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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Aazrl

  1. Construct promo was exclusive for USA, and Drake promo for Europe.
  2. construct should be on the same spot as drake. Both of them were given for preordering.
  3. In the original game, there was 0% chance to get a promo card from booster, so let's hope that will not happened :)
  4. And it will come to a moment, where main pvp cards will be nerfed, because they were the strongest cards on PvE. Would you like to play fire and get nerfed few important fire cards because they were quite strong in PvE? Or would you rather have a possibility to say that it will not be cool for PvP players?
  5. [quote='ndclub' pid='2063' dateline='1435259380'] [quote='Aazrl' pid='2060' dateline='1435258954'] I guess that target audience are both PvP and PvE players. For some players it is actually fun to beat a map as fast as possible. If you don't care about PvE players and nerf cards because they are too strong in PvP, PvE players will actually leave the game and will never try PvP. This system will impact less amount of players, what may result shutting down the server. [/quote] You think adding 5 minutes (an extreme example) to a map run will cause PVE players to quit? I think this hypothetical person would have quickly found another reason to quit if their needs are so specific. They can still have fun beating the map as fast as possible. Unless a massive change happens to cause a mission to take a ridiculous amount of time, (which wont happen) I still need more convincing. [/quote] No, I mean that ignoring PvE players in balance thread will cause them to leave the game. Noone likes to be ignored. Sure, I understand that some cards might be really strong in PvP, but if anyone wants to nerf them, he should ask both PvP and PvE community.
  6. I guess that target audience are both PvP and PvE players. For some players it is actually fun to beat a map as fast as possible. If you don't care about PvE players and nerf cards because they are too strong in PvP, PvE players will actually leave the game and will never try PvP. This system will impact less amount of players, what may result shutting down the server.
  7. That's why I enjoy buffing over nerfing. If you buff A card, the B card will not be removed completly from the game and there will be option to play A card over B card. If you nerf A card, A card will not longer be useful anywhere.
  8. Would you like to get nerfed Hurricane, because it was too strong at certain PvE map?
  9. Not really, since he was free, as far as i remember :D The same as Lord Cyrian. Since we are talking about promo cards, I was never able to use Santa Claus skills :
  10. Aazrl

    Speedrun links

    I love community challenges :)
  11. I was mainly nature/frost player, so i really don't know much about fire/shadow combination :
  12. Well I guess that in PvP everything was playable :)
  13. As far as I remember it was a bit cheaper. I had 4 Enlightments, while I could not afford on promo swamp drake.
  14. There was no version of promo Enlightment :) [hr] For the beginning Promos you had Lyrish Knight, Construct, Firedancer, Juggernaut, Swamp Drake, Razorleaf, Harvester, Fallen Skyelf.
  15. Nerfing a card forces me to play another card. Buffing a card gives me a possibility to try other card, but my card is still as playable as earlier. That's why I feel that buffing cards is better option, but require much more work.
  16. I haven't seen a single game, where bad cards were being buffed :) It was always easier for devs to nerf something, instead of thinking about a nice buffs.
  17. Damn, I was doing whole AH process bad. I was trading mountaineers and Overlords, instead of uncommon for 5-15bfp :
  18. I didn't mean that boosters or free BFP is going to be restricted to PvP, I mean that tournaments rewards might be restricted to PvP, so PvE players will have to use Auction House or buy boosters to get promos.
  19. Yup they should remain rare. But also they should not be restricted only for PvP players I used to play PvP only after collecting all cards to dream pvp deck, so I will not try pvp for a long time i guess and I would love to have a chance to get promo cards outside AH/boosters(which I will buy ofc, to get this promo swamp drake )
  20. or community challenges. Not every player want to play PvP PvE players should also get a chance to collect all promos.
  21. Hello everyone! I'm Aazrl and I live in Poland. I have started playing Battleforge a few days after release (unfortunatly I didn't play in beta). I was able to complete almost all maps on expert difficulty. I still remember Bad Harvest at expert.... this map is a pain.... Except games, I work as Software Quality Assurance, what means that I am a Game Tester I hope that we will be able play all campain matches once again, when the server will be launched
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