Voted for @Lukaznid's entry, because I really like the direction that one's going. I think I just tend to be a fan of that art style.
While @PooRJoghurT's monument symbol is a wonderful idea, the full logo with text feels a bit like wallpaper. I'm not very sophisticated with artsy vocabulary, but I think this is what people mean when they say the art doesn't pop. My eyes see the full image and expect something else in front - maybe a user interface, icons, buttons, updates, news, etc. Also, SilenceKiller99 mentioned a pokeball, and now I can't unsee the resemblance.
I like that @CyRiX's logo is a throwback to the original blue/orange title, but it overall feels a little generic to me; it's just clouds and text, and my eyes want a little more in a logo/splash art. Also, not a huge deal, but a bit of cursory research seems to tell me that the color choices were picked (back around 2009?) for the official logo/splash art to match the pre-expansion "ice and fire" theme (before nature and shadow were added), and I'd like all four elements to be visually incorporated in the BFR/Skylords Reborn logo.