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Everything posted by Ladadoos

  1. Knows that I followed the rules but is a drama queen o.o
  2. Thinks I broke the rules when I actually didn't . Should read my post again. Has post #1267 7-2+1=6
  3. Doesn't know that it is actually over 1.000
  4. [quote='Eirias' pid='9327' dateline='1437753856'] Fire stalker to pure frost might be strong. Rageflame to pure fire or bandits or shadow would probably be OP. Twilight curse would be good for pure frost or another deck that has no cc. (wait, did they change that to 3 orbs or is allbfcards wrong?) [/quote] Good that you mention it, I could swear that it was 2 orbs as well (fire+nature). http://battleforge.wikia.com/wiki/Card%3ATwilight_Curse
  5. Has a nice post-count number. #123 :kappa:
  6. Should explain why he has a troll face in his signature... :troll:
  7. Ladadoos

    Booster pack prices

    [quote='NeutralJM' pid='9244' dateline='1437699032'] The price of the boosters will depend of our daily challenges and our ways of earning bfp? [/quote] I believe the price of the boosters will stay the same. The amount of BFP we will get with the daily quests depends on how many hours each person wants/can play per day. Check this thread: http://bfreborn.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=296
  8. [quote='Navarr' pid='9222' dateline='1437693850'] Might be not easy to code but I think it could be possible. When there is unwalkable ground in the projectile way it should deal less damage. Cliffdancers are still very easy to protect, they will still be very strong. [/quote] What if there is a well or a building in projectiles path ? Wouldn't this mean it would do less damage since this is technically speaking unwalkable because a building is on the terrain.
  9. Has a signature made by himself ! *applauds*
  10. [quote='Destoyerfros' pid='9081' dateline='1437656323'] In certain situations fire dancer was a OP card e.g. building a wall near an enemy base and shooting over the wall at the enemy base.On certain maps cliffs could be taken advantage of to kill wells. However a lot of cards could be OP in certain situations (War Eagle) But thats why people play those fractions for the 'Good' cards. I think we should focus on cards such as Brannoc first.. [/quote] If we are going to use your example of something being OP because you could build a wall near an enemy base and then shoot over the wall at the enemy base, there are a lot of others cards that are OP too... Sometimes it's not even the cards, sometimes it's the maps itself that causes imbalances.. There was a map, I don't remember the name of it, that wasn't symmetric. This meaning that some archers on the wall reached the wells, while the same archers on the same wall on the other half of the map couldn't reach the well... What's the big problem of taking advantages of cliffs to beat your enemy ? It might be lame yes, it might show that you don't have a lot of skill.. but that is just how tactics work... There are indeed a lot of others cards that could be OP in certain situations, War Eagle like you mentioned, Skyfire drake... Even energy parasites could use cliffs to their advantage... Anyways, I think that this is going a bit off-topic and if we wanna talk about card balancing we should go here : http://bfreborn.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=379
  11. [quote='Hirooo' pid='9071' dateline='1437651781'] A tactical option should change the way both players play the game to make the most profit out of it. I dont know your amount of experience of playing against cliffdancing but the amount of counterplay is very limited on many maps. If only one of the two players can profit out of that tactical option and the other one cant really answer to it there is no point of having this option in the first place. [/quote] I didn't PvP much in the old BF and therefore don't have a lot of experience agaisnt cliffdancing, but I don't see what the issue is with cliffdancing... I more or less see that it could be annoying sometimes, since a player with less skill can easily destroy your base base without leaving you may options to counter it. This being said, why does the range of the firendacer have to be nerfed ? Why don't the maps have to be changed so that cliffdancing won't work, so that dancers can't reach your buildings without taking a significant risk ? Are we considering firedancer to be an OP card ?
  12. I can't really think of any (pure) card that is underpowered and would be overpowered if we changed the orb requirements. This being said, Imagine having firedancer pure nature. All the CC's and heals + the insane long range from the firedancer...
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