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pcre3.dll, proxy-internal.dll, proxy-test.dll, proxy-legacy.dll all detected as malicious files. (ESET, MB, VT)


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pcre3.dll - Malware.AI.2164814371
proxy-internal.dll - Malware.AI.2164814371
proxy-test.dll - Malware.AI.2164814371
(Detection event occurred on new file created by application SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe)
pcre3.dll - a variant of Win32/ShellcodeRunner.JZ Trojan
proxy-internal.dll - a variant of Win32/ShellcodeRunner.JZ Trojan
proxy-test.dll - a variant of Win32/ShellcodeRunner.JZ Trojan
VirusTotal Detections:
pcre3.dll - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7af271f84cd85970675547c47ec3ca7b5798c7c4a5c1656644704d61cec2f8be/detection
proxy-test.dll - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/76c9633207e4fc929fcb3b3f5d3d36919edaf8013e50804b73d0ca02c777ffb4/detection
proxy-internal.dll - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2b55fa1da40cd6deb27ec5346fdd1b90ffbf5ac6cacd061fff6a1f0348a7af4e/detection
proxy-legacy.dll - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2c432df677086bc6de7cc02fc64114c23b5ca87ef3709b642c5e52d4efbd7dc9/detection

Could someone shed some light on these detections and why they are new?
I've had Skylords installed for a while and haven't played for a long time.
However upon updating I get hit with these detections and virus total doesn't seem to like them either.
I ran skylords-upd.sh using git bash and I was blocked at pcre3.dll downloading from the webpage.

35 Detections seems awfully high (pcre3.dll).

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but what has changed since I last played to now would cause these detections?

Edited by Falton
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🤔was it ever in within your "risk appetite"?

I would also be interested, what exactly so many AVs started to dislike now, but they will not answer such questions unfortunatelly.

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We have seen an increase in AV detections after our last few patches. We are still investigating these issues, but have managed to get the number down a bit already, and are still working on it. Apologies for this inconvenience. 

As for why Anti Virus tends to flag Skylords files in general, please see the explanation below: 

AV often randomly triggers on Skylords, which can happen again with updates. You have to make an exception for the folder so it leaves it alone.
The Skylords launcher functions in a way that triggers some AV. But it's harmless for the user yet necessary for the game to work.

By default, the game is meant to send your login credentials to the EA server, just like every other always-online game communicates with the official server. However, EA shut down the official server, there is nothing to communicate with. And without the EA server the game cannot function at all, it's dead. In order for this project to work it needs to use a technique that "steals" the login credentials that you enter when logging in and reroutes them to the Skylords Reborn server instead of the non-existent EA server.

So to be clear, what is being taken is what you enter on the log-in screen. Usually this will be your SR-account credentials that this project already has from you registering. Those are then being sent to the SR server instead of the EA server. Otherwise the game would just try and fail to connect to the dead EA server and not work.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I share the same issue, I was running the game fine a week ago, now since the recent patch I have this issue as well. Trying to toy around to let my AV run it but somehow nothing work and I keep getting error 0xc0000906.  Any clues on how to work around ? Thanks in advance.


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