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Posts posted by solcrow

  1. tool for viewing BF models


    how to use:

    1) Drop models into "BFModels" folder

    2) run app

    3) open model

    4) press "Export to FBX" button

    5) check folder with model

    +fbx is with animations and with some magic you can use them in Unity

    there are alot of bugs and some models will not open

    Soon i will share sources for this tool


    example jugerrnaut model


    kggx, DepressedCat and Fat4life like this
  2. 1 hour ago, Kiliangg said:

    Im not sure but the bones looked fine... they were just messed up in rotation: Z: -180° & x: -90° at least in Blender. But that would be a lefthanded / righthanded thing coordination so no real problem. 

    I'm not so strong in animations. something is wrong with position/rotation in smd/ska
    I tried import smd to 3dsmax then make fbx for Unity, didn't work.
    Then i tried copy/paste position/rotation from smd file to Unity, didn't work.

    there is no native import support in Unity
    i wrote my own importer. Thanks to @Blank for sharing file structures
    i will make something like model viewer. and maybe try to make drs/ska converter to fbx


  3. for SKA file structure from previous posts

    struct _Headers 
      uint Unknown1; 	//uint tick; //from LightSong 
      uint Unknown2; 	//uint interval; 
      uint Unknown3; 	//uint type; type==0 - position vector, type==1 - rotation quaternion 
      uint Unknown4; 	//uint boneId; same as CSkSkeleton.Bones[].Version (uint Version) 
    } Headers[Length]; 
    int Length6; 
    uint Unknown1[Length6]; //float times[Length6] 
    struct _Unknown2 	//animation keyFrames, if type==0 Point(valX,valY,valZ), if type==1 Quaternion(valX,valY,valZ,valW) 
      uint Unknown1; 	//float valX 
      uint Unknown2;	//float valY 
      uint Unknown3;	//float valZ 
      uint Unknown4;	//float valW //for type==0 valW==1 
      uint Unknown5;	//float tanX //tangents for animation curve 
      uint Unknown6;	//float tanY 
      uint Unknown7;	//float tanZ 
      uint Unknown8;	//float tanW //for type==0 tanW==0 
    } Unknown2[Length6];


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