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About joaobds

  • Birthday 05/09/1995

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    Gaming and designing

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  1. it could be super nice if we could summon more than one legendary card in the forgelike rogan or viridia to test things, I remember I wanted to try some stuff and I could not do that back then

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. joaobds


      it could be used to prevent things in pvp caz both player can have the same card


    3. Ultrakool


      no, neutral cards were designed that way, so you have to think up strategies to combat this mechanic, and react accordingly if you suspect that your opponent has a neutral card*cough* brannoc *cough*

    4. joaobds


      that is why you whould be able to test branoc vs branoc in the forge and use some spells or unities to help


  2. it could be preaty awesome that instead of only having a jauggernaut picture when you win a game it would have alot of card that and it would be random so it dosen't feel that much repetetive

    1. Ladadoos


      Hmmm, if they have spare time later on I don't see a reason why not to add a few more pictures.

  3. a good think that should be changed is the fact that we are skylord and the profilepictures you could take a creatures, I think it could be nice to have diferent pictures of skylord instead of having pictures of creatures that should be poop when we look at a skylord ^^

    1. HomieGoHome


      so you mean custom pictures? 

    2. joaobds


      not custom pictures like we have in the forum but like having... idk ... 40 pictures of skylordthat do not exist yet and we chose ^^


  4. I think we sould be able to change our battle forge picture because when you start the game you take the most coolpicturethat you can find but when you know then game alot of times you notice that you ahd a picture of a shity creature and since you could not change you would feel shame because of the picture 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. joaobds


      yeah but for a profile picture I think you should be able to do it for free it's only a profile picture like dafak xD you need to pay to change your skype picture ? or facebook ? or even league of legend's summoner icon ?


    3. DragonOfTime


      You actually DO need to pay to change your LoL summoner icon if you want anything but the basic ones

    4. joaobds


      the classics and the event ones 

      but I think it could be nice to be able to change it whenever you want of make it paly but not that much

      or you could even make something like you pay (For example) 5 bfp to change your icon to a comun card, 10 for a uncomun, 20 for a rare, and 40 bfp for a ultra rare

  5. iI think the pvp rank sould be like this: after every single match other players sould vote about you'replay stily to say if you were a good of bad oponent and the rank would be created with the comunitty

    that could be dangerous caz of rager that would give bad opinion to good player but I think people should get responsable 


    1. Ladadoos


      I am not sure if the players are responsable enough to do so. Like you mentioned, rage might influence the outcome of their votings way too much. Perhaps this could work if you had to write a reasoning behind your voting, other than just having a "good or bad" vote system. Generally speaking though, if the player is indeed good, we will get + votes instead of -.

      It's basically just like the reputation system we have in the forums, but in-game.

    2. joaobds


      about the rager I am thinking of a way to don't get so raped in pvp so you don't rage 

      and I think it would be extremely anoying to coment what you think about the player you were fighting 2 min ago every 15/20 min


    3. Ladadoos


      Yeah, ok... It could get annoying...

      How will you make them not lose ? It's up to the players skill to decide if someone gets wrecked or not. 

  6. will we be able to share acconts that are alowed to be in the tech-alfa or we should not do that with our friends ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. joaobds


      yeah that is true ^^ xD tomuch hype in my blood xD sorry


    3. InsaneHawk


      We will know that :) Just as an advice, don't share your account for the Tech-Alpha

    4. joaobds


      I don't even think I'll be on the tech-alfa xD Im not that present on the forum I almost don't read nothing about other players I jsut share my ideas here ^^' but even If I would be in the tech-alfa I would not share it xD unfortunatly I don't trust no one xD


  7. I think it could be fair to give a reward to extremely active players and to reward them, bf could make a sistem that if someone would do at least 1 quest per day at the end of the week they would have a little bit more bfp or have a boster for free ^^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. joaobds
    3. Ladadoos


      Well, to be honest, there is. But it would mean removing important features of the game...

    4. joaobds


      and what you said it could create problems when you make a lan party at your house or something like that so I think it's good to keep how it was


  8. I don't think if is fair to be able to get things faster jsut because you have money, like heartstone, I like that game but since I dont' pay to win it's realy hard for me to get card and unlock naxx and those things
  9. yeah but alot of pleople leaved batle forge because it was a pay to win, now that it will be free I think we'll have much more people and I also think we sould all shave with every player we know this game ^^
  10. the problem of pvp was that it wasen't balanced, I was extremely bad in pvp and I wasvs extremely strong people... I could have a deck lvl 30 or 40 and be vs a 113 lvl deck and a guy with alot of experience and it was extremely anoying
  11. for the daily even to earn bfp I think it sould be 2 quests per day one pvp and one pve the pvp would be like win in X time or with a certain color deck or both. for the pve it could be somethinglike playing a certain map with a preselected element, or to win with a deck that dosen't have any spell or building.

    1. Ladadoos


      The quests should remain easy to complete so that new players are able to beat them as well. It's the players responsibility to make it harder or easier on themselves to complete certain quests by setting restrictions. First, what does a "certain color deck"  mean ? Is it a pure deck ? What about multiple color orb cards? Furthermore, a lot of new/poor players would be faced with the fact that they don't own a lot of cards and therefore don't have a "certain color deck". This means that they aren't able to complete the quests which ultimately leaves the player with frustration, following with a quit of the game.

    2. joaobds


      then it could be fun to have multiple quest so the new player can make quest and people that have more card and experience could make 2 quests per day, with that you'llbe able to make your decks start with comun cards and you'll upgrade them as stronger you are soyou can becore stronger and stronger because some cards are extemely expensive and with so when your deck or decks have a certain power with comun and rare cards you'll be able to buy ultra rare card one by one. with that you won't have a deck with comun cards and only one ultra rare. no ?


  12. what if someone creates a android app so we can check all the card existing and then be able to create deck on your phone ifyou ain't home, like create a list with all cards and people can use it to check some cards powers (for new players) and oldplayer will be able to think about a deck when they'll be waiting for the bus or the train por example

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