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Beta Tester
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About BionicReaper

  • Birthday 04/09/2002

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    Epic Stuff, a.k.a. Anime/Battleforge/ et cetera, Watermelons

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  1. Hello there people.

    So I am here to announce that I'm leaving this community for now.

    I remember in the past I used to go on the forum every single day make shitposts and watermelon posts. Those were the days. But right now I am not feeling it. So I won't be coming back for some time, probably until some time after open beta when my hype is back. I will maybe check the forum every now and then but won't post anything most likely.

    Anyway if any moderator sees this it's better to kick me from the closed beta and maybe give my access to someone else. I've been trying to get involved in the beta testing, but it feels forced and I feel stressed when I try so yeah.

    Bye guys! :watermelon:

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. BurningWorld


      @BionicReaperthanks mate for the clarification, and also I'm quite happy to see you appearing here and then still :-) 

    3. wertyy


      bionic you disagree but you are already in closed beta ,come in myr position, been here so many hours per day, spending so much time ,waiting waiting since the begining of the forum ,plp got closed beta and they didnt even bothered to used it more that 2-3 times.

    4. BionicReaper


      @wertyy I've been in your position until a couple of months ago and I still felt that way. Besides judging by your content count it doesn't seem like you've spent that much time on forums :/. I mean BurningWorld has been here roughly one year and has more than double your content count. Also how do you know they didn't even bother to use their access more that 2-3 times. Sounds very baseless to me.

      @BurningWorld well I'm just clicking once a day on the forum link to see if I have any notifications.

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