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  1. Ponni liked a post in a topic by alexx-serg in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    The game has a total of maybe 10 or 20 people who really know how to play, the rest are noobs , they don't even know what these or other cards can do . That they should be asked about whether to cut the card or not, whether to reset it or not ? And the opinion of those 10 who understand the game is not important at all ?
  2. Ponni liked a post in a topic by ktoeto in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    No one asks for an inventory transfer. There was a change suggestion made originally by Kybaka which you should at least consider watching.
    The fact that so many players disagree to the wipe, shows how many flaws it has.
    I currently hold almost all of the 4P maps records except for 2, and my ingame name is Riddle. You don't have to consider me as a good player because I literally couldn't care less for your worthless opinion. Ponni is a Battleground player but how would you know, you're not even playing the game lol.
  3. ktoeto liked a post in a topic by Ponni in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    Sticking your head in the sand will solve all the problems, right?
    Anyhow, good for you being such a nice guy to give all your cards away and helping out the devs. But, I do not understand how someone can take the decision to give away everything and stop playing the game, very strange.
    I am certain you will be fine after a wipe, as well as me. But, reason why I argue in this matter is not because of us but because of all potential people out there finding this game and those that might struggle with it right now. A game, which to my opinion, is one of the best games ever created and more people should play. But there are problems of which I will list one here now, what is your answer to that (if you can get your head out of the sand for a moment):
    - Threshold to get into the game - it is too high. Meaning everything, BFP, cards, how to play, getting to play and not be kicked out of groups, etc, etc.
    So, I urge you to get into the discssion with arguments which are not centered around you and what you have achieved and can achieve. That is not really helping the community move forward.
    // Ponni
  4. ktoeto liked a post in a topic by Ponni in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    I am not sure what to say now, more than to refer back to my comment in the other thread again. How many people have completed all maps on standard, advanced and expert level? Standard many, Advanced very few, Expert extremely few.
  5. ktoeto liked a post in a topic by Ponni in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    Again, good that you are such a nice guy helping out. Please answer my question instead of pulling what you have done and I have not.
  6. ktoeto liked a post in a topic by Ponni in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    @kubik If this is your friend I urge you take him by the ear and teach him manners.
    I will not as long as you refer to yourself, have some manners dude!
  7. Ponni liked a post in a topic by ktoeto in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    I really like that we're just holding a discussion with people who barely understand the game, bronze equivalent in league. 
  8. Ponni liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in New BFP Earning System: Playtime and Reserves   
    I am actually in favor of implementing this right now. To see if it has the desired effect. For now without any restrictions or rewards. If you will there can be achievements for progression but simply in the form of notification and looking at them.
    Of course, right now we have lots of players for which the unlocked account does not make a difference to their progression account anymore, but for all the new accounts created onwards from implementation, we could already gather data if this is a feasible change for post reset.
  9. Ponni liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in New BFP Earning System: Playtime and Reserves   
    Honestly what if after reset upon Login you can literally select between your account and an account which is {U}nlocked and has all the things above. If every created account would come with those two versions people would not even have to decide whether or not they want to have an account where progression is done already. Trading, Quests Shop all disabled there. If players that chose to push their progression account by playing with someone that has everything unlocked than so be it. I am very much convinced all advocates for progression would not bother leveling up their progression account if they did not have to

    @Kubik technically possible? 
  10. Ponni liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    Besides the pressing issue of multi accounting is no more a thing
  11. Ponni liked a post in a topic by Kybaka in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    Why not 2 possibility after reset? When you create profile.. you have choices :
    1) You start from scratch :  Like currently.. Only beginner card deck.
    2) You start with all card / update : Marketplace, trading cards and sending cards by email are all disabled forever.
  12. Ponni liked a post in a topic by Kybaka in Is a hard reset really needed?   
    Personally, I don't see the point of the reset. I mainly play to be in the top ranking of RPVE. Find the right tactic and the right card deck.
    I will have no fun trying to start from the beginning only to get the cards I need. So the reset risks in my case to be an end in itself.
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