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Posts posted by SilenceKiller99

  1. On 11-11-2017 at 5:32 PM, ShadowFire22 said:

    Totally and randomly had an itch to go play BattleForge a month or so ago, only to find out that it's been long gone :( However I discovered this attempt to bring it back to life! +1

    Looking forward to seeing this head to completion! GL!

    First of all, welcome on the forums!

    Just wanna tell you that this is more than just an attempt xD this is gonna happen, for sure!

  2. 8 hours ago, rittindentod said:

    I think what you are looking for is a "final answer" like a date when YOU will be able to Play. I don't think that they are able to say this at that point of time. As you already know they will add more People as time goes by, so that they can fix the most common bugs before they get 200 reports on the same issue which will just delay further development. So yeah, you and me and a lot of others will have to wait. But as i understood we are all (except for the blacklisted) able to Play in the open beta, earlier or later.
    And depending on how fast and successfully they can fix the bugs that only a few People will experience at first, the faster it will be possible to add the rest of the Players to the game.

    What i want to say is, that it is an ongoing process and nobody knows if it will run better than expected or worse. depending on that nobody can say when exactly you will be able to play

    So... a problem to the '200 reports on the same issue' is very simple. 'Hire' someone for it, and I bet there are people enough on the forum, like me, who would love to help filtering out reports like that.

    They just need to assign one guy (or more if needed) who spend their time on reading all the reports and filtering out the similar ones, or creating one file which contains all data about each specific bug/issue.

    I hope the team see's this (which I bet they will) and think about this suggestion. I just came up with it, so there might be some flaws that I didnt think of, but the idea should work.

  3. On 6-11-2017 at 10:38 PM, YT Tobbezockt said:

    but i rly dont know where that jerk thing came from

    i was always polite until someone wasnt to me.

    I will just copy paste what i just said:

    On 6-11-2017 at 10:17 PM, SilenceKiller99 said:

    If I can give you one single hint to improve your attitude: Act like everyone else is superior to you, like all of them are your authority. (Dont do this is you do not have an issue, cause it is kinda weird, but it might help certain people here). Doing this will force you to show respect to them and speak kind words instead of hate.

    This includes if they are wrong or if they are mean... just be nice to them and let them have their problem

  4. Yeah, you are right in that. 

    On the other hand, you kinda got the bad name now... so people will choose against your side in an argument, purely cause you have that 'bad name' now. And you are trying to improve but people keep messing with you... i really feel bad for you


    The only thing you can do now is just to move on, and try to improve yourself, as you cant improve others. Honestly, you should just ignore the guys that are picking on you, as anyone watching the argument will chose their side because of you 'bad name' so far...

  5. 1 minute ago, YT Tobbezockt said:

    true dat, but i always just try to understand them...isnt it a lot more weird to have a boss...saying "you are right" but not understanding him and just doing nothing till the end of the day HAHA?

    You can try to ask them what they meant. Just simply 'What do you mean with -question-?" would do...

    And i might have another one for you: after you finished typing a post, read it (in a mean voice) in your head. If it sounds mean, you probably do not want to hit 'submit reply'. 

  6. *Edit: I just try to help you, dont take this as an insult please*

    @YT Tobbezockt I wonder how old you are in real life. I also wonder if you ever had a job with a boss (or any kind of authority), cause you should have learned how to deal with them.

    If I can give you one single hint to improve your attitude: Act like everyone else is superior to you, like all of them are your authority. (Dont do this is you do not have an issue, cause it is kinda weird, but it might help certain people here). Doing this will force you to show respect to them and speak kind words instead of hate.


    Also, this post is good... or was good. You started great, with the opening post. Naturally people started to complain, as they always do... Instead of taking the critisism, you started figthing it AGAIN. you should have learned by now that that is your main issue.

    Just read all the replies you typed on the first page... instead of saying "you are right", you are typing stuff like "no, you are wrong, it was ....". And remember: even when they are wrong, act as if they are your authority. Just tell them they were right and let them f*** off, most of them are just a bunch of kids anyway.


    Also, that qoute in your signature is very interesting, but it will not help your situation if you act like that. 

    rittindentod likes this
  7. 7 hours ago, SunWu II. said:

    This question makes me think and raises further questions...do I have to do the killing or is Dawson the henchman?

    Any further questions you can think of should not matter at all. It doesn't matter if you are the killer, if it will be fast or not, or if you know the people...

    Anyone who would kill innocent people over a videogame should be in prison (or get a deathsentence, wich would be fair in my opinion)

  8. 5 minutes ago, Tnecniw said:

    *Squeals like a little girl*
    This will be good :D
    Just curious tho, will we get new cards when it is brought back? And new maps and all of that?

    For now the project team is focussing on bringing back the game as how its was (with minor adjustments). Maybe they will lateron also do extra stuff, but that has not been confirmed yet

  9. 1 minute ago, mechman said:

    If someone donated a large amount to the project could they be given closed beta access or is that not done?

    They say they do not sell access to their closed beta. And I dont really know if it would be worth it, as you can not really 'play' the game in closed beta.

    If I remember correctly, however, they once gave someone access (alpha access I thought) because he donated a lot of money... so they don't really keep their word on this statement

  10. 3 hours ago, Kiliangg said:

    True but on the other hand it makes it for indie studios so much easier to get the necessary budget.

    Well... they can do early access or kickstarter or something like that. Prepurchase is just lame. And the bigger companies abuse it by 'giving' away limited edition stuff if you prepurchase

  11. One of the best coop experiences ive had in a while is Dying Light! Its an amazing game, good story, excellent gameplay, and very fun to play with friends. Also, the DLC (or enhanced version) with the race buggy's is definitely worth it!

    Also ARK (as mentioned above), Magicka (already on the list), the civ games if played coop (also already on this list) and saints row (specially 3, but already on the list as well).

  12. On 11-10-2017 at 10:49 PM, Tam Hawkins said:

    I would love to watch your streams. Sadly I have some troubles with twitch (basically everytime i get either black screen or total lag fest).

    Is your internetspeed good enough? If you have low internetspeed you can downscale the quality in the bottom right corner in twitch (if I remember right)

    If your internet is good, but you still encounter the problem you can try watching twitch with the twitch client (what used to be the curse client). Or you can try watching twitch on a different device (laptop/pc/phone)... that might help. 

  13. 13 hours ago, Archeon said:

    That's one way of looking at it, but personally I feel like there are also a lot of people who are just jealous of those who have gotten in

    I can understand... I am jealous too xD I wanted it to be me who got access, and I think a lot of other people are also eager for access, of course. As you said though, there is no need to express hate and anger over it, but apparently jealousy and impatience cause that to happen for some people.

    Other just get hyped more :hype:

  14. Apparently @DominikS thinks the giveaways are too sparse or the winners are too few. Can't really argue him on that. The chance you get access to the game in this stage of development is just very very small.

    Of course this has to do with the development speed, sever stability and other factors. We know you guys do this on your free time and try your best, and these negative comments are not helping, but I cant really disagree with him.

    Lets just hope that developments continues (and speeds up soon, because of summertime). Maybe progress on the server stability will be made soon and giveaways can be more often or for larger groups of winners.

    We are still thankful of your work ^_^, people just get a little impatient when progress seems to slow down. I am sure that people get hyped more (?or again?) when something big happens. :hype:

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