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Everything posted by jess13

  1. jess13


    Is there another way to donate?
  2. antivirus is disabled I looked for a print of forum member in his folder had a file called server in my there is no downloading again by MEGA
  3. still says checkin, nothing came up just checking, I rebooted again does not appear 3/22
  4. 5 hours later and no ply button appeared
  5. just wanted to leave my thanks to friends who have posted videos on youtube so we can enjoy the progress of the game stays that way
    1. anonyme0273


      I suggest you tune up for a livestream, where your questions can be anwsered and you can enjoy the Forge live! :)

    2. Ultrakool


      Definitely tune in. We've put a lot of work into setting up for twitch to make it fun and exciting! If that doesn't work, there is always YouTube videos which you can watch the next day and share with your friends!

    3. jess13


      I already tried to see but not to get for that I thank for putting in the youtube

  6. I ask everyone that I'm sorry I'm not fluent in English but try to translate the maximum is something that you guys do not understand apologize

  7. which size of the current game the previous era 5gb

    1. LagOps


      the alpha client has 1.8 gb (download size!), but i guess that's without hd textures. you can run it using the reborn launcher with the old client/game files as far as i can tell, so the size will be roughly the same. my bf folder with hd textures and map editor has 11 gb.

    2. jess13
  8. would like to make a donation algeum know how I can do

    1. veryhasted


      Donations are currently closed. Will be back up later when they've established the company.

    2. jess13


      hank you my friend

      thank you my friend

    3. veryhasted
  9. let's see if our selected friends do not give a set sample post a video of gameplay parabens to selected


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