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Posts posted by Samson

  1. Honestly I think nothing really beats good ol Juggernaut running through the enemy walls when it comes to nostalgia of the ol' Battle Forge days...

    But concerning the cards...I guess my pick would've been the Bandit Walker or the Construct. Those are in a complete different level compared to most other cards due to them being mechanical in nature rather then fantastical creatures which makes the Frost deck so unique compared to the others, sure they are not the only ones to have those but they defnetly stood out the most to me back in the day 



    Majora, Gnougnou, Dutchy and 1 other like this
  2. Hello guys, I've been meaning to reply to this topic for a while now and I was thinking of suggesting a few youtubers that could be of interest

    A few choices that comes to mind would be Ssethtzeentach or Mandalore gaming, but I'm guessing those wouldn't be so simple to reach (even less pay for) given their popularity, so I've got a few people that maybe could be of interest, even if it's not something the team could use in the immediate future:

    -Boomstick Gaming
    -Nerd Slayer
    -Accursed Farms

    I think Accursed Farms (Ross) would be specially favorable into making a video about it, maybe even a interview with the team consindering the video he made about the game back in the day. 

    Nerd Slayer is pretty much self explanatory, I think he would be ideal since he covers Dead/dying games and I think he would also be a good boost if approached correctly so the coverage comes off in a ''light in the darkness'' sort of tone instead of the depressive one he gives in his ''Death of a game'' videos.

    SplatterCatGaming is a indie games reviewer , but I'm assuming SR fits the description given it's position right? I think he may sitclose to Mandalore and Seth but maybe he's worth a shot down the line too!

    Boomstick Gaming is also one that comes to mind and he does like games with interesting mechanics which makes SR a perfect fit for him to try out.

    I'm not sure if this will be a issue regarding how you guys managed to accquire the IP from EA (not even sure if you guys have that) but if it's okay maybe they can be a start and eventualy bring bigger names to bing new blood. I'd also specially recommend you guys use those when major content is release, though I guess that goes wihout saying. 

    I hope the suggestion is worthwhile, I unfortnatly don't know these youtubers personally but I feel they might be a good shot to start bringing attention to the game again, at the very least let you guys know of whom may be worth looking for in the future.

    All that said, have a good one guys and keep up the good work, here's hoping Skylords Reborn becomes the next hidden gem those youtubers will cover in the future.

    EDIT: I've just remembered that Twitter could also be a potential source to promote the game both in it's mechanics and future contents as well. 

    Alot of indie devs have been using it to promote the development of their projects and to ask their followers for opinions.

    I'm not sure if the team can provide content weekly but peraphs a few Concept Arts, Ideas for Future Content and, naturaly, work in progress videos/screenshots would likely be the fastest and most cost efficient way right now besides Youtube Videos.

    Here's a Hashtag that is commonly used: #ScreenshotSunday

    Majora, Metagross31, Kapo and 2 others like this
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