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  1. Xiven liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Tribe active abilities inconsistant shortcuts   
    While hunting some inconsistantcies i stumbled upon Revenant's Doom (active ability from the Lost Souls tribe). Unlike its counterpart Transformation (active ability from the Twilight tribe) from, Revenant's Doom is placed last in the ability list which makes its shortcut inconsistant when the unit has additional active abilities.
    Units affected by this are:
    - Lost Dancer
    - Lost Reaver
    - Lost Grigori (further inconsistantcies when mode switched)
    - Lost Warlord
    - Lost Spirit Ship
    Since it isn't a real bug, not even a real inconsistantcy, I thought I'd ask here for opinions. IMO Revenant's Doom should have first priority thus being always on the same shortcut (Y/Z). The same "issue" occurs with other tribe active abilities like Tunneling. While Burrower has Tunneling as the primary ability, Deep One has it as the secondary. Same principal can be applied here, Tunneling should have first priority thus being always on the same shortcut.
    Tribe abilities with same thought process:
    - Revenant's Doom from Lost Souls tribe - inconsistant (Lost Grigori mode switch)
    - Tunneling from Deep One different from rest of Tunneling tribe
    - Stampede from Mo/Promo Mo different from Juggernaut & Bloodhorn
    - Root from Sun Reaver different from rest of Root tribe (exception Treefiend which is both Twilight and Root tribe)
    - Selfdestruct from Morklay Trap & Fire Bomb

    - Transformation from Twilight tribe - consistant on primary shortcut
    - Sacrifice from Lifestealer, Shadow Mage, Mutating Frenzy & Necrofury - consistant on primary shortcut
  2. Xiven liked a post in a topic by malldi in Remove lending LVL120 PVP decks   
    I also agree that giving people 120 level decks  isn't best idea. I logged in yesterday hyped after many years of not playing this game. When I saw those free PvP decks all leveled up including all needed cards (even ultra rares!) I felt that there is absolutely no reason to collect cards for me as a mostly PvP player. You dont even have to change anything in these decks, they are absolute top tier. You cant say it's "just" PvP if for some people this is the only content they are intrested in.
    At the beggining everyone will have bad decks and everything will be equal. Later on people with better decks will climb the rank and will fight against other people with similarly leveled decks and people with worse decks will fight similar people on lower ranks.
    If someone will join the game later on, then it's obvious he will have worse deck than most of the people but that's how it's in other games aswell... When I join MMORPG game 5 years after it's release then I don't expect to have the same level of gear as people who play this game for 5 years. 
    For PvPers this situation makes the game lose that card game feeling and makes it just another RTS game.
  3. Xiven liked a post in a topic by jackbro in Remove lending LVL120 PVP decks   
    Who are you to say how someone should or shouldn't play a video game the way they want to. If seemingly the majority of players enjoyed the grind of PvE to build a stronger PvP deck and the process of building that deck to it's full potential, why should they accept this change? 
    Why not keep the premade decks to Ranked play only if it's so important to level the playing field? Or push this premade deck release to a later date to give people time to build up their collection.
  4. Xiven liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Remove lending LVL120 PVP decks   
    It depends on what you consider the bigger issue. PvP being virtually locked for you until you have upgraded cards (especially true if you join later down the line) and can even begin to compete on a raw power level? Or the economical impact of providing a set of cards for free and undermining of the collection aspect?
    You also have to consider that originally all these things were baked into the monetization model. Want more charges? Easiest way was to pay up. That means that wanting to be more competitive in PvP was an incentive to spend money. That's not the case anymore, you can't just buy progress. So they have to somehow try to dissect these methods out of the game design.  
    This is the official statement regarding these decks. In short, they think long-term the free decks will keep the PvP community healthier.
    The opportunity cost is effectively eliminating the need to chase after a lot of cards for PvP players and making the use of 120 decks mandatory if you want to be competitive power-wise.
    Maybe they could've waited a month to release the 120 decks to give everyone the chaotic start-up times, while still offering latecomers a faster start. Making the cards U2 would've been an option as well. Or having a fee to rent the decks.
    Personally, I think the collectible part is essential to the game, it's what it was entirely built around. So that's a pretty big intrusion.
    Also very unfortunate that not all opinions could be considered because a lot of people didn't involve themselves in conversations like this before release as they waited. Maybe if enough people speak up against the 120 decks they change something? The original thread was mostly positive about it. I have my doubts that they would remove it entirely though.
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