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Is it possible to download the entire game without updater?


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I am still struggeling with the 64-bit issue with my current OS (32-bit) and I am not able to download via updater as it's only running under 64-bit OS.

Previously, before the open beta went live, I was able to download the entire game via .rar (about 5 GB), is there still an oppertuntiy to do so, to "by-pass" the 64-bit updater?

Greetings and keeping fingeres crossed

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"We finally made our Updater and Launcher 32-bit compatible. All of you with a 32-bit Windows should now also be able to play our beloved game. Simply start your SkylordsRebornUpdater. It will download a new Launcher on those systems which need it. On 64-bit systems there will be no changes except an update of the SkylordsRebornUpdater which is now version 0.5. If you find any bugs or have problems starting the new Updater or Launcher please feel free to report this to #help_skylords on discord or file a bug report on the forums in the bug section. Disclaimer: If there are any problems, give us some time to fix this since this is some bigger change in the system."

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