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Posts posted by Shotty
1 minute ago, Dallarian said:
@Shotty You can choose cards that you want (so wild)
we will play to 1 win, FFA ( so 6 games, 5 if you won't), so can get maximum 6 points, it is chess tournaments format
There´s a reason why HS has tournament formats that are not chess.
Also, I kinda think the actual participants(not me) should vote on what format and if it´s standard or wild. Instaed of you just announcing it out of the blue
I was only kinda in on the initial idea. I said I might participate. But, I will not participate. You didnt even clarifiy a clear ruleset. Is it wild? Standard? Which tournament format are we gonna play? There´s just a giantic lack of information.
24 minutes ago, Dallarian said:
RIP Hearthstone tournament
Well, the Organizer doesn´t respond anymore. And tbh, this is more fun to me than HS atm.
4 minutes ago, shadowxxs77 said:Installing it right now
So did Tofu. I recommend doing the tutorial. as the pakc provited by it will have a guarenteed EX in it.
Seeing as some people here play it, I thought a topic would be appropriate.
that´d be the link for anyone who is curious.
I only started playing yesterday, but I am having a blast. This is probably the game I´ll spent alot of time on until BFR is released.
Deck building guide for anyone starting out :
https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcg/comments/4wnnk8/how_to_build_a_decent_beginner_deck/?st=ISVOA365&sh=3956e2a3What´s your opinion on the game? Do you buy packs irl?
What´s your name ingame?
Ingame Names:
Tofu = Amenostorm
Shotty = SailorMaidSama
Maze = Mazeth
Watcher of Sky = W0S
shadowxxs77 = ?
BionicReaper = BionicReaperX
Kiwi = Kiwieh
The hype is unreal! I can not hold it in any longer!
Confuses me with Tofu! ;D
Apperently made a sword in real life
5 hours ago, JoseAlmeida said:
I will honestly just play anything because I dont really know what is good or what is bad on the meta these days... Just tell me the rules there will be when everything is decided and I will make a new deck
I agree. I won´t be playing meta aswell in case I participate, I´ll rather bring my fun to play decks ;D
Just now, Eirias said:
How many people even have 4-5 decks? I have like 2 . . . maybe 3 with the new expansion.
I think the problem here is that the BF community is at wildly different skill levels in HS.
Sadly that´s a problem that no "kinda fair and competetive" format really can evade. If you have an idea which sounds fun and fair while still ignoring skill level, be my guest to talk about it.
I now suggested 2 formats.
1. 4-5 decks everyone bans 1-2 so we get down to 3 and then every deck has to win once.
2. Something similar to challenge stone (look it up)
and afterall, those are even suggestions with even knowing if we would be playing Wild or Standard.
I´d like to hear @Anonymos opinion on this.
2 hours ago, LetsEinfallslos002 said:
A dump question: How do you give packs away ingame?
not a dumb question at all. The packs would probably come in form of some promo codes which can be activated on the battle.net webpage.
@Eirias Well, I´d just prefer to ban warrior since I dislike the entire class and every half way decent deck that class ever spawned. That´s why I´d personally prefer the option to ban a deck/class. I dont say that everyone must agree with this or anything ;D
Alternativly I´d like to suggest the format where everyone brings 4-5 decks and needs to win with all of them once.
@Dallarian 1. Legendaries don´t make a deck broken, there are many fantastic decks that run little to no legendaries like zoolock. I play a YoggSaron Fun mage deck, and I have 5 Legendaries in it and without either of them, that certain build wouldn´t work nearly aswell. Everything to do with limiting legendaries would limit creativity.
2.I don´t have fun playing 20 min+ games vs Control Warrior because it bores me. So where is the fun for me when I can´t ban Warrior because it´s either brainless Face Warrior or Reno Control Warrior which both are really boring for me to play against. I´d rather play against 20 zoolocks in a row rather then facing a single warrior.
Banning decks would work like this btw: A: a player bans a class from an opponent from the start. B: both players bring X differnt decks, both players can ban 1 from the opponent.
@Eirias Zoolock is the Warlock which runs many small and synergistic minions. Wallet Warrior (aka Reno Warrior) is a Warrior deck that not rarely runs 7+ legendarys 4+ Epics. the games vs this deck often take 20 mins+ because Wallet warrior players pretty much always let their turn time expire.
All that being said, an entirely differnt option would be doing a similar format to the Challengestone format which was there a while back. Not that I´d be entirely for running a format like that, but I think it´d solve alot of problems.
I might participate aswell. Not 100% sure tho.
Limiting Legendaries seems like a really bad idea tho. The only deck that´s really bothersome that runs alot of legendaries would be Wallet Warrior. So just run a format where the ppl can ban 1-2 decks. Other then that, most decks can get countered by some cheap decks, take a look at Zoolock for example.
@Dallarian if you disagree with me on not limiting legendaries, I´d love to know why. I´m a free to play player and own quite a lot of legendaries I could even play Wallet Warrior if I wanted to (not that I would since that deck is boring).
53 minutes ago, DyonisX said:
8/10 probably gonna listen to this on repeat for a while, I really like the tune.
I´m not sure if I still need to introduce myself, but I´ll do it anyways!
I am Shotty, I am from Germany.
I joined Battleforge rather late, seing as I started in the Lost Souls edition. I´ve always prefered PvE to PvP and the map I hate and love the most at the same time is The Dwarfen Riddle. I played Nature/Shadow without the Amii Phantom ;D
I also enjoy other games then BF, currently I am playing League of Legends, multiple handheld games , Hearthstone and some other random sutff.
Besides gaming, I also watch alot of Anime to name a few favourites: Madoka Magicka, Code Geass, Assassination Classroom
I am currently learning a little bit of Java programming and the biggest thing I´ve done with that is creating a little RPG battle system.
Btw, don´t worry if you dislike me, I have kind of a "unique" personality so to say ;P
Just like everyone else here, I am looking forward to BFR being released and I hope we´ll all get along ;D
Accidently got posted twice, cant remove it.
Basicly , when I started playing World of Warcraft, I used a name generator for my Dwarf, it gave me the name "shorty" but I missread it as "shotty"Basicly , when I started playing World of Warcraft, I used a name generator for my Dwarf, it gave me the name "shorty" but I missread it as "shotty"
Welcome, lets hope you can fix the problem thats been haunting the devs for a long time ;D
If one of you would like to write a small part for bandits like for the other Factions , I´d post that piece of knowledge in the Opening post and credit you since Bandit probably was the Faction which I played the least of.
Btw , this counts for all Factions , if there is some really important stuff I am missing , feel free to comment , because I cant remember the uses of all cards in the Game from the top of my head when it has been years since I played. -
Has parts of the actual card as his Avatar and not the actual artwork.
Seems to have a huge Fan.
making a screenshot would be cool.. snipping tool does the job, then just upload it and post the link in here ..
much easier to judge and rebuild it then.
I agree with this. Since not everyone will know on which site you have to copypaste this in order to see the decklist itself. Just edit it in.
Most of PvE maps (scenario) are passable by stonekins and Frost/Nature decks, but maybe they are too slow for rPvE. For rPvE I prefered Lostsouls and Frost/Shadow deck (look up to treim's deck for rPvE). LS are good at PvE maps too.
I as remembered I made some special decks for some PvE maps also for each place 1-4 on it. Also I remember that I made an 10th-hard rPvE deck. There were some weird combos and cards synergies. I can't remember which cards I used, but I remember it was 100% hodgepodge. Maybe like that
, and of,course there is Enlightenment.
You can finish every Scenario with every Faction. Its harder with some , but its possible. I was never a huge rPvE player , but most of the time I went : Shadow , Frost , Nature, Nature. Worked out really well even though it wasnt the best deck^^
Wasnt actually refering to me , but the person before me! (You are to slow!)
Seems to really , really , really like his Shadow Worm.
Is part of the Offical/unoffical community livestream.
Pokemon TCG Online
in Off-Topic
I have played the greninja deck. It sucks. BUT If you play the Trainer challenge and win 7x with the water deck, you can create a pretty good mix with those 2 decks.