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  1. KidSupremoBR liked a post in a topic by RayG in PvE gives so much more Gold than PvP   
    Friend every post that i read that you created is you complaining about something that affects only you. Apart from what Zyna answered to you above you want to match pvp and rpve 2 completely different gamemodes to suit you.

    If you want gold specifically then go play rpve. If you did not want to play rpve today then that is on you. Pvp in every game that i have played in 15 years i game is a different mode that does not emphasise on farming something that you can also farm in pve but in fighting other players and what that means. 

    2 days ago you wanted achievements toned down or outright removed from the game cause YOU personally couldn't do them. Now it is gold issues cause YOU felt like playing a mode that is not the most viable way to earn a resource. Game does not revolve around you pal. We have the chance here for constructive feedback from the community which as proven time and time again is taken seriously by the admins and implemented into the game. Pls keep in mind that that feedback is for the entire community and what the majority likes and not a select few.

    Otherwise we will have posts like 'remove a faction cause i dont feel like playing it myself' or 'today is was bored to play pve so you should give me extra gold for playing only pvp' 
  2. KidSupremoBR liked a post in a topic by Zyna in My replays are not working   
    Our first balancing update was released today. For now balancing updates will break replays, but in the future we will be adding a feature to view old replays.
  3. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by KidSupremoBR in Expert Campaign - Missions Briefing - Among the Old Gods achievement   
    Thanks, your replays helped a lot, even in a siege of hope. I used a strategy similar to yours at the beginning, but then I used other troops because I didn't have an ice or dreadnhoug avatar, here is the replay of my game, if you can see and evaluate how my game went, I appreciate it.
    Siege of Hope ;D.pmv
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