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Posts posted by Amergo

  1. 2 hours ago, IDonZalog said:

    I'm not doing so well. Always crashes in the game. Some people even have decks 75 updatet. How do they do that?
     I hope if the game works for everyone all updates will be deleted and everyone starts from new. That's just fair...

     well i guess it has much to do with the time you log in and try to play ^^ i have 420 i guess it is now unique cards in my collection too :D but i try like every 2 hours to play and play since start nothing else anymore :D and when i´m right then before or after the open beta all progresss will be reset :D


  2. Status update from my side


    Login : Ok got sometimes Lost connection but the too many user problem is mostly done

    Forge : Works good cards get summoned and reset works good too

    Upgrades : Common uncommon and rares works perfectly super rares i didn´t test cause i haven´t the rank

    Boosters : Works perfect 0/10 crashes while open

    Quests : Works perfect I´m on Quest 61

    Auctionhouse : Works good  Cards get no longer eaten  just sometimes crashes while open the auctionhouse

    Connection : depends on time sometimes i can be online an hour + and sometimes i get every 5 minutes crashes  that depends hard on times and users on the server

    Chests : Work fine no crashes while opening

    Missions /Campain : in loadings screen is the Mission text mission . Sometimes it Freezes while loading screen  or ingame and sometimes the card upgrades that you should get ...wel how do i say it ...they get lost? they just disappear and even after relog you don´t get the upgrade

    RPvE : Still sometimes a problem to create Lobbys with an error . ingame it works but on Diffi 8/9 it sometimes switches the diffi to 9/10  what can be seen on the energy and time limit

    Lobby : The Lobby works good but there is still a bug  that more people can join that it should be and so a ghost lobby comes

    Group: Group are still pretty buggy you get crashes when you leave group . you  get bugs like (you are not the leader of this group ) and as i alrdy mentioned the Ghost group

    PvP : works fine. Sometime it still crash in Loading Screen but its still fine

     I guess that should be everything i tested in this time :D hope it helps


  3. 7 hours ago, mtolderlund said:

    Real money wouldn't break the market. But likely the deal they made with EA is that they can't sell bfp.

    Also there is no breaking the market - there is just changing the basic settings, which means the market may become more or less volatile. And currently it is actually rather volatile due to several factors - one is the amount of cards flooding in to the market with every player getting esentially what was once work 20 € per day (1 booster and 150-225 bfp). Currently my perception is that more bfp flood into the market than does cards which give rising prices.


    On top of that you have the low amount of gold people have to put ultra rare stuff on AH and do a lot of trading. When servers become stable you may see a whole different market because people have access to more gold. This means that currently fewer cards are available on AH - and that individual people trading can make a bigger impact on individual card prices.

    Also I suggest not being demeaning to other people by laughing at them. Especially when your point is not based on economic observations but personal preference.

    Guess you got me wrong the market alrdy changed i spend don´t know how many hundred of bfp to buy out whole cards and sell them cheaper  to get the start days away if you remeber the first 4 days everyone just tradet cause everything in Ah costs 100 bfp + even the cards that were normaly 3 bfp worth and OFC i made not solo the auction house viable again but as someone who can see the prices of Ah Daily like me i can say that cards like construct thats worth (110-150 ) or Bloodhorn whos worth (180-300) this prices would drop so hard down cause construct is an uncommon card and bloodhorn only a rare and the ultra rares would no profit either and cause everybody has then every card most don´t wanna play anymore or play 1-3 month and then its boring for them the most games got more negative with real money  that can have influence in the acutall game (and i don´t talk about skins or pets or mounts like in other games ) But we don´t have like 300k people we just have maybe 2k active ? thats my wild guess here but with such a few amount of people money would break the market ^^


    and i don´t laugh at him i just find it funny that such an idea was even in his mind before think twice over it i mean i can understand people who have not that much time ^^ but thats never an option


  4. 3 hours ago, BadDecision said:

    maybe theyre non profit organisation but real money keeps the AH stable and gives ingame currency value. and i would really love to pay some money for these guys.

    its win win for both

    never laught more bro

    I ´m  an auctioneer and i can tell you without the real money the marketplace is alrdy stable enough   you get 150 bfp per day + an booster for 15 min play what can be 100-1k bfp on top of that and you wanna pay to ,,keep the balance in auction house? " you know by yourself  that it make no sense or ? would it come to an pay for bfp the market would unbalance af and you know why? cause some could buy 100 booster packs get some cards 40 times that would be normaly worth 50 bfp but cause its been so common it is only worth 3 bfp now THAT WOULD HAPPEN  what you ask here is to break the market just that you can push money into it cause you don´t wanna play active you wanna everything at the start :)




  5. Fast status update from my side

    Login works ok some times you land in dc but not as many as in the start

    Forge works good creatures get summoned and card managment too

    Upgrades Commons and Uncommons are no problem but in rares and super rares you can´t buy the upgrades

    deck edit /deck build works fine only crashed 1 out of 5 times

    Marketplace works good doesn´t skip sites anymore when you click next twice and cards don´t get eaten anymore

    Games works unstable mostly in late hours in germany

    Lobbys works well doesn´t crash that often any more

    Loadings screen freezes still happens often

    Freezes while ingame happens mostly  on rpve Solo and Rpve 4 players

    Chest opens without problems or crashes

    Quests Work fine

    Hope that helps


    ecillio, Ultrakool and MarcinEU like this
  6. I would Buff

    Rogan Kayle  cause his passive is good but not good enough to get him a spot  bring his passive to 30 instead of 25 % would make him viable and help some decks get nice and clean t2 ,t3 and even in t4 his buff would help


    Treefiend cause Thornbark costs 120 and is even stronger the costs for Treefiend should get down to 110 from 150 he is maybe i viable defender with his passive but still costs way to much for his stats


    Tortugun i would buff that he don´t loose that fast hunger cause he is maybe a hard hitter but his constant feed make it hard to play him on long maps even worse then a construct  .


    Lost Evocation should get down to 120  cause the summon demon give a good buff but costs way to many  for a t4 spell that only summon 1 demon


    Satanael  Should get a HP buff from 2700 to 3000 cause he is a 3 full orb XL monster for 220  so that it can challenge the other t3 monsters also his Ability should only cost 70 instead of 100 for 3 snapjaws at max upgrade should it be ok cause they have not such an high impact


    Stormsinger from 60 to 75 energy cause she can be so hard abused in PvP


    Aggressor should remove the ability to knock back large enemys he should as a t2 unit only knock back medium and small units otherwhise he will be more abused in pvp


    that are the ones i have in mind right now



  7. 21 minutes ago, MrXLink said:

    Alright, if you want to take this publicly, here you go. You were reset for having used up to 14 alternate accounts. That's punishable by our rules and terms of service (ToS), and therefore you have been reset. If it does happen again, your access may be permanently denied as per rule 3.1, our ToS and the orange announcement above every page on this website.

    This or worse is sadly the action we have to take if someone multiaccounts to shield our game environment and reward systems from abuse. 

     14? you´re joking or xD how many free time can a person have


  8. Yeah but we talk here about a Giant Work new cards would mean that the devs need a  good graphic designer who can draw in a similar style like the original and don´t forget the bugs the card could have on it  pure decks can be pretty worth i mean you can maybe not shine in t4 but in t2 the harvester burn down everyone and in t3 the avatar of frost is unkillable with the shield  pure decks have their on charm and this is not the play it on t4 units nature has in t3 so many Xl viable units like the worm or the Warder i give you an example


    Fire : Juggernaut , Spitfire T4 add then Thunder wagon , Moloch , Batariel and Fire dragon

    Frost  Avatar of Frost,Core Dredge,Northland Drake  T4 add then Ironclad,Dreadnought ,Battle ship ,Construct

    Shadow  Harvester, Wrathgazer,Satanael and here the spell Soulshatter and in T4 you get then overlord ,Grim bahir the shadow worm even if it is not that viable , Death Ray and most important you can use the spell Second chance what is like a global lost souls spell in right time casting

    Nature : Nature has with Linked Fire a special defense abillity with cards like razor leaf and thornbark   but also ... well i would say its the most op card ? Enlightenment the card that gives you access to everything  but besides that you can play in t3  : Abyssal warder Wheel of gifts (what helps your whole team)  ,deepcoil Worm  and then in T4 you have acces  to mind controll what can be pretty cool and cards like colossus and forrest elder

    And don´t forget the Neutral cards  like  : Mo ,Brannoc  and Jorne

    so as you can see Pure decks can be pretty busted cause they have access to the full orb cards  i would rather call that IF and i rly say only IF  we get someday new cards it should be a whole new fraction with it own Strengh so that IF we get new cards we can balance it out ( a good start example would be Amii Phantom btw Nature/Shadow )

  9. Well you call Banditos trash but can you tell me a better melee unit counter   cause the spearmen are M counters with even weaker abillity and and higher cost for a 60 cost filler for t2 are banditos optimal cause the sorceress is the S counter  ranged ( 50 ) the banditos the S counter melee ( 60)  Commandos M counter  ranged (80) and Windhunter the L counter Flying (120 ) in combination with lava Field (120 spell ) ,furnance of flesh ( energy building 75 ) and  Rioters Retreat  in Green ( heal / Tower 80 ) you have a solid t2 that can even challenge the t3  and gains a lot of energy for later tiers  so i wouldn´t call them trash in bandit decks at all^^

  10. Slaver i play myself and i can only say he seems maybe not that impactfull but in certain situations you´re pretty happy to have him just mention here the twilight enemys but i can see you´re point that he is overall maybe not that usefull as a deathglider


    Banditos were back in the days like in every deck  cause they  are a good backupline yeah S troups are not that great but they are more kind of a backline for the commandos i play them too but i play the blue ones to go against many enemys with few troups  not that impactfull like the green ones but still worth it thats i would not agree with the 50 when buffing i would prefer buff the hp a bit or only 5 power less otherwise i can see them roll over everything when fully upgrade


    The Fireworm is a 2 fire orb req Card instead of 3 like the drake or 4 like bata and is only for that usefull like in twilight decks or bandits were it fits in cause of the pretty insane weak t4 ( i mean nothing against bloodhorn but tortu is a point by it self with it hunger )  of its not like them but only cause you can´t relate them ^^ drake and bata are just for pure fire decks made while the worm just is made for misc decks


    The Battleship well yes i talk about the same card I put 1 battle ship against each other  ships / Buildings / many enemys and  against the ships is battleship the strongest against many enemys too cause its abillity bursts ground units like shit  only i would say is that it lost horrible against the LSS  in Buildings with enemys cause its knock back can fast clear enemys without take hard dmg ^^ back in the day the battleship was even the point to make the ,, You´re to slow " deck what can defends against everything with WBC ,construct , skyelfs and battleship in it  i Would agree that it could take a buff but only that it goes from 300  to  260 cause it can be related with dreadnought who is with 240 and base stats way more powerfull  ^^


  11. i won´t dissapoint you but you underestimate some cards


    Stiker : Yes the striker is price heavy but you don´t take him cause swift you take him cause the high energy production called looter in combination with the carge (what makes them better then the thugs) they were a top tier class card back in the day and ofter seen with firesworn and eruption as mass energy production unit for t1 -t2  so if you would let them cost less energy the looter ability would be insane good


    Slaver : The slaver you don´t take for stats or cause he is an L counter you take him cause he is a living bomb with clear function in combination with brute he can be srsly trouble for enemys and can take on L on fights were brutes loose it  Solid unit would not change it at all cause ability and combination point


    Banditos : you say that they are a t1 unit but did you rly read the abillity of Banditos? they are insane when its going to dmg and buffs  and in combination with corsair the Green one can very fast use his bonus  would you now put him on 50 cost like you said you could spawn instant his bonus what would make this cards pretty broken cause  they get the bonus with ANY other unit so they can have like 2-3 shield units  like spearmen in front and rush down then 60 is a good way to get not instant all out so you have to watch you´re energy balance


    Twilight Hag : you know that this is a mage or? she can knock back small and medium units  so her Hp buff would her make annoying af ... you play a Hag only with a creeper in front that the hag can throw the enemys while the creeper infects them and get them in meelee  don´t see why you would rly buff her cause she would throw then enemys like dolls always arround when you got 2-3 of them with a cost of 75 its pretty ok  and femme fatale can save her too in some situations

    Fire Worm : this worm is Sick Af you take him cause he : First deal 2k dmg when he spawns  Second have and Building Wrecking abillity that even hits the units too and a solid 210 cost  for it the worm is not supposed to clear solo everything he is a support unit that fast clear the spawn camps and helps then get down the enemys your buff would break his balance and all people would rush the worm cause he could  easy outstand then



    Battleship /ravenheart  : both of them are pretty slow but did you try them out by yourslef? battleship is an fkn monster what dmg goes it even destroys solo hands a ravenheart without  loosing half of his life  his main cannon smash down most buildings with 1 or 2 shots  and you wanna dmg buff it? i guess only construct does more dmg on this range and you can even fly while shoot what is an unic abbility when you now combinate both of them you have a pretty deadly backline that can stand on river or mountains and shoot easy the enemy away while is in safe zones  like corsair and lost ship its pretty busted cause it have this abbillity to shoot while moving



    Well this are the ones i criticize  :D the rest i would be ok or seems legit the hurler maybe is ok too but the rest i would aggree with you


  12. 4 hours ago, DrPsy said:

    well i tested for a week and my progress is: played succesfull the tutorial map and the first single player map on the first 2 days...

    the second single player map i tried for 5 days and trying different times at day and with respect to the 1 minute waiting before a new login attempt several times a day but only managed to login 2 times to try the map and got a game freeze both. I would love to test and find out the cause of the freeze but if you can't login to test you can't try to test the reason for freeze and can't help... but the server is full = meaning many players trying to test and that is good for the devs (not for me now but good for the future me that get the progress of the others that test and find bugs for devs and in the long run me). Would be happy for bigger server though ^^ (but the devs working and having server online from their own ressource i shouldn't get greedy to demand too much XD ) 

    and than i read the progress others have and think... maybe just my luck. No matter thanks devs for making it possible to play the tutorial and first mission, hearing the sound of the game ingame again after all those years and thanks, really. Keep up the good work. I have confidence you make this game playable again :) I will try my best to login and be of help if ever possible :)

    btw just a thougt: Maybe the games freeze because the server are full and can't handle any more... setting a lower limit on player that can be online and test if the game freezes reduce? Or try seperate login and game server if possible if not already done. You probably did this already but if not even a stupid advice may help (even if the it reduces my own chance to get online but hey need to think for the greater good) :)

    someday you willl sure play too just keep trying


  13. 44 minutes ago, Junero said:

    The game is out for a week. I did not have trouble connecting to the server usually, except when servers were full, however I played 6 games in that time, and i know that this is much for some players, which did not even have the possibility to connect yet, however I saw already people with level 70 decks and higher. The grind is way to hard already in my opinion as well as the apparent effort to balance a free market... Cause that's what it is... a FREE market even though there is BFP generation to some extent. Regulating the market is as hopeless at this point as it is to grind so hard, like there is no tomorrow. I know you will not change your mind @Amergo because I am pretty sure, you will not change your ''play style'', however you entitle yourself to think you do the ''right'' thing. There is certainly nothing right or wrong about your ''play style'', you do you, but thinking you are helping the community by changing some prices in the AH seems far fetched. Balance is a crucial thing surly... But I was involved in so many projects like this one here, and from my experience, balancing is just a waste of important time at this point.

    don´t know were i should start  besides the point that you clearly don´t see my intention or what i´m doing  you´re calling people grinder cause lvl 70 decks? you can ALL upgrades buy for gold easy 50k so liike 3-5 lvl 9 bg and you have enough gold for a lvl 70 deck :'D deck rang calls nothing about the deck itself i would more say it sader that some players go on this on bg 6 etc and say ,,no you can´t play with us cause youre deck lvl 0 or 1 "  in my perspective and i played now let me think at least 10 times the first mission i guess and a few mission i would say 25  % of the missions and 6-10 Bgs and I must say the biggest  problem are some players who are kicking out new players or kick out players with no perfect decks

    besides that there are just the typical problems like freezing in loading screen , 3 fps play , instant leaver  or problems to create missions i would say that the market works ok (sometimes it eats cards and you need to relog ) and the forge works ok


  14. 1 hour ago, Junero said:

    The state the game currently is in, is not called for any trivial reason ''stress test''. In stress tests, bugs, server stability, play-ability and other technical issues are trying to be discovered. Trying to justify the behaviour of those so called ''auctioneers'' at this state of the development of the game is pretty irrational. It is a stress test and still in development. There might be new players here, who never played the game, however if ''auctioneers'' block the spots for these people, they will not be able to play anyways and make mistakes, buying overpriced cards at all, defeating the purpose of the actions. And I am sorry, but how do you know the price of let's say a common card in Skylords reborn, just because in Battleforge the cards were a certain price. The shell of the game might be the same, but not the internal values. Correct me if I am wrong but there is no intention at all to make the game as close as possible to BF again, especially when it comes to economy. But this is redundant anyways right now, if it is not obvious enough.

    Well you get the information, which person bought the card, and you know what you could do... Inform the devs about the behaviour of such people and maybe there will be a friendly reminder for these people.

     so you wanna say when 20-30 people max ( i know with my self only 5 others) auctioneering that this will let in a 300 person server not everyone In? so thats with the other 270 people then ? :D you wanna tell me 270 people play all time? cause i say alone 6 sites in the forge chilling and how i know about the prices is simple cards like coldsnap ,nomade , decomposer, lost launcher even tremor are way to high at costs at the start and i play every day so I CAN TELL i was on the first day it comes open in alrdy write on a letter the cards with prices at this time and sit in ts3 with my 5 buddys and talk about prices and how vallue a card could be in pvp and pve and what prices they should have lets take coldsnap here as an example 

    Coldsnap was at the start complete sold out  then gone to 5k then 2k and now laying on 200-600 bfp but thats WAY to high and you wanna know why? cause its a key card  even if it is just an uncommon it can´t be that a coldsnap could challenge a ironclad at price ofc it is ,,just a stress test" but what stress test would it be when all players allways  log out and don´t stress the server and yes you and all other use market maybe too but i sit at the evening here in germany so 3-6 am and look at the prices and how hard it changed :D cause it makes me fun and i like the thought that someday every card has a resonable price for it  :) so ofc you can judge me and my friend for ,,stealing spots" but we play on our way  and thats for new players  and for the fun of doing something for the whole server that helps everyone  and at the end you write i could come to the devs but lets be honest they do alrdy enough :D so I do my best too to get prices everyone can get


  15. 19 minutes ago, Nibylg said:

    I think you are wrong. There is no need for this type of work you are doing on a stress-test where everyone will be reset to zero when the actual OBT arrives anyways. Right now people dont want to play for the win or collection. How does the hell you need BALANCED MARKET more then an ability to actually play???

    actually it will be after the open beta the reset so  it is alrdy obvious that the stress test will run right into the open beta so that they don´t need to shut down the server again and there is an acutall need you were on the first days ? 5-6k were there the normal prices  i was in the original game an auctioneer to only with spending 10 bucks i got the whole collection and  still had enough to get players throught it who hadn´t all the money for the cards  ofc nobody ask me to do it but somewere is a guy who is rly thankfull that his card like juggernaut no longer is 3k instead it is 400-500 bfp what´s worth cause it is 3 days of dailys maybe 4 if the marked is ungratefulll  and yea i like more to balance the marked ofc i could build me the rest decks (nature ,shadow ,frost and fire pure ) but instead i help out i don´t expect that everyone be thankfull  but you shouldn´t be mad about people who spend their time on get the game AND market playable


    and  Jew

    you wanna say we should in stress tests all log out and don´t help expend the server on perm work ? you see the misstake in your words or I know that some may never played yet but i know also how hard it can be to start and only thing you can get are the pretty bad standart cards i mean when you´re in you should know what standart is only good t4 would be drake what alrdy means that the player NEED to play nature that i don´t like so i worked on it get it good 75% of the active players should at least did alrdy the first missions the rest has crashes or just don´t understand the download when we take this now and see that 25% of the players would be thrown in a game were the prices would be complete wild and a jugger would cost 1 day 600 1 day 2000  then he would instant rage about the devs that HE doesn´t can play early . You want this? i don´t want this cause we are not that many  max 30k  so jew ofc its a stress test but what if as i said in top the stress test slide in open beta so that all prices all cards still remain and only AFTER open beta  they reset ? i can tell you what would happen. A lot and i mean A LOT of new players would thrown in a game were prices would be insane and games woulld be on touches like ,, your deck is to bad to play with us a battleground " result of that can´t make the quest . Result of THAT get mad about unfair devs and players on the way I and a few friends does it the newbies get a way to quick join in the game even when they just can finisih 1 deck by time .BUT thats not that easy cause some idiots still put frost avatars for 2k in and buy ours out  that makes it not easy to help ya know what i mean


    So don´t give the auctioneer the fault when you wanna judge someone than the people who standing in forge afk and fight  their own monsters instead of playing or auctioning than THIS are i would guess 35 -45 % of the active players


  16. Hmmm i Guess now i must come to a word again

    1 hour ago, Jew said:

    So true.

    I've been fortunate to be able to login the past 2 days. I get in play a couple of missions that I like, complete some quests, collect the rewards and leave so someone else takes my server slot.
    Then there's those brothers thinking like they're the wolf of wall street. If they could keep their progress it would make sense but since the accounts will eventually be restarted it's just annoying.


    1 hour ago, Nibylg said:

    OK this is actually outrageous. Do a restart of the server. People got in first AND NEVER LOG OUT. THEY DONT PLAY, JUST SIT IN GAME. Restart the server so ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PLAY RIGHT NOW WILL HAVE a freaking CHANCE to log in. Is this hard to do????

    you both have no idea what we auctioneers do for the market balance ...  I spend yesterday like 800 bfp in 3 bfp cards and 700 bfp in cards who are worth 10-20 bfp but was only in for 50-80 bfp I sit in forge cause I want that new players can buy cards and don´t need to get mad about it that they get kicked out of every group cause they got no good cards or do you prefer a 2 k shaman and a 1,5k coldsnap ? don´t give the fault the auctioneers at least not the ones like me who are working all the time when they get in on only 2 things 1 :do dailys  and 2 : spend the earn bfp and cards on the Auctionhouse to get for everyone a good experience and before you say you don´t need to do this ... yes i do  ofc i alrdy have my 4 budged decks (Twilight,bandits,stonekin and losts) and they were expensive   but now i try to spend my bfp on the market even for cards i don´t need  and you wanna know why? cause somewere between allll this auctions be little johnny and little johnny just started today caue he all times crashed the last days but only got cards in his first packs that don´t fit and just be 20-50 bfp worth ofc can little johnny not instant buy a juggernaut but he at least can buy a Hag or a Treefiend he could buy knight of chaos or a lost dragon  so don´t get mad about the 10-30 auctioneers who rly does balance the market and try to enjoy it by yourself ohh and btw i don´t come this often in either since 2 days and i still can do both cause when i come in i try to get as fast as i can all missions clear ( i do the first solo mission like 20 times ) or  whatever the quests want from me and still do after not mission progress that i can get further in maps no i sit in auctionhouse and bid sell and buy :) thx for reading have a nice game 


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