...

    Nyn, a beatiful world

    Skylords will be reborn!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Riviute


      thanks, i might not be possible to help with programming or stuff like that, but at least i can :hype:  for the game :) 

    3. Ultrakool
    4. anonyme0273
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