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Tips for solo RPVE 10 Bloodhorn deck

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I have general idea how deck should look like, but idk how to use it and dont know anything about cards synergies also i m not sure about T1 and T2. I m in deck bulding phase so a lot of questions poped up in my head. Is it really worth to start shadow t1? do i keep harvester in my deck ( It is really expansive as a card and usually it is hard to take T2 without taking T3 at the same time). If i play harvester do I even need any T3 units ? Is it worth to play Wasteland Terror (G) instead of disenchant ? Which cards should i upgrade first. Is Unity must have ? Should i play soulshatter alongside cluster explosion(R)? What cards do i add which do i swap ? What synergies i should consider ?

Could someone give me general tips not only about deck building but also how to use it in rpve ? Many thanks 🙂image.png.9badad12b6dcd716a9ac9baa95cd81af.png  


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Hey zxcvbnb,
first off, welcome to the Forums 🙂
@Volin made a guide on Fire/shadow for rPvE a while back:

It is still reasonably up to date, but was written before Wasteland Terror and Banzai Lord were in the game.
Since you want to run Bloodhorn, I guess Banzai Lord is not really what you want, since this a different kind of deck.
To be honest, I have not really tried out a lot of Wasteland Terror yet, so I can not say, whether it is a good replacement for Disenchant.

Shadow T1 is very solid and allows for early Resource Boosters. Since you want to play mainly rPvE 10, you should consider Shadow Phoenix in T2, since it is usually the more reliable option than Harvester. If you play them, make sure to combine them with Embalmer's Shrine though!

What you definitely need is some form of healing/sustain. Life Weaving is already a good start, but you do not have a strong heal yet. I personally like the combo of Undead Army + Bloodhealing, which can give tons of healing to your Bloodhorn. The Undead Army also synergizes very well with Unity (especially the blue affinity).

Also, consider replacing Unholy Power with Unholy Hero since it scales much better into the late game and Life Weaving is typically enough at the T2 stage.

I would highly recommend to get at least one upgrade on your Soul Splicer, since this allows you to collect corpses from far away. Infect Upgrades are also really good, since they can give you even more crawlers.

Other than that you got a really solid base. I hope those tips are helpful to you 🙂

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From a meta perspective not much or nothing changed. Banzai is a similar but different deck, Wasteland is nice but has no slot in meta decks imo.

From that point my guide is still valid for 10s, but still a more advanced deck I guess.

For 10s a red start is recommended until real expert levels of skill and knowledge imo

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I checked the guide and made few adjustment. I think ill stick with shadow as my T1 at least for now. Deck looks like this after the changes.
Wasteland Terror looks very cool tho. Kind a shame that it is off-meta.  Which card should i consider swaping for nether warp(G) ?
Thanks for all the help 🙂


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2 hours ago, zxcvbnb said:

I checked the guide and made few adjustment. I think ill stick with shadow as my T1 at least for now. Deck looks like this after the changes.
Wasteland Terror looks very cool tho. Kind a shame that it is off-meta.  Which card should i consider swaping for nether warp(G) ?
Thanks for all the help 🙂


Even if it is off-meta, it can still be very fun to use, if you like it 🙂

Also, I am not sure, if Grim Bahir is worth it without Offering. Maybe Volin can elaborate on that.

Something to try would be Grimbahir+Disenchant out, Wasteland Terror+Netherwarp in. No guarantees, that this works though. 

Lastly, Amok has been buffed recently, so Amok+Frenetic(g) is a worthy alternative to both Frenetics.

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