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Posts posted by SilenceKiller99

  1. 2 minutes ago, Asraiel said:

    @SilenceKiller99 thats perfectly fine i did post my view and for god sake theres no rule thats says everyone had to have the same

    I am 100% against some ideas that have the content in it to just buy BFP for real money. that would be for me a go back to EA. the context yeah since its only an example with no fixed numbers, its kinda funny how much people does fokus on the numbers. but the idea behind it was more that you may get additional BFP but you can not spend 1000€ at ionce to buy BFP and as well you have to log in and do every 365 days as you mentioned it the daylie quest or so in order to get this daylie reward so if u let days out u dont get anyfing 2x0=0

    If you say it like that, it definitely sounds better than infinitely throwing money into the game. Eventhough I dont like the whole money idea, you convinced me that his would be one of the better ways.

  2. 4 hours ago, Asraiel said:

    i would add a premium membership for (depending on how much the ifrastructure costs: server, support, ect.) 20 € for 6-12 months with the only bonus u get is 2x BFP, 2x Gold, doubble market slots, doubble mailbox size. for those who want to be faster or support the project. but as said this goes into another topic!

    I know this is your own opinion, but I think that there are a lot of people who think this is ridiculous... These two lines of text are basicly a complete guide on how to make the progression system in bfreborn even more shitty than it was in the old battleforge. This is forcing people to spend a lot of time and grind like hell, but saying you can just buy it instead. 

    The way you say it, is getting 1 free booster pack each day, if you pay X amount of money for a premium membership. The price would be unfair anyway, 20 euro a year, means 365 extra boosterpacks for 20 euro. Thats literally what you suggest, to let people buy 365 boosterpacks for 20 euro.

    Edit: Iam sorry if i accidentally took your words out of context or made you sound different than you want, but i can just not agree with this and not say anything

  3. Another 5-card-T3 deck:


    I made this, eventhough I know bandits is one of the weakest/hardest factions. 

    I just liked it because it has so many options

    - going with a lot of smaller units and attack different bases (nightcrawlers), use motive and/or heal (if T3 already)

    - going iwth a single soulhunter and use warriorsdeath

    - going with skyfiredrakes, windhunters and swampdrakes (never seen this before in pvp, is it any good or at least fun?)

  4. 1 hour ago, Malzawar said:

    Oh, I don't know so far how to add a card to the deck. Tried around for 10 minutes. Either it doesnt work on my phone or it is very unintuitional.

    What have you tried? On web version it is double click, so maybe double tap it?

  5. @ICE Very nice so far. I listed some things here (some already have been listed above by @Phoenix313)


    - Ranged/melee filter is not working.

    - Small filter also shows buidlings/spells.

    - The ordering of the cards looks strange (ordered without any logic, it seems).

    Features that might be nice to add:

    - Make it that the cards dont get dark when you use the search filter. Also when using the filter some cards get covered by it, maybe always show the filter or move the cards to the right when using it.

    - The ability to delete/rename decks.

    - The ability to remove cards from decks after making it, and changing the order of the cards in the deck.

    - Maybe a darker background (gray/black), or even an option to choose the color of your background.

    - An option to share your deck, maybe using a code (like allcards) or a screenshot that gets auto-copied ones you clicked it.

    - The ability to add more cards to a deck than 20. This might be nice,eventhough the real game only allows 20. (the warning that you passed 20 cards can stay though).

  6. 5 hours ago, Phoenix313 said:

    Then he is luckily, that here is someone who already has all prerequisites and is willing to do it for free.

    I would wish me better filter abilities, at least those you can see on this page: https://allcards.bfreborn.com/ (you have to ignore the certificate error to be able to use it).

    omg... all that time I thought allcards was broken but you can actually still use it if you do one simple click... @MrXLink I now understand why you thought I was whining about it. Sorry for that, I am stupid xD

    @ICE Looks neat! Keep it up, I would love to use a deckmaker app on my phone.

  7. 19 hours ago, Secvndvs said:

    Made a fast investigations and i calculated the monthly cost of a server for 1000 people, imlpying every user uses like 200mb, it will be 40 dollars per month.

    I'm not the expert anyway, just googled about it.

    I can hardly believe that a server for 1000 people only costs 40 dollars (about 37 euro)... but iam no expert either xD

  8. 11 hours ago, Fractured said:

    I randomly looked up Battleforge.  Saw this as the 2nd thing on google.  Noticed there wasn't any updates since 2015.  Started getting depressed.  Then saw this beauty.  What a coincidence to randomly look up this game, and find this.

    I want this game to get re-released, I loved playing it!

    Welcome on the forums anyway. There of course have been updates since 2015. I think you might have joined in right on time because things are gonna happen 'soon'...

  9. 4 hours ago, InsaneHawk said:

    As we said, our project will NEVER come to steam. We're not the owner of the original game, so we cannot publish it again, our project is a tribute to the old game, and Ardent Peak LLC got the greelight to revive it under the name of "Skylords Reborn".

    Saying never is not really optimistic. Isn't there is a chance, a really really small chance, that EA allows Ardent peak LLC to 'republish' the game? And there are also rumors about Ardent Peak LLC and EA 'negotiating' to sell the copyrights to Ardent Peak. In this case you are allowed to advertise not only the project, but also the entire game on steam. But, as I said, it are rumors... so they are probably not true.

    Just saying that you guys got this project really far!!! And you definitely did not achieve that by saying 'it will never happen...', so keep up the good work!

  10. @InsaneHawk In the stream and the new forum thread MrXLink and you speak about buying things ingame. You already made clear that it will not be pay to win or pay to play, but you did not yet clarify if people are gonna be able to 'gain' something by purchasing it ingame. I understand that you guys need time to make such decisions and that it is not yet know if this will happen.

    But my question is, do people who donated in the past, also get these things? Or do they get certain ranks or special cards or something?

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