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Achievements and New / 12 Player Maps


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Hi Team,

please consider removing the new maps and 12 player maps from existing achievments and bundle them to new ones.

12 Player maps on expert are very rarely beeing openly played and its very frustrating to not beeing able to finish your archievements and claim the rewards, because there are too few active players interested in it most of the time.

And  some of the new maps are clearly designed for veterans which is fine, if they wouldnt lock lot of achievemts. Like the pure nature achievment: everything seems doable till you see unexpected visitors with all players full nature on expert, yeah…

This makes lot of the rewarding achievments locked till the absolute late game.

So again, please consider removing this kind of maps from existing achievements and bundle them in new veteran or 12 player achievments, maybe with a new title or art tied to it. If you manage to clear all of them, you almost certainly got most if not all of the cards anyway….

With kind regards ;)




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I definitely think there is a real question to ask about what to do regarding the new maps and the old achievements. For now we just incorporated the new maps into them, but as we add more maps the question really needs to be asked if that is a good idea. I don't particularly like newer players, or just less active ones, needing to do more work for the same rewards, and in that sense it seems smart to limit the existing achievements to the original maps. 

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One think about the difficulty of the new maps:

Keep in mind, that the old maps have been around for about 15 years now, so players had a lot of time to figure out the best strategies for each of them, including ways to cheese maps using mechanics like spawnblocking, spawntrapping, gateskipping etc. The new maps on the other hand have only been around for a few months now, so there is much less knowledge about what the best strategies are or possible methods to cheese the maps. Additionally, these maps have been designed and tested with a lot of hindsight with respect towards the old maps and thus the map team already knew about a lot of cheesing mechanisms and tried their best to not include any obvious skips or cheap win strategies.

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