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Posts posted by macabi
12 hours ago, Ladadoos said:
There will be a wipe (progression reset) on release, yes.
Are we talking "Upgrades" only? or both "Cards" and "Upgrades"?
Regarding "Advertisement", I would highly recommend approaching PC Gamer Magazine.
An article on this magazine can insure we get enough players to cover all games types 24 hours a day.
I always believed that 20 card deck is not enough.
There are so many cards that allow for unique strategies as well as allow to counter certain strategies.
20 card limit will always put limits on what we can do.
Often it's a matter of luck if we have the right cards to counter our opponent's strategies (cards).
Adding 2 or 4 cards to a deck won't do any harm.
On the contrary, it will allow for a more versatile and dynamic game play where game tactics are even more important.
39 minutes ago, LEBOVIN said:
No bug, ur units is affected by heal prevention. It is called Befallen's Curse. It is also clearly visible on the card.
Lastly this is not the right place for bug reports either...
Sorry, I meant to post it on the bug forum.
Good to know about Befallen's Curse.
I didn't notice that card was applied on Brannoc.
Please take a look at the attached recorded games.
In this 2v2 PvP I (Macabi) applied "Surge of Light" twice on Brannoc between 12:05 and 12:25.
On both times "Surge of Light" didn't heal Brannoc.
Is this a bug? or is there any other reason for that?
What are your plans for advertising the game once it is released?
Right now most RTS players don't know about the game.
Do you have contacts within PC Gamer magazine or any other publishers to insure an article about the game?
I have send numerous emails to PC Gamer writers and so far I haven't received even one reply.
What about Steam?
Are you able to add the game to the Steam platform?
3 hours ago, VolvoxGlobator said:
I would go even further and say that for the sake of discussion we can totally ignore market. Both today situation, past or future. Market is en equalization tool. If booster becomes worth it, people will start buying boosters instead, with excess selling on the market, driving market prices down. If effective booster price will decerease too much, people will buy off the market, driving the prices up. Eventually ending in some sort of steady state.
But for the reward system this is mostly irrelevant. Important thing is how the system is defined regardless the market. And this is quite simple -> how many boosters can I afford per time spent ingame. Current changes have increased the needed time to get new cards - and this is all what matters.
Current change also (please correct me if I am wrong) wanted to equalize a little bit difference between very active and not so active players, which I personally approve.
But everyone will have less "boosters per minute" than the placeholder system. I think that this is a pity, because it is not fun to play Battleforge without the cards. Damo's calculations quite nicely illustrate the issue. 3 (probably very good PvE decks) is reasonable variety to play with. But also PvP deck is an adition. and non Battleground PvE decks adds additional time requirements. Please, dont make this game more grindy....
On a personal note, I have also enjoyed opening the booster after 30 mins of play and 30 mins of time is much easier for me to find than 60+ minutes...
I agree 100%. Very good points.
The market will work itself out and it doesn't matter if card prices go up or down.
When card prices go up it is more economical to buy boosters and sell the cards at high value while adding more cards to the market which causes card prices to go down.
When card prices are too low, players will not buy boosters and instead just buy cards at the AH creating more demand while lifting prices up.
Eventually the market will balance itself at a certain point be stay stable until a new change takes place.
This thread is about the major shift to a much slower grind.
The grind for BFP have more than doubled as I illustrated at my above post.
After playing for couple of days I found myself very discouraged.
Right now there is no point for playing 60 minutes each day. There is also no point for playing every day.
One of my suggestions, to encourage players to play longer on a daily basis, would be to increase the booster discount from 100 BFP to 250 BFP after 60 minutes of game play (1 limit per day).
It doesn't even have to happen on the same day.
A player can play 40 minutes one day, and on the seconds day once he plays for 20 more minutes, he would then be able to buy 1 booster for 200 BFP instead of 450 BFP.
Make that change and you will see that players are much more encouraged to play, and play longer each day.
33 minutes ago, Zyna said:
I told you there's nothing we can do. If you are so certain this can be fixed please suggest a possible solution. As far as I'm aware there's no way to fix this, since we use the Launcher to modify BattleForge so it can connect to our servers. This modification makes the anti-viruses treat out Launcher as a virus. The only thing we can do is to make people aware of this, and to help them with adding the correct exceptions.
The Antivirus detection problem started only after this latest patch.
It didn't exist before the latest update.
Therefore, the conclusion is that recent modifications are causing it.
So my question is - is there another to achieve the latest changes without making McAfee think the Launcher program is a virus.
Maybe Kubik can help.
6 hours ago, Eyvan said:
If you dont mind im gonna sneak my little comment about this problem with MCafee antivirus. So i was having the same issues as everyone else, which includes the program detecting some stuff about the launcher then evolving into a QoQ "your system doesn't have the parts that are needed to launch the game". That kinda got me worried that i just camed back to the game to see that it wont work. Anyways back to the topic, becouse no matter how abscure the problem sounds if its the same as for me, for us, for you, just follow what the Dev told you to do. Go to your antivirus, exclude the Launcher.exe and you should be fine. Hope this helps or incourage some people to do it
I have exclude the Launcher.exe in McAfee and it is now fine for me.
However, many players out there may not be able to figure out the problem which will result in them quitting the game.
So I believe the developers need to resolve this problem soon since we don't have enough players to begin with.
2 minutes ago, Zyna said:
Where did I say that I think all of them are false positives? Can you give me a quote for that? Obviously some Anti-Viruses will recognize the new Launcher as a virus, even though it is not. I assume this is because the new Launcher injects a dll into BattleForge, which does trigger some red flags for some Anti-Viruses.
It looks like you already have a good idea for what causes this issue.
Surely there is another way for doing what you need the program to do without making McAfee thinking the Launcher is a virus.
11 minutes ago, Zyna said:
If McAfee is not user friendly, you should consider installing a more user-friendly Anti-Virus software.
I just checked the Launcher.exe on virustotal, and most anti-viruses don't think the new Launcher is a virus. So I wonder how many players are really affected by this. I'm not sure if there's much we can do about anti-viruses falsely detecting our software as a virus.
McAfee is not user friendly when it comes to adding files to the "Exclude List".
Other than that it is very user friendly and very popular.
Players who use mcAfee will not give it up for Skylords.
There are many free games out there they can play instead.
So, from one Computer Programmer to another, my advice to you is to figure out the new cause for this problem and fix it.....
The balance problem of the game is obvious if we take a look at card prices and how often certain cards are used while others are not.
some cards are so much better than others making them very popular so their price is much higher.
For example, some Ultra-Rare cards are worth only 20 BFP in the OH and then you have "Infect" that cost more than 5000 BFP.
The solution for this problem would be to boost unpopular cards in order to make them more powerful.
That will increase their use as well as their value and while reducing the value of current popular cards.
This will have to be a never ending process that keeps boosting unused cards to a certain point.
That is how I we can bring card values closer together while making unpopular cards more popular and more useful.
This will allow players to adjust their game play and develop new strategies which will make the game more exciting.
Kubik likes this -
2 minutes ago, Zyna said:
@macabi You have to add an exception for the "Launcher.exe", here's how you can do it for McAffee: https://service.mcafee.com/webcenter/portal/cp/home/articleview?articleId=TS102056
I managed to do that, but McAfee is NOT user friendly and it is hard to figure it out.
You will lose many players because of this issue.
Many players won't be able to figure out how to fix that and they will quit the game.
You must figure out what change is causing this issue and resolve it.
This problem did NOT exist before the recent change.
robynson likes this -
Recent BFP Changes that reward 250 BFP for 60 minutes instead of a Booster for 30 minutes are Bad for Daily Players.
Before the changes took place players would have gained 2 boosters over 2 days after playing 30 minutes each day which is worth 900 BFP (for 60 minutes of game play).
Now, with the recent changes players have to play 60 minutes each day (for 2 days) in order to gain 500 BFP (120 minutes total of game play).
If you add the 100 discount for a booster that you can claim the reward is actually 600 BFP.
So not only players have to play 120 minutes over two days (instead of 60 minutes), players end up making even less - 600 BFP vs 900 before for half the time.
I understand that the new system is trying to help none-daily players to earn more, and that is fine.
But why reduce the reward for daily players? and by so much?
At the very least allow players to earn 250 BFP for 30 minutes of gameplay instead of 60 minutes, and then add more (reduced) reward for 30 additional minutes.
Also, booster are NOT worth 450 BFP.
Their average worth is more like 200 BFP.
Therefore, the daily Booster discount should be at least 250 BFP instead of 100 discount.
These recent changes will only discourage daily players from playing every day.
I play most days and I am very discouraged.
It happened 3 out of 3 times in my case.
Starting a 12 player game causes the game to crash to desktop.
This happens when there are 12 players present.
With 9 players, 3 on each map segment, the game starts as it supposed to.
Cannot pick Gold Chests on 12 player maps.
The game won't allow to pick them up.
This happens to me too every time.
I had to disable McAfee to get to the launcher screen.
The game freezes and doesn't launch.
In some cases I get an error "Connection Failed" after 30 seconds or so despite the fact that my internet is up and running.
You should restore the previous version back until this issue is resolved.
4 minutes ago, Ladadoos said:
Can you please be more specific?
If this bug reporting is lacking some information then please indicate what additional information you need.
I think this is a simple and clear bug that does not require a use of template.
When executing the game I am getting the following error:
"Could not start the launch process, Access Denied"
This happens because McAfee Antivirus blocks the Launcher program thinking it's a virus.
This is a new problem as a result of the new update.
Please resolve ASAP or provide a work around with McAfee.
Right now I don't see any options with McAfee to allow the Launch program to run.
I am sorry Zyna but I am too busy to install the test server and try to re-create the problem for couple of hours.,
I don't even have time to play Skylords every day.
On 6/13/2020 at 6:49 AM, Ladadoos said:
@macabi Unranked PVP matches that are shorter than 2 minutes do not give gold. On ranked PVP matches time does not matter.
This issue happens for games longer than 2 minutes.
It happens all the time with 2v2 PVP where one player quits and the other 3 players continue playing the game.
On 7/23/2020 at 4:06 PM, Zyna said:
Could you please test and confirm this is fixed on the test server?
Sorry, but I am not on the test server.
Also, this bug doesn't occur every time.
Lately it hasn't happen to me on the regular server.
The best solution to fix this issue is to add the small window - "go back to game" that usually shows up when you join someone else's game after you venture out.
When you host your own game that window doesn't show up.
Fix that and you will fix the entire problem.
On 7/21/2020 at 1:51 PM, MrXLink said:
Yes, this is intended behaviour. When looking at the way we're rewarding people, we need to take the following consequences into account:
- Having no cap will have players with more time on their hands absolutely dominate the economy, game and progression. We want to avoid this.
- Having a hard cap and linear gain will be completely fair, but will make people stop once they hit their limit
- Having a soft cap will make the BFP gain less over time and may demotivate players anyway once their BFP rate for the day isn't worth it anymore
On top of that, we want to close the gap between constantly playing players by giving players who have work or can't play as much a bit of leeway to catch up to others. This is what causes the whole "refilling nets more BFP" scenario and is completely intentional. The reserve system is specifically designed to be an alteration to a softcap that accounts for lost time. This means that yes, based on playtime, those taking breaks get more BFP for their in-game time. However, in real time, those playing continuously will be able to gain more. It's important that, in order to earn the same amount of BFP (based on 1.5h sessions, 3h breaks, 280BFP) someone who would take breaks would have to take hours longer in real time than continuous players. This difference in time racks up fast, and sure, you can just do other things in the meantime, but to forcibly optimise this is quite tedious and a lot of grinding/minmaxing for frankly not a huge difference in BFP earned. If you were to "abuse" this system, you would have to willingly quit and wait every single time you play a game, which we assume few people will do. There are much more benefits to having players catch up and feeling more rewarded in that regard than there are drawbacks to the system not being perfectly linear and fair. We'd rather have some people optimise the hell out of this if they enjoy that than to give out too much market control too quickly, widen the gap or have zero reason to continue as opposed to "less". Compensation always comes at a cost; it's about whether the benefits outweigh it, and I consider that they do. So yes, this is intended, nonlinear and should be reasonably balanced to feel not as limiting to regular players and more empowering to those whom the system's intended for.
@Karl Lavafeld I will be looking into making gold "rushing" less monotonous and more viable on different maps.
I understand your logic and in general it makes sense.
However, my concern is that it will reduce the incentive to play the game every day which will result in fewer players Online.
That would be bad because we don't have enough players as it is.
So I would like to propose adding a 10% chance (each day) where a player who plays for one hour could get a booster reward in addition to the other rewards.
I believe that this 10% chance to win a booster will encourage players (who can) to play every day.
They won't be able to implement your suggestion.
That would be a huge change to the game.
However, I would like to see a deck slot increase from 20 to 24.
That may be a big change too.
Am I correct?
We're Releasing Q4!
in Announcements
Posted · Edited by macabi
During Battleforge days promos were given as rewards.
So How about one promo to all those players who helped with Beta testing all this time?