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Posts posted by Kiwi

  1. @iameinheld This is currently a known bug that happens sometimes, if you haven't got into the game after several minutes then it means you have frozen in the loading in screen and the best thing to do is just close the game down and restart it for now until our devs can figure out the problem.

  2. @QuerulantI get this issue as well, the problem is that there is two lots of group code, group 1 and group 2, our devs are trying to figure out how it works but for now if you use /team when in game it works fine, and use /group when you're in the lobby it should work fine. Hope this helps.

  3. Sadly this is a bug which EA caused somehow they go around frame limiter and when game is doing nothing they push frames as fast as possible, and sadly our devs have no idea what they did or how so there is nothing we can do right now :( You could try capping frame rate through your Nvidia drivers but we only know it works if you cap frame rate through AMD driver at the moment, so trying this would be at your own risk.

  4. Sorry for the late response. Did you extract both of the files into this same folder? or just copy the SkylordsRebornUpdater across to this folder? As well as this did you make sure your anti virus isn't blocking the download in anyway?

  5. 2 hours ago, GreenPavlik said:

    Well, I just downloaded the client and updater several times. downloaded until and installed until the problem was resolved. I think the problem is in the server. it is he who processes the data.

    In general, after each update, you have to download the client and updater again. I don’t know why, but this is the only way to avoid entry errors. at the moment this is the case. I have not had a case when, after the update, I did not have to download the client and update the next day.

    It's weird I never got this problem with my game after the updates perhaps it just takes a while for it to update in the game after a server restart? Let me know if any of you are still getting this problem if not I shall close and lock this thread.

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