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Posts posted by xs0ulLess

  1. Hello guys,

    I don't like using Discord so I'm sorry to pollute the forums here about this manner.

    New Winter Witch is here! She will now have a castable spell with range and area, instead of an aura!


    This is quite nice as it opens new micro-able areas! Not shielding the witch itself means the other units get more shields as well.

    Most obvious use right now would be the Battleship , but there's more for sure. For example campaign objectives sniped with clumped up air units, protected by Shields.

    But I also found a downside:
    Weaker defense with winter witch. Before, if you'd cast her static shield , it would refresh on units. Now winter witch does not refresh!
     Meaning units could tank more than 1x 1800 Shield points. Every 3 Seconds, they'd get new shields. In the past, I would defend a key area with an active witch, and some units inside the shield. The witch wouldn't move away so it was pretty safe to use, even providing support for ally's defending units. Just like Hammerfall Stonekin tower

  2. On 12/31/2020 at 12:01 AM, Dallarian said:

    , Frost Sorceress' animation is too long.

    Wouldn't you cast her shield ability before his shield runs out? The shield gets overwritten, so you'd cast it pre-emptively. 

    ... I just tested it, I assumed Area Ice Shield and Forst Sorceress would overwrite Shield buffs! THEY DON'T

  3. Still loving the Free PvP Decks. 

    Was playing with some friends earlier, they've made new accounts recently but they were able to pick up a deck instantly and 1v1 2v2 together and pick up on old strategies.

    I also like to introduce actual new friends to PvP without theorycrafting a deck first, but having something to play with.

    Not to mention the ability for ANYONE to compete in a tournament

    Ultrakool, Eirias and RuneSeeker like this
  4. 2 hours ago, DrPsy said:

    I understand giving no BFP, because people would go afk to farm them.

    For quests like summon cards/spending energy to not exploid it is okay.

    But for the achievement to have cleared all maps on X diffuculy i think it would be quite annoying. If you play a map that takes long, have to make a short brake (your team mate keeps def running in that time) and than go back, finish the map together and have to do it all again because it didn't count would be realy sad. I didn't see an achievement where going afk would have an positive effect. But maybe there are exploids i don't see here yet.

    I second this. It's a good change! But a counted map clear would be nice, too

  5. On 7/22/2020 at 5:58 PM, Treim said:

    The deck revolved around using Lost Evocation + Blood Healing for sustain, 2x Revenants Blessing and both Netherwarps and staying clumped up with units as much as possible within bases to minimize the useage of Revenants Blessing.

    That's hella cool, i like that deck idea. I wish the Revenant would have a different art or be stronger, as a T4.


    Does the etheral storm even do real damage?

    I mean the Lost Units are pretty decent for normal PvE Play, every tier has 2 powerful units. You could go sacrificing those units into a new Orb together with their Curse activated and rev blessing... that'd be pretty LOST

    Don't forget Protector's Seal is a good LS Spell as well.

  6. I like that Moon has L Attack, and in some decks without Nature she is the only way to heal -- after a battle consuming all the corpses. So that's pretty OK, she kills Viridya's Avengers pretty decently.

    But IMO all of these human legendaries are too expensive.      Probably because of the free Orb Requirement

  7. Ice Age
    2 Frost Orbs, 80 Energy
    Green: Heal all shields ingame by 47/sec for 30sec
    Purple: Heal shields by 850 instantly.
    + 30 Sec Shield Duration

    What do you think of this card?

    First of all, is 47/s even much?

    PVE: I tested the purple one instead. I used it in a pure frost deck, supporting Avatar Of Frost, or Area Ice Shield + Flying units like war eagle.
    While it's nice to save units under the area ice shield, and instantly that is, you don't have control over damage income - so shield will break or you might end up healing a FULL shield. 80 Energy is alot IMO, and there's different ways to support Avatar of Frost. For example: Area Ice Shield, lol. Costs 80 too but heals only 600. However, it'll affect 3 Units. Another opportunity is T1 Frost Witch, she can renew the Avatar shield for 20 Energy. T4 Frost Witch works too, you can support way more units with her and Ice Age. Upcoming balance changes might support this.      I'm aware that Avatar doesn't have superb stats, but it's fun to play a pure Deck in PvE.

    Would anyone even consider Ice Age in PvP? 

    Did you find any other appliances? Perhaps even Maps ?

  8. Definitely try to introduce the game to your friends. RTS is a hardly popular genre compared to other genres rn. We got the card collecting thing going for us, though.

    However, how would you advertise? I doubt we can affort Youtube/Google Ads haha.

  9. If you haven't noticed, some of these are repeatable, or rather get progressively harder. Refreshing achievments as suggested by you would increase the discrepancy between addicted players and casual playing ones. I think it's good for now - we get many great rewards. 

    What about new achievments every 6 months or so :) 

  10. Glad to see there are other fellow IT fags playing with this. I'd love to dev some scripts myself but I'm very busy with work atm. However, know that i'm lurking about to make some contributions - won't quit the game for some time.

    Thanks for posting this

  11. Awesome man, people like you are important: people that thrive to share experience and knowledge with the community. Is your guide finished now? Because you said you'd want to add more?

    Just the spawn mechanics alone are very interesting. Makes me wonder how much more complex the game and challenges would have become with different scripts.  As these rPvE rules are very simple haha.

    Guys keep in mind this is posted for speedrunning, normal clears don't neeed as much attention. Maybe worth to post a noob guide for normal clears myself, we'll see. For now I'll update my friend's knowledge.

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