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Everything posted by Mynoduesp

  1. Befallen's Curse: Creates an near infinite loop even though the debuff states it doesnt spread further. One spell did this to poor Spore Launchers: Befallen's Curse - Infused Disease: Typo: but no longer spready the disease?! Rewrite like tainted version/disenchant: Unit loses XY live points per second and is immune to all major buffs. Unit cannot spread the diesease among surrounding units. Befallen's Curse - Tainted Disease: Debuff left displays "50%" and debuff right as well as the card state "25%". The effect is actualy 50% (tested with Fallen Skyelf on Sporelauncher). Debuff left: Debuff right: Card:
  2. On upgrade 2 and 3 from Fallen Skyelf, the debuff on the target displays "150%" instead of "200%". I check the damage, the debuff applies 200% increased damage taken correctly, its just a typo.
  3. Both affinities of Bandit Launcher are missing the explosion effect/animation. Might be a resolution bug, I am using 1920x1080.
  4. Information for rapid/slow construction: For reference: Standard construction time 20'000ms 3'000ms: - Ice Barrier - Banner of Glory - Rallying Banner 10'000ms: - Tunnel - Makeshift Tower 30'000ms: (slow construction) - Worldbreaker Gun - Comet Catcher - Lifestream - The incredible Mo - Amii Monument - Flame/Earth/Ice/Dark Crystal (- Regular Monument)
  5. Devs made the choice to bind mikro progression (upgrades) to gold deliberately. A nontradable currency makes a lot of sence for a progression system, one reason would be to make multiaccounting less efficient. But there are many more. If you think of gold as some sort of experience points, the system makes a whole lot more sence.
  6. I'll forward this to the balancing discord. @Zyna@Zyna Didn't want to tag you, just cannot remove your tag on the mobile version of the overhauled webpage. (Consider this another forum bug report :D)
  7. Willzapper has a similar restriction for enemy wells (for information if the restrictions would be removed)
  8. Additional question: Can you target one squad with both affinities and only one is applied?
  9. Maybe merge with this post about cleaning up card descriptions: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/6982-cleaning-up-and-updating-card-descriptions/
  10. Searchbar is resolved now, mobile still funky
  11. @Zyna Took the screenshot 6 minutes ago
  12. Additionaly mindcontrolled targets dont get a buff for mindcontroll immunity like other CCs do (Freez a.e.). They are though immune to mindcontrol, as you stated correctly.
  13. On mobile: profile pictures dont fit their frame.
  14. Sorting doesn't t really help, you'd have to change the map generation files itself. I'm affraid, just a list of seeds with a corresponding difficulties doesn't really help anyone.
  15. There are a couple of Arane/Spells/Enchantments (these are bugs): Cards that funtion as a "Spell" but aren't: - Curse Orb - Gravity Surge - Frostbite - Disenchant - Scortched Earth - Nether Warp - Offering - Amok Cards that function as an "Enchantment" but aren't: - Voidstrom - Ice Age
  16. Lazy typing of seconds on Evocator's Woe - Tainted/Gifted Banishment description: 20sec -> 20 seconds
  17. The cards doesn't state any initial cooldown, but has one of ~10s for each ability. After "The Wrathful Mo" was activated, the card has another cooldown for "Switch Back" which is longer than the stated 2 minutes. "The Wrathful Mo" isnt global, its a fixed range of ~300m Additionaly there's the issue of the faulty "permanent" statement in the card description.
  18. The abilities on both Ironclad affinities have an initial cooldown of ~15s which is not state on the card description.
  19. Slow ability misses a "." at the end. Additional information: Magma Fiend shares the same bug on the test server.
  20. Gifted Company has on U0-3 a "," instead of a "." at the end of the sentence.
  21. Yes, the data provided is pretty much just cards as you see them in the forge. I was interested in pure stats, which I got in form of a couple of exports as .json files. For you, actual data from the market place would be sweet I'd imagine, I know there is data, but how you'd access it I don't know and if you're allowed to access it is another topic on its own. I'd highly suggest messaging a dev in PMs or ask them on discord. I'm sure they're able to help more than I can.
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