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Bug: False Game or Launcher Already running

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False Game or Launcher Already running.


Skylord Patcher:
Game or Launcher is Already running.
Do you want to Force Close the game?

The game is not running but sure.

Skylord Patcher: 
There was an Error closing processes. Please manually find Battleforge.exe and
SkylordRebornUpdater.EXE and close them.
Access Denied.

They don't exist in Task manager.
Bro I'm gonna do something else.

A few hours later. . . . . . .

Skylord Patcher:
Game or Launcher is Already running.
Do you want to Force Close the game?



Triggered bug failing to log into patcher
Crash the game or Laptop Battery runs out of power then try to log in again using the Skylord Patcher.
Game will false detect as running.  Only way to get rid of bug is to shutdown whole computer.


These Warning texts pop up exactly as worded.

Skylord Patcher message 1:
Game or Launcher is Already running.
Do you want to Force Close the game?

Skylord Patcher Message 2:
There was an Error closing the processes. Please Consider closing  Battleforge.exe and
SkylordRebornUpdater.EXE manually.
Access Denied.

LOG:  :  :
There is no log file.  Skylords still thinks it's running so no new Log file
is created.


I got the bug while playing a game. It has nothing to do with the Forge.

Edit 2:

I didn't even need to play the game to trigger the bug.
I got the bug by putting the wrong account or password
in the Skylords patcher log in step.

This bug happened to me before the new patch
a few times now. I'm just salty is happened again today.

I'm using an up to date Windows 11 Laptop.
Only way to get rid of bug is to shutdown whole computer. Edited by chickennoodler
Triggered bug in Skylord Patcher login.
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18 hours ago, Kubik said:

Did you check in the task manager's processes, or details with administrator rights?


I checked the whole task manger and I'm administrator account.


The Skylords updater and Battleforge are definitely not in there when

the bug is going on.

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Okay, it gets even better now.

I typed the wrong account name
and entered my password.
Skylords launcher obviously said I failed to log in.

Bug triggered.
Can't try again, the exact same 2 error messages pop up.

I now need to reset my computer again.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Triggered the bug now when my laptop battery ran out of power.

So obviously when laptop ran out of juice

I was kicked out of the game, but the client is just frozen there.

So I go to task manager Closed the game etc.



Oh noes, Can't relog in.

Bug triggered.

Game and Client still running message.



Swear to god this would not be so frustrating if I

could just use the idiot's solution of just resetting.

I can't reset immediately obviously, my computer is usually doing something

more important than this game.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bug triggered again.

I logged into the game, noticed my replay wasn't renamed.

Logged out of game


Went into replace section, changed name of replay


Oh noes, Client now says I have launcher or

game client running already.



Does that have anything to do with the bug triggering?


No idea.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Bug is still here btw.

Started not bothering saying when it happens
because it still happens when doing normal stuff
like just finishing the game.

Then you get kicked out and Client says launcher or game client already
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Okay I triggered the bug by trying to save and modify a deck.
Tried logging into client. It accepted my password. . . . . then said I lost connection
and crashed

Then I was kicked out and what do you know, the exact error message and bug appeared.
So now I know what triggers the crash then message.

My guess now is
the bug triggers whenever the server has trouble remembering a change to an account.
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When you have a "lost connection" on login, please send the log files here.

The log file we need is _log_proxy_latest.log. Restarted your game already? No worries, just send the previous log, which is _log_proxy_0.log.

If your game closed without any error message, then please send us your crashdata.mdmp aswell.

Not sure where to find the logs? Here's where:


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