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Alpha & Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Treim

  1. Uploaded a couple of the bonus runs for May 1 Player level 10 potentially can be played in all-time range this month so no updates until the end of the month. 4 Player 10 solo is not possible this month 4 Player 9 is pretty straight forward this month, just another Lost Souls map solo cleared with LSS 1 Player level 9 is a fun little map, can be hectic due to clumped up map setup --> sub 11 minutes possible 1 Player level 1 i had the most fun with so far this month, super short and therefor very dependant on the very small things, even more so this month than regular level 1 maps. I believe 1:22 (correction: 1:20, maybe 1:19) to be possible. If you have a little bit of time on your hands, definetly recommend trying this one Edit: to spice it up a bit, if you can beat or tie my time at the end of the month for 1 Player level 1 you get 300 bfp -> post the replay in this thread please as level 1 completions will most likely not be in the rankings at the end of the month anymore.
  2. Some additions that i missed here which might otherwise lead to people not getting the whole picture - also the info is redundant in some places: Onto my additions: Essentially there is different types of damage buffing and then there is also debuffing. Buffing consists of spells that are pure damage buffs such as Motivate, Home Soil and Unholy Hero. I believe that Unholy Power stacks because it is not a pure damage buff but a hybrid card --> as in the effect applies to either reduce damage or increase damage based on which action the unit does/effects first. It is the only card of its type. Then there is unit abiilitiies that increase damage such as Bloodhorn which are independent of these buffs and stack with all of them --> I am not sure if this is allows the maximum amplification of 300% to be circumenvented (requires testing) In addition to this there is damage debuffs that do not effect ones own units but enemy units --> While snapjaws is a premiere example of this there are many more examples such as Frostbite(tainted), Mumbo Jumbo (fire) as well as Fallen Skyelf (unit ability). Swfit Cavalry M units can also trample S units and deal 3 damage per hit squad member. This category consists of only Dreadcharger, Nomads and Lyrish Knight (only works if you have a building nearby --> damage buff applies to trampling). This is true for any and all attack animations and abilities. The buff has to be on the unit when the damage is actually applied. The start or end of any (attack/ ability) animation is not relevant for this at all. That means that e.g. you can apply buffs when projectiles from ranged units are already midair and it still counts for those projectiles (This also applies for melee attacks) . That also means that if units die before the last projectiles land, those last projectiles will have no buffs to them applied. This is most prominent with Shadow Phoenix which can not be buffed as the game applies the damage after the unit is killed by its kamikaze attack.
  3. General update: I will probably start releasing these as soon as I play these maps, with maybe the exception being maps where an alltime speedrun record is possible Updated for 1 and 2 player maps of April 2020. TL;DR some guy rambling about his replays - if you do not want to watch them anyways, this post is irrelevant to you. Btw: Would recommend to first watch the replay before reading this otherwise it will make little sense to you. For more questions check out the discord server linked in the 1st post. 2 Player: 1st try for this one, so there are many improvements to be made even though i executed the general gameplan i laid out for myself as well as can be expected for a first run. I would maybe make a small change to my route and skip the Priest camp towards the left first and go directly to the twilight hulk boss. There is definetly improvements for taking t2 in there. I think i can cut 1 or 2 Forsaken and get the same time. My charge regeneration game was definetly lacking this time though. i wouldve needed to take more oppurtinities especially before the first incomes come to my orbs to get charges back for regrowth to not run out of heal charges for the last base. Would estimate a low to mid 24 time to be possible. Might try again later this month. 1 Player: Overall a nasty map with close bases from t2 to t3 and a relatively close base from t3 to the post t4 camps as well as a bunch of incomes especially if you kill both "t2-esque" camps to get your phoenixes voidless. I mostly had issues getting the t3 clear right as i started out with double shadow in t2 and no darkelf assassins and even with 12 phoenixes i could not kill the construct reliably enough and had to be very aware of how many nox troopers to keep after t2 was clear as i was running into charge issues to clear the dragons and incomes to t3 later on. My pathing this game was terrible I believe playing 2 Batas before the orb switch might be the way to go to minimize running time and stay in fights as much as possible. i believe a sub 20 is possible. Will probably try later in the month to improve my time. Hope this helps someone completing the maps - good luck to everyone.
  4. Sunbridge duo run: 9:47.8 by Pritstift + Treim
  5. 1st post updated for October 2019: 1 player motm (its so long ago I cant even remember the run) March 2020: 1 player motm (2nd try at this one, so do not expect perfect gameplay): Nox start to avoid the knockback of crystal fiends. Keep the first income to your t1 alive long enough to get the 2nd spawn to come to your t2 (--> keep the 1st income alive until you (almost) can build t2). Otherwise you will get double income to t1 which really sucks on this map due to the close proximity of the camp next to t1. Pathing in t4 sucks on this map due to the necassity to cover huge distances into the alcoves on top of the map and a lot of incomes hitting you. Therefor 2 Batariel play to minimize downtime in between clearing camps and to catch incomes that would otherwise get to your t3 and might fuck over void manipulation early on (until SoW is up and running) or split your attention in later fights, where bata can go down relatively easily if you dont pay attentation.
  6. Just do a full run of the game - every map played in one run if you want a long run
  7. Updated - September 2019 1 player motm first time on that strategy all time was possible with shadow start and perfect run (8:30 until Bata with t3 and t2 level camps clear + ~5:30 for Bata clear = 14:00 -- current all-time: 14:09) 2 player motm solo nothing remarkable about this run really 2 Player is much harder if you want to play the other position as well. Is possible to do so with frost start and good blocking of incomes and unit positioning though
  8. New alltime Blight: 12:45.4 Pritstift + Lebovin + Wanky + Treim Tied alltime Dwarven Riddle: 5:54.1 Pritstift + Lebovin + Wanky + Treim (not sure if you want to add September as another month the time was achieved in?) New alltime Guns of Lyr: 2:31.3 Mynoduesp + Pritstift + Lebovin + Darkmatter_dark
  9. Battleground 2 Player new record: 22:30.4
  10. 4 Player level 9 uploaded - 1st try, will most likely not play again @Kybaka 2 Player level 1 - pretty optimized run, might try to improve later this month by another 3-4 seconds. -- Edit: changed strategy slightly, 2:30 is possible now
  11. As promised new update for the August motm's. Only did 1 Player this month. If it's requested i can upload the run for 1 Player level 9 as well. Possible time with used strategy: ~17:00 (actual time: 17:38) Short explanation on why i used fire start this time: The camp below t1 will attack you once you trigger the wave at t2 and the respawns of that camp will continously come to your t1. That would be manageable if t2 could be take safely. You have to trap the income from t3 camp betweenn t1 and t2 though and the camp at t2 is very far back which makes a fast clear pretty hard for any faction which results in you needing a pretty big army + a sizeable defense. I did experiment with all factions and shadow was straight up unplayable here. You have no way to efficiently defend that big an attack at t1 and taking t2 is pretty difficult due to high damage mana wings + a bad spawn location. Nature was going okayish but i did not find a good spot for the mark of the keeper to keep alive due to the amount of high hp or high damage melee units that would constantly kill the motk. Also nature has the 2nd slowest clear of t2 on this map. Frost i had an issue with binding too much power and efficiently clearing t2 as there are a bunch of units that are not effected by Frost Mage cc which results in prolonged fights which frost struggles in. Also defense is a bit tricky, but was the 2nd best. Fire i was actually able to pull off a reasonable defense of t1 with blaster mines and nomads after killing most of the stuff at t2. I was not able to find a reliable and fast way to do this consistantly. It was based a bit more on improvisation and a bit of luck in regards to how units ran into mines due to there being huge masses that tend to run slightly diifferent every time. if a unit died to early i would have to restart and it was still relatively slow. Conclusion was that the camp below t1 had to die first which results in constant incomes from 2 sides which is annoying you at t1 and the one from t2 will hinder you setting the attack up. So it became obvious that you will have to trap the incomes which fire and frost have the easiest time with as i do not play shaman. In the end i decided on fire due to it having a faster clear and the fact that the t3 camp you can clear with just t1 cards and oink which was an somewhat necasssary on this anyways as you need 2 cc's to avoid knockback from gunners in the camps later on. Frost would need Embalmers + Phoenixes and wasting another 2 slots + potentially even coldsnap as if I cant handle the drakes - did not test that though. In regards to the path I took. I was first experimenting with portal nexus and getting back to my t3 after the camp below the bandit lord in order to kill the huge income you get that way. Ultimately that was too slow though as it results in additional ground to run through with Batariel (from t3 to the camp below t3 + from the bottom most left camp back to the twin riders (or whatever the boss is called)). The rest should be pretty straightforward --> avoiid gunner knockback and cc from dragons, stay alive while low on power due to Sow and you were good to go. Hope this short summary of my thought process, especially for t1 helps more people completing these type of maps faster next time around. For further questions use this thread or the discord link in the first post.
  12. I believe it was possible to stay in the group while not playing the match your group played. Can't remember at all how the lobby creation worked while you were still ingame.
  13. new record: Sunbridge - 9:58.3 Pritstift+ Treim
  14. Updated - 1 Player level 9 might get updated later this month again
  15. Hey everyone, I decided to continue my thread from the original Battleforge forums, where i shared all my solo rPvE replays with the community - thanks to @Kybaka for picking this up again last month. You can expect regular updates at the beginning of each month for the month that just passed. I will upload most replays throughout the month whenever I get a halfway decent time on these maps. Exception being maps where an alltime speedrun record is possible - those will be uploaded at the end of the month. Cleanliness of play in the replays can greatly differ due to time investment. You can at least expect a top 3 finish for the respective month for each of these replays though. If i play Motm level 9 maps solo, they will be updated throughout the month as I am doing those just for the sake of it. If you have questions in regards to gameplay or strategy feel free to post here or contact me on @Ultrakool's Battleforge Tutoring server: https://discord.gg/2R7yZTS Please note that older replays will not work due to the game being patched now. If all cards in the replay are unchanged you can fix it with the Replay Fixer Tool that can be found on the forums. If cards are changed, replays are at least as of right now not watcheable anymore - not sure if a backward compability will ever be introduced. If you want to cast any of these videos, feel free to do so. General naming structure of the replays: Motm_Month_Game mode_Difficulty_Time You can watch the replays ingame by downloading the file(s) and saving them in this folder: Documents\BattleForge\replays. January 2019 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls Motm_January_1Player_Level10_1847.pmv Motm_January_2Player(solo)_Level10_2855.pmv February 2019 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost souls Motm_February_1Player_Level10_2216.pmv Motm_February_2Player(solo)_Level10_2556.pmv - Youtube Commentary by RadicalX [RadicalX] March 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits; 4 Player: Bandits Motm_March_1Player_Level10_1413.pmv Motm_March_4Player(solo)_Level10_1846.pmv - former alltime record for 4 Player solo rPvE March Bonus Motm_March_1Player_Level9_1334.pmv April 2019 - 4 Player: Bandits Motm_April_4Player(solo)_Level10_1854.pmv May 2019 did not play June 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits; 2 Player: Stonekin Motm_June_1Player_Level10_1736.pmv Motm_June_2Player(solo)_Level10_2648.pmv July 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits Motm_July_1Player_Level10_1644.pmv July Bonus Motm_July_1Player_Level9_1425.pmv August 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits; 4 Player: Lost Souls Motm_August_1Player_Level10_1738.pmv August Bonus Motm_August_1Player_Level9_1225.pmv Motm_August_4Player(solo)_Level9_2046.pmv September 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits; 2 Player: Stonekin; 4 Player: Lost Souls Motm_September_1Player_Level10_1536.pmv Motm_September_2Player(solo)_Level10_2230.pmv - former alltime record for 2 Player solo rPvE September Bonus Motm_September_4Player(solo)_Level9_2042.pmv Motm_September_2Player(solo)_Level1_0233.pmv October 2019 - 1 Player: Bandits Motm_October_1Player_Level10_1446.pmv November 2019 - Februar 2020: did not play March 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin Motm_March2020_1Player_Level10_1907.pmv April 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls; 4 Player: Twilight Motm_April2020_1Player_Level10_2215.pmv Motm_April2020_2Player(solo)_Level10_2556.pmv May 2020 - 1 Player: Bandits; 2 Player: Stonekin; 4 Player: Lost Souls Motm_May2020_1Player_Level10_1241.pmv - Youtube Commentary by LEBOVIN [Skylords Reborn Speedrun Community] - former alltime record for 1 Player rPvE May2020 Bonus Motm_May2020_1Player_Level9_1137.pmv Motm_May2020_1Player_Level1_0127.pmv Motm_May2020_2Player(solo)_Level9_1450.pmv Motm_May2020_4Player(solo)_Level9_1957.pmv June 2020 - 1 Player: Bandits; 2 Player: Stonekin; 4 Player: Lost Souls Motm_June2020_1Player_Level10_1839.pmv Motm_June2020_2Player(solo)_Level10_2737.pmv June 2020 Bonus Motm_June2020_1Player_Level9_1324.pmv Motm_June2020_2Player(solo)_Level9_2009.pmv July 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls; 4 Player: Stonekin Motm_July2020_1Player_Level10_2033.pmv Motm_July2020_2Player(solo)_Level10_2728.pmv Motm_July2020_1Player_Level10_1749.pmv July 2020 Bonus Motm_July2020_1Player_Level9_1120.pmv Motm_July2020_2Player(solo)_Level9_1454.pmv August 2020 - 1 Player: Bandits; 2 Player: Stonekin; 4 Player: Stonekin Motm_August2020_1Player_Level10_1715.pmv August 2020 Bonus Motm_August2020_1Player_Level9_1437.pmv Motm_August2020_2Player(solo)_Level9_1659.pmv September 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls; 4 Player: Twilight Motm_September2020_1Player_Level10_1931.pmv September Bonus Motm_September2020_1Player_Level9_1217.pmv Motm_September2020_1Player_Level1_0212.pmv October 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin Motm_October2020_1Player_Level10_1841.pmv November 2020 - 1 Player: Bandits Motm_November2020_1Player_Level10_1608.pmv November Bonus Motm_November2020_1Player_Level1_0139.pmv Motm_November2020_4Player(solo)_Level9_1810.pmv December 2020 - 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls; 4 Player: Twilight Motm_December2020_1Player_Level10_1947.pmv December Bonus Motm_December2020_1Player_Level1_0125.pmv Motm_December2020_1Player_Level9_1056.pmv January 2021- 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: lost Souls; 4 Player: Twilight Motm_January2020_1Player_Level10_1835.pmv - Youtube Commentary by Eirias and myself [Battleforge Creators Guild] January Bonus Motm_January2021_1Player_Level9_1107.pmv Motm_January2020_2Player(solo)_Level9_1913.pmv February 2021: 1 Player: Stonekin; 2 Player: Lost Souls Motm_February2021_1Player_Level10_1522.pmv Motm_February2021_2Player(solo)_Level10_1822.pmv - Youtube Commentary by LEBOVIN [Skylords Reborn Speedrun Community] - alltime record for 2 Player solo rPvE March 2021 - April 2021: did not play May 2021: 1 Player: Bandit Motm_May2021_1Player_Level10_1754.pmv June 2021 - July 2021: did not play August 2021:1 Player: Bandits; 4Player: Bandits Motm_August2021_4Playe(solo)_Level10_1829.pmv - Youtube Commentary by LEBOVIN [Skylords Reborn Speedrun Community] - alltime record for 4 Player solo rPvE August Bonus Motm_August2021_1Player_Level9_1030.pmv Motm_August2021_4Playe(solo)_Level10_2033.pmv September 2021: did not play October 2021: 1 Player: Bandit Motm_October2021_1Player_Level10_1122.pmv - alltime record for 1 Player rPvE November 2021 - December2021: did not play January2022: 2 Player: Bandit Motm_January2022_2Player(solo)_Level9_1239.pmv
  16. if you cast the starting and end point of netherwarp very close to each other, the healing of netherwarp is massively increased - which obviously plays very well into Shadow mage mechanics.
  17. He was active on the forum. He was quite active in the daily card discussion thread that was popular for a while 2(?) years back. I think at some point he name changed though - i never seem to remember his new name though. Not sure if he is still active either. Very knowledgable about cards though iirc.
  18. Just to be clear I did NOT propose for me to be in that circle. I think there are better candidates to ask in terms of balance like e.g. MentalOmega (or whatever he is called now). I am after all a highly specialized player which may be helpful in certain situations and mostly worthless in others.
  19. Afaik Passage to darkness had 2 mechanics that influence the other maps. Firstly one map could get some kind of"curse" (don't remember the exact name). Essentially what happens is that in set time intervals you get damaged by the map itself. This effect was by default on map 1 but there was a switch on one of the players t1 camps that was able to switch that effect to their respective map. Secondly you had to destroy certain shrines (5 in total) on the map that would spawn aberrations (lost Souls units - either Lost Warlord or Lost Dragon) on the other maps. To win the gameyou had to destroy all aberrations and shrines on all 3 maps. The spawnpoints were fixed, not quite sure about if there was a fixed respawn time or if it was determined by certain map events. There was a maximum of 10 aberrations that could spawn on each map (5 from each of ther 2 maps shrines). Afaik the spawn points were linked to the shrines of other maps and not random at one of the 4(?) spawn locations - i dont believe there were five locations weirdly; would have to double check if im right though. Ascension is indeed much more complex and varied in its mechanics, but i do not remember any of it. Maybe someone who played that map a lot, would be able to help out with that. I feel like Balance changes are justified and in some cases necassary. Either by buffing near useless cards or tuning down a few of the ones that are a bit (or much) too good. I would agree on the sentiment that certain players with a lot of game knowledge should be asked too help with working out viable balance changes to avoid messing up the game too much as was mentioned before in this thread and multiple times across the years. Imo the focus should be mainly on PvP, but PvE should at least have a few player representatives as well to get a good grasp on possible effects on certain maps or strategies. Obviously the composition of players for each "patch" and/or card could change as a pure PvP card probably only needs 1 PvE player to make sure there is no huge abuseability on some PvE map. If there is a greater overlap you would probably want to have closer to a 50/50 distribution while for pure PvE cards you would probably want the reverse for case 1. I would assume having a certain "pool" of players would be beneficial and then building small task forces of 4-6 players would be optimal in theory. That obviously depends on availability and motivation, so i guess only time will tell what sizzes would be optimal for a discussion as it is after all a bunch of work and not everyone's willing to put that time into essentially a change that the devs will MAYBE implement. At least in theory a great concept though. In regards to leaderboards - if no card was changed that was used within the replay on the leaderboards the record should stay valid. Ingame would be preferable for that as i would guess that that is much more easy to check than via forums as those replays are not publicly available for the majority of it. There was a tool in the past with which you could watch replays from past patches as long as no cards that were changed during a patch were used within that replay! Not sure if anyone has that one lying on his PC, but that might help. Iirc a replay was nothing else but the game/AI doing every command you gave at the exact same time by itself and you being able to watch it, instead of an actual recording of your gameplay. Not sure if this helps in any way for this though
  20. new all time record for Convoy: 5:52.3
  21. Lost converter gets kind of decent if you have a mate in rPvE who plays pure shadow —> use netherwarp(frost) to warp the whole base into converter range. Never found a use for fleshbender but Bandit Sorceress works fine on defensive PvE maps. Would generally agree on the topic that this game is very cardcentric and much less about maps which i doubt will not change in the near or distant future. Some of the most fun decks actually only work if you have a mate imo though. There is so much more possibilities that I sometimes find it actually insane how much you can do even at just t2.
  22. Is it not an option to just tie the ingame time to wins? So essentially the ingame time only counts towards the quest if you also win the map you spend that time in? No way to circumvent that if i didn't overlook something here, because the time only counts towards the quest if you also win the map. If there is a quest where you have to win multiple maps, just dont count the time of the map that completed 1 map So f.e: Complete 1 PvE map: 1. match GoL - 3:30 win 2. matchGoL - 2:00 fail 3. matchGoL - 3:40 win 4. matchGoL - 3:00 fail 5. matchGoL - 4:00 win --> Quest complete after 5th match Complete 2 PvE maps: 1. match GoL - 3:30 win 2. matchGoL - 2:00 fail 3. matchGoL - 3:40 win 4. matchGoL - 3:00 fail 5. matchGoL - 4:00 win --> 1st Quest objective completed --> 1/2 maps completed --> the 1:10 that you spend over the minimum time limit are irrelevant and don't count towards the 2nd quest objective 1. match GoL - 4:30 win 2. matchGoL - 2:00 fail 3. matchGoL - 4:30 win 4. matchGoL - 3:00 fail 5. matchGoL - 3:20 win --> 2nd Quest objective completed If i missed something please tell me as this is just an idea i come up with on the fly.
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