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Beta Tester
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About BionicReaper

  • Birthday 04/09/2002

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    Epic Stuff, a.k.a. Anime/Battleforge/ et cetera, Watermelons

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  1. Recently on the forums I have seen some negative reps that were really unjustified, in my opinion at least. See, in my personal opinion at least, having negative and positive rep arent of equal weight. Personally I think if someone sees a person with negative rep they will most likely assume that a person is not a trustworthy forum member, while a person with positive rep will be more trustworthy, which, I think, is the purpose of the system. But since people tend to believe most members are good, positive rep isnt SO important. On the other hand, having negative rep, which was earned unjustly, will lead to potentially good forum members looking as bad forum members. So please people think a second time before you give negative rep to other people.

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    2. Sykole


      When I used to be a moderator, staff always had the higher priority. Members were not allowed to disrespect them, and if they do; usually it's an official warning, or 1-3 days ban from the forums.

      Same applied to members. 

    3. Kiwi


      @Sykole Forums I have been moderator and admin on didn't have a reputation system due to these reasons. It made better sense to just avoid it all together, but I know it is on the forums for a reason to give people credit for all of their hard work sadly though, some people abuse it and just rep their friends to farm and there is nothing that can be done about it.

    4. Deadman


      But again, please no more watermelon spamming, it doesn't deserve to be treated like that ever again. 

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