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Posts posted by Shotty
Eddio likes to use Melons instead of shoes since he can afford melons, but not shoes.
My Word: Darling
( @Nick I´d suggest putting [Forum Game] in the title) -
In PvE I liked the Siege version a little bit, because you know... it´s Siege.
The Explosion always felt kinda meh.
Btw @Loptous why are you no longer voicing your opinion on the cards anymore? -
Suddenly it struck me when I saw the title again. I have yet to add 3 of my personal favourites to this list.
@MrXLink might remember the first one.
The one, the only. Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts 2. The hours I spend trying to defeat this Boss. The satisfaction of finally beating him. Holy hell, that fight was amazing.The second one is someone I like to call "eater of my sanity" It´s the one, the only Feral Chaos from Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. For everyone who doesn´t know that game, it´s a 3D fighter. Not a turn based game at all.
A short history lesson on this boss. If you played the first game and declined the tutorial, you are a level 1 Lightning forced to fight him. I personally think this version of the fight is possible, but I can´t be bothered trying it.
He also is the final optional boss of the game, there is no guide on the internet that doesn´t tell you "Go cheese him, if you don´t wanna gl makeing your strat" and I was that kinda guy who actually beat him without cheesing at all. This fight is so unfair, The game allows you to use 5 chrachters against him. Even with 5 chrachters this fight is insane. He basicly one shots you in case he get´s in a hit. So you basicly have to have a perfect fight against this guy. But just like with Sephiroth, there is a gigantic feeling of satisfaction when you beat him without any cheese strat.And the final one, probably the craziest one to beat. His name? Pringer X : Poison from disgaea 4 in the land of carnage with max strength enemies.
Yes, a penguin. Why? Look up a youtube vide of this guy and look at his stats. Ever heard of a game having an "Equipment Check" this guy is the ultimate one. This guy is the kinda boss that you walk up to and try to see IF you can deal ANY damage to him. And for the first couple of HUNDREDS of hours you won´t deal any damage to him.
Did I mention there are 8 of him?
(To anyone saying "What´s up with Baal" to be fair, I haven´t fought him yet, the unlock requirements are just insane) -
Acts in chat like this Thread doesn´t exist.
Seems to pay close attention to most forum threads.
18 minutes ago, bobfrog said:
we should also keep in mind, that bf got shut down due to crumbling player numbers.
more players mean its easyer to find matches / pvp will be more balanced. we are not that many people (yet).
we have no experience with creating games and its totaly fine to learn from big companies to build a stable playerbase. (though pkmngo did have some pretty bad desicions imo)
If people get stuck to the game because of the daily quest, people will start the game and be anoyed because they feel kinda forced into doing the daily else they´ll be missing the 1 week bonus.
IF they were to do anything like this, they should do it similar to Pokemon TCG online with the login boni. Why? Because in that game, you don´t have to login 5 days straight in a row to get the boni. You have to login on 5 differnt days. -
2 hours ago, anonyme0273 said:
I do have Dawnguard and Dragonborn... is there more? (sry I am stupid xD )
Finished them both in ~2 days each. Fun DLC's, if you want my opinionz ^^
Hearthfire (I think it´s called that) basicly adds a house and more mariage I think.
1 hour ago, LetsEinfallslos002 said:
I don't see a difference between skyrim with all addons and the special editon. I have both and play the old one.
The differnce is that the special edition has improved graphics and performance (alt+tab now works, where many people prior to the special edition had problems with it)
I personally will stick to the original. There are so many mods that I enjoy of which the creators stated that they won´t be re-releasing it for the special edition, that I just can´t swap. -
2 hours ago, Valaraukar said:
1. Death note
2. One piece
3. DBZ
Those are not anime.
RWBY is also not an Anime, doesn´t stop every anime stream site to host them.
Welll, here my list in no specific order:
Code geass
Madoka Magica
Mirai Nikki
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood -
Idk who my favourite is, but one of the bosses I´ll always remember the most is:
Seymour Flux. Why? Zombie + Full Life, instantly killing one of your party members + his total anhilation just dealt way to much damage. -
We have this discussion on chat pretty much every 2-3 days, I feel it´s kinda redundant to have a topic about it ;D (Also I think there are some similar topics to this that already exist)
But hey, long story short, I like anime, I watch pretty much everything that sounds decent to me.
My Favourite is probably Code Geass. -
On 8.10.2015 at 3:28 PM, Loptous said:
Battlegrounds anyone?
But seriously though Mo is an awesome mission, because you get to play Mo FOR FREE
Multiple people already mentioned rPvE , which is battlegrounds. Also the OP is refering to Singleplayer Map , so I´d say campaign only ;D
Yes, my 100th post was quoting Lada. -
Those news actually sound amazing, while it certainly is sad that all the work on the Logo was wasted, this also means that EA seems like they don´t mind us doing this, which to me sounds awsome.
So you are a Winx style fairy.... sounds nice, in fact way better compared to what I got.
1 hour ago, Wolfsreiter said:
How can you see into my eyes, like open doors
You could also like... explain the rules? Is it just this song? am I supposed to start another song...? Well, whatever, here is the next part of this song.
Leading you down into my core where I´ve become so numb. -
12 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:
I think anyone with access to the Forge shouldn't be able to guess
to be fair, most of those things could be guess if you think of a context around it.
2 hours ago, Ultrakool said:"The Mortals are not yet safe, what are you planning?!"
Sounds like moon when Viridya is going to absorb teh power at the Soultree (which would be the map of the name).
Incase this lucky shot is correct, someone else could post the next quote (Only ever played the german version, so I can hardly quote what they said in english
While I certainly won´t be watching, I think that a stream/video like this would be really neat, espacilly since there seem to be many newcomers and many people who don´t even remember stuff like what the XL next to the units HP/Attack stands for.
Overall, a very good idea.
8 minutes ago, Luuge said:
i knew you would fix it
You know. the thing about quotes is that you can usally read the original source and see that way that the false "quote" is not a quote but a fake.
That sparkly teal colour fits you much better. Espacilly your innocent school girl image right MrsXLink?
But tbh, I prefer the teal. -
1 hour ago, Lukaznid said:
I think the melon cult is superior and older on this comunity and will be victorious! Plus Grahman is ugly as (bad word).
No offence but I really dislike the Grahman thing.
1 hour ago, SilenceKiller99 said:that grahman dude seriously makes me sick... please stop it
and I thought I was alone on this
Thank you guys!
I am gonna admit, I told dyo about that. Why? Because I thoughtt it´s kinda awkward that the partial rule " Posts outside of the English (UK/US) language will result in a request for translation, which, if not obeyed, will result in post deletion and a warning being issued. Inappropriate or vulgar language may result in an edit of the post, and may result in a warning if recurring. " got ignored.
I contacted Dyo on steam about this, asking him if he knew they were removed. He was pretty surprised. And I personally think that the mod/admin removed them ignoring the above mentioned part.
There was no ill intention in any of this, but Dyo ended up banned like 30 seconds after writing this topic. He wanted me to tell you that. If any admin/mod has a problem with me revealing that here, feel free to leave a pm and I´ll edit it out. -
47 minutes ago, Einarson said:
What is Mtg? Do you have any link for us?
Magic the Gathering. Googling mtg isn´t that hard now is it? ;D
5 minutes ago, Kiwi said:
What is it about because I truly have no idea?
He made a joke about shipping, like shipping from the us.
1 minute ago, anonyme0273 said:
I may have been living under a rock... what's shipping? Like product shipping? Cause I see my name up there and I am confused
Basicly putting 2 people together saying that you think they´d be a good pairing.
Tainted Words [Forum Game]
in Off-Topic
You´re about as useful as a gun without ammunition.
Word: Lollygag (Yes, this is an actual word)