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Everything posted by Lavos2018

  1. my mistake, i thought you were both female, i guess i was hearing your voice on youtube and somehow assumed it was Fiki, well ill try and make sure to remember that my apologies
  2. when i see Fiki i keep mistaking her for Kiwi and vice-versa, i blame the youtube channel!
  3. your not the only one, this is pretty much happening to everyone
  4. yeah ive noticed i can complete Encounters with Twilight Standard for the daily booster alot more consistently the last couple days, rPVE and multiplayer PVE still seems to be an issue but at least singleplayer PVE seems to be way smoother now, its still not perfect but im not complaining, its way better than a week ago keep up the good work devs and know that most of us arent sitting here complaining on the forums!
  5. i personally use Malwarebytes (free version) its not near as aggressive as AVG Free, used to use AVG way back but it was causing that exact same issue with another online game by quarantining a file used by GameGuard (the game security that was the Denuvo of its time) and thus breaking the entire installation of the game because GameGuard couldnt run and if it didnt run the game couldnt launch either
  6. the original game likely wont work so you should probably download the new one from the links
  7. ok sounds good, i happen to have a few XL units extra with some nice booster luck, even got some tier-4 fortress-class tower buildings (Bandit Artillery and Howling Shrine shadow affinity) along with Tortugun (frost), Abyssal Warder (fire) and Spore Launcher so it sounds like ASSUMING i can get on long enough to play i should be able to beat it, thanks for the reply, i couldnt remember
  8. im aware due to the disconnect issues i was unlucky enough to be one of the ones facing i may never get to complete this daily quest until the servers get more stable with eventual fixes but i STILL want to know because its been so dang long since i played battleforge: the daily quest is to complete 2 rPVE at dififculty level 6 or higher, im aware Random PVE is not always consistent because it depends on the map generated AND the enemy faction(s) as some are more difficult to face than others due to the kind of units they throw at you, that said, what would rPVE lvl 6 be best described as? what could be said on a general level about its difficulty?
  9. you need to go download it then, its in the same post as the game download is, the open stress test post
  10. i came late to the stress test, still trying to start and actually finish Encounters with Twilight on Standard but the 2 times i actually got in and played i disconnected before i could finish it, and im not complaining, sure its frustrating but this IS a stress test so things like this are likely going to be quite prevalent at least for the time being keep up the good work devs and it feels good to even just be back in the forge messing around the sandbox after so many years!
  11. was wondering why i kept crashing on basic UI menus...ok 10-15 sec, got it!
  12. i see nobody took the obvious bet...December 31st 2018!
  13. i mean to be fair, alot of us are frustrated by the long waiting period, but we also understand why it has to be this way so we dont act negatively towards the devs, because it isnt their fault its like this, they can only do things with what they have, and EA didnt give them any official help or resources so they have been doing this on their own, so while many of us are chomping at the bit, we are being patient even though it can be difficult to do that, but we are frustrated BECAUSE we love the game and want it back, but thats also why we are being patient too! angry posts dont make anything happen faster
  14. sorry Steezy, i got hungry and opened a tin of sardines to have a snack
  15. i dislike you for that Promo Swamp Drake knowing my luck with RNG in booster packs in various games ill get that in like 3 years after game goes full launch lol my Promo Swamp Drake back in the day was named Timmy, when the game died i said Timmy fell down the well
  16. itd be nice to have multiple characters with shadow-ranks like mentioned abovve where the main rank would be there, but then 1-2 others in parenthesis to show additional characters, and sharing the card pool too, that would likely prevent multi-accounting from being used to boost a persons collection plus with how this version of the game works, its gonna take longer for i would guess the majority of people to really max out their collection, back in retail BF, boosters had editions so getting specific Rares or Ultra Rares wasnt quite as difficult cus the booster editions narrowed the card pool, but now its just a single booster that draws from all Editions but also the Promo cards meaning getting that one Rare or Ultra Rare outside of using the auction house is gonna require a bit of luck if not alot of time, and im ok with that, tbh itll probly keep people playing longer cus they cant just zero-in on the Edition of the card their after so they WILL have to buy alot of boosters btw kind of a side question and unrelated: i noticed my results with the Booster Simulator had similarities with at least 2 other people - Satanael seems to be a really easy to get rare, out of like 50 boosters it showed up very frequently and that mirrors what ive seen other people post when usin the Simulator, and Kiwi and MrXLink did the youtube vid in 2016 opening a ton of boosters and i noticed Kiwi got Satanael quite oft en to but that was in-game, wondering if the math is off for Satanael cus with it being random rares, i find it surprising how consistently that card shows up in boosters, andm aybe its just weird luck, hard to say ANYWAY back to the topic at hand: i agree largely with DuellLord, for the sake of deck diversity and keeping people wanting to play, we have to find some way to address t he issue of a stale metagame which would be ONE of the results of not allowing multi-accounting which makes it harder for people to branch out and experiment with new decks, cus when rank is involved most people will gravitate with what they can win with consistently, meaning your not gonna see alot of diversity granted, another solution to that is rebalancing cards, but im not sure how much of a priority if at all that is for the devs
  17. the real issue is deck diversity in my opinion, if we keep to the no-multi-accounting the diversity may start high but decrease over time till all we have are people playing flavor-of-the-month decks and that makes PVP boring very fast, so if that becomes a problem thats going to adversely effect the games playerbase, i sincerely beleive that, because people wont stick around if things get stale and stay that way i think in the end, this version of Battleforge will rely just as much on new players coming to the game as it will for old players sticking around, so if the old players decide to mostly get up and leave because its gotten too boring, thats gonna hurt the game i dont think any of us want that
  18. well heres my real beef with being against it: its true low-rank players tend to get spooked when you go into say, Sparring Grounds and their up against a notable higher ranked player, they will generally react quickly and irrationally, and thats not the fault of the high-ranked player, so why should they be punished just because some people dont understand the purpose of Sparring Grounds? i mean, i totally understand WHY its called Sparring Grounds, and to be fair, more people should learn that but this expectation for people to understanding the Sparring Grounds relies far too much on other people being reasonable, and that kind of faith in others i feel is not warranted in most scenarios, for as many lowbies who probably understand the purpose of the Sparring Grounds, theres many times more who do not and would sooner panic than do a scant bit of research to find out why high-ranking players might show up there at times, and in their panic they are more likely to boot said player which only punishes the high-ranked player for no good reason if we could more easily rely on random people we dont know to make rational decisions, we wouldnt have the issue of newbies being spooked and booting high level players from Sparring Grounds matches...but thats just not how reality works and theres ALWAYS going to be a segment of the playerbase who will get spooked by that and their first reaction will be to boot you, and you cannot simply rely on such people to figure out these things and stop making that mistake, its unreasonable to expect that but as long as they keep doing that, its punishing people who want to test decks without going into Ranked Play, and yet you also want to tell them they shouldnt be able to Multi-Account to test their decks in Ranked Play in a meaningful way that actually lets them learn the in's and out's of their deck or shows them the areas that are strong and the areas that need work, and admittedly making a strong deck relies on alot of this kind of testing, but you cannot properly test if the scenario is "you get your crap pushed in immediatly" because the match cannot progress far enough to give you any reasonable idea of where your deck currently stands or what you need to improve, or cards to add or replace so its hard for me in that way alone to NOT support Multi Accounting, granted if the devs ultimatly decide there will be no such thing, i wont be protesting or complaining, its their decision to make, but while their allowing discussion for the time being then its worth discussing at least, right?
  19. warning: lengthy post, youve been warned! i was never really a PVP'er in BF when it was around, i was ecstatic when they gave us rPVE finally after so much time cus my Shadow Worm couldnt disintegrate worth crap without the upgrades reducing the lifedrain when disintegrating multiple targets, sure it could merlt tier 1 infantry stupid fast but thats not the most useful way to use Mass Disintegration cus its better to use it on higher-value targets that would present larger threats granted back then we didnt have Amii Monument so yeah, couldnt just throw a Shaman in there to fix up the Shadow Worm but that said, i think both sides have some pretty good points on the one hand, yeah, it sucks if your a new player getting curbstomped non-stop cus of high ranked players decieiving you with their rank by using smurf accounts but on the other hand, in higher-end PVP, i can totally see why some people are against the idea of not allowing it, id be pretty darn frustrated too if i wanted to test a deck type im not at all familiar with as far as function and synergy cus i havent yet explored the deck sufficiently, but i then CANT explore the deck cus i either get stomped in 30 seconds by a high level player OR get constantly booted by low rank players because they get spooked when they see your rank while obviously ill support whichever decision is made, i think from a logical standpoint, the latter opinion is probably better for the game in the long-term. yes it will present some issues but as people have said those issues exist even without multi-accounting due to the rating systems dropping your ELO rank if your inactive for too long which has roughly the same effect as a smurf account sadistically curb-stomping lowbies, so either way you slice it, that probably isnt gonna disappear, its a matter of which method is less problematic in the long-term and im all for deck variety, i think thats part of what makes Battleforge so interesting, even if we likely wont ever get new content theres enough cards in total that theres alot of things that i bet never really saw their time to shine in higher-end PVP and if i do get into PVP, which i likely will this time around cus ive spent alot of improving my RTS game skills thanks to games like Starcraft 2, i would prefer to see MORE variety, rather than the same few meta/cookie-cutter decks all the time, but you cant do that if people cant properly experiment in PVP under fitting conditions, so if lowbies kick you cus of your rank, you cant experiment, but you also cant experiment if you get crushed too fast merely because you arent familiar with your deck this is obviously an important issue to find a good solution for, and there is for sure arguments to be made on both sides, but we cant just think of the launch window of the game when we discuss this, we have to think of what each of these 2 paths will do to the game a long time from now, im honestly not super concerned in the launch-period because its not like everyone will immediatly have a giant collection of cards since BFP is not able to be bought, so people are gonna have to build up their collections over time with luck of the booster packs being a big part of it, and im ok with that, but this makes this particular issue more important because we have to consider that at some point, the people who play the game with relative consistency will start capping out their collections, so we have to consider their desires when it comes to seeing decks played in PVP, because if it gets too stale and too static, people like that wont have any reason to stick around, their card and upgrade collection will be pretty much maxed out, and their ability to make decks will be too, and if they cant haver fun making all sorts of zany crazy decks and actually being able to properly experiment and get to know the deck, its gonna cause players to leave gradually over time as more people reach that breakpoint so yes, we have to consider this carefully, i dont feel either side is either right or wrong, but neither side has a "home run" point either so i think further discussion should be done, and i think people should try to approach it with an open mind
  20. dont worry staff and devs, im patient about this and im still here...waiting for the boom! (being the open beta :P)
  21. while yes it IS a bit disappointing, i fully understand and feel no need to complain, given the nature of the project stuff like this can easily happen im no developer but im aware of the rigors of said field of work hope it happens sooner but if it doesnt, we just wait it out thanks for the update though! and as BFlove said, yes, id rather it not crash all the dang time, the mild inconvenience of waiting a few weeks is far less frustrating in comparison! best of luck dev team and be sure to keep us informed!
  22. laughing at us for that is pointless because it could happen anyway, due to the nature of the project thats very possible it also doesnt prove a word you said if it happens!
  23. guess we will find out eh? i mean, i know its hard to wait for such a monumental thing we all want, but waiting is all we can do, complaining wont make anything faster
  24. well then be glad to be wrong, because when they get around to launching the open beta we can enjoy it and you can keep beleiving its not real
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