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Posts posted by Shotty
Idk about you, but I like the team as it is.
But well, for Card Design I think Lukaznid woiuld be an interesting choice.
And for Balancing I think Eirias has a pretty decent idea of the balance of the game. -
This gotta be one of my personal favourites, even though the charachter getting hit is my favourite from that show. -
So, Last Tuesday I started playing Guild Wars 2 and I´m hooked.
At the point I make this post, the expansion is 50% off (23€)
First things first: Guild Wars 2 is a Multiplayer Focused (Yes I needed to point that out) MMORPG. You can play it for Free till level cap, but can´t enter the Zones that the expansion provided and are restricted in some other ways, like not being able to leave the starting zone pre level 10. entering World vs World pre level 60 and most imporantly: You are really restricted on trading.
Imo the core features that make Guild Wars 2 differnt from most MMORPGs I´ve played are following:
Your Level get´s adjusted to the zone Level you are in (IF you are a higher level than the zone that is) and you get % based experience instead of flat amounts.
What does this mean?Well, If I were to go into the human starting zone with max level and killed a random Monster, I´d get the same experience % that a Lvl appropriate player would get.
But what does this mean for gameplay?
Well, If you really wanted, you could help out your new friends who just started out the game, while not running around one shotting everything and you´d still get experience for it! (Even at max level there is a sort of "experience" bar).
How are group play and parties in this game?
Parties in this game, other than for dungeons/raids/personal story (gonan talk about this one a little bit later) are pretty unnessacry. Why? Well, Quests progress on YOUR participation, you only get progress based on things YOU do, you do not get XP for monsters your party members kill and everyone gets their own loot.
But doesn´t that make group play unattractive?
Not at all. While quest progression is tracked individually, everyone still receives the same amount of XP from mobs as they would when playing solo. The greatest thing about this is, you don´t even NEED to be in a party for this. Some guy killing a rare monster nearby? Participate in the kill and you get loot and XP aswell. The same goes for events.
What are Events?
Well, events are basicly repeatable quests that respawn after some time. Depending in your participation on them you get a rank for it from Bronze to Gold, depending on your rank you get more % XP. Some of em feel like regular quests, some are just "Kill this monster!" while some go as far as being World Bosses. And don´t forget: Someone is already doing the event? You don´t need to join his party, just participate and depending on your participation you´ll get rewarded! (Even if you leave before the event is finished, or die during the event!)
What happens if I die?
First of all, if you go down in battle you aren´t dead yet. You still have the possibility to fight while being down, but only for a limited amount of time and that time can get reduced by taking damage. You now have 2 possibilites to get up. 1. Participate in the death of an enemy nearby, this will revive you with around 50% HP. 2. Have someone help you up (All players and sometimes even NPC´s can do this!)
If you don´t get up in that time frame, you die. When you are dead there are 2 ways to get back to live: 1. Have another player or NPC revive you. 2. Teleport to a Waypoint
What are Waypoints?
Waypoints are points on the map you can discover. And at any given time, unless you are in combat, you can Teleport to any Waypoint you´ve discovered.How many classes are there?
8 without the expansion and 9 with the expansion. Ranging from the typical Warriors, to the Illusion abusing teleporting Mesmers. Also, in this game they are called "proffesions"
What is the personal Story?
Based on your Race and background story you choose you´ll start of the story differntly, and you´ll be able to influence the story in some ways by having the ability to choose between multiple options.
What endgame features are there?
Fractals, Raids and Dungeons for PvE players and for PvP plaers there are World vs World and multiple PvP modes.
How important is crafting in this game? (Proffessions in others)
Well, depending on the Craftmanship you learn, you´ll be able to make money with it! (Who knew!) You´ll also be able to forge Legendary Equipment.
Does the world you choose matter?
The only thing it really matters for is World vs World. Other than that? You can freely play with anyone from any World.
What ways are there to level up your charachter?
You can level up by the following ways: Doing Events, Questing, Exploring (You can get a pretty decent chunk of levels just by doing this), World vs World (This is only aviable for free players from lvl 60 onward) grinding mobs, or even doing proffessions (You can get level cap slowly by just gathering ore/wood/herbs)
Why do I recommend this game?
This game is unlike most MMORPG´s I played. You feel like you are part of a massive world where everyone wants to help everyone and has no reason not do assist you when you have problems. Even in some starting zones there are MASSIVE events and world bosses that get you hooked really fast! (Like the Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale)
You´ll fall in love with some Zones (Despite the level cap of Kessex hills ending at 25, I leveld there until 35 and even went back into it for my final Level up because it was that fun and memorable.
While leveling, I never felt like being a free to play player ever disadvantaged me, and it was well worth getting the expansion, the features that it adds are extremely fun, and even just grinding out zones with events I´ve done like 30 times still feel fun because of the fluid gameplay.
So yeah, do you guys play it?
Do you guys enjoy it as much as I do?
Are people in here possibly interested in creating a Guild for us to play together?
And last but not least: What is your tag ingame and what are you interested in? (username.2353 for example)
Once I´m home I´ll add my name for the list and for now it´ll be empty.
Username and tag Interests
Shotty.4823 Atm the game as a whole.
Pandemonium.2061 (PublicFrenemy) -
Just saying~
19 minutes ago, PlainVenom said:
May the game come out its coma, and join us in fullforce we will remake Club Penguin! Skypenguins Clubborn! Yes sir!
Scrap the Penguins, make them Kiwis!
Man, don´t scare me like that! I thought you were gonna leave the forum man
Glad to see I was wrong thoDon´t scare me liek that ever again!
Rip the Penguins, may you rest in fish.
Also " under the supervision of a guardian, or just a waifu should be enough. " made me chuckle. -
18 minutes ago, PlainVenom said:
The Last Potatobender
*The Last Potato (since airbender is one word)
Potato World
2 hours ago, PlainVenom said:
The problem is Multi-accounting will always be a viable way to gain more BFP, even if you encourage the people to play PvP and give them rewards having two accounts with daily quests or daily rewards will be a way to earn bonus's since you get double the amount of quests, quests are bonus BFP the way I understand.
ofc it will ALWAYS be possible even if it´s against the rules, Ppl will always multiaccount. But in that case it´s the staff´s job to find the multiaccounters and ban em.
There is no true way to get rid of multiaccounting. Even if you were to get infinite BFP a day depending on how much you play.
We just gotta trust the Staff, their decision and their way of handling all this. -
13 minutes ago, Rakkhot said:
First, I can't find out how to delete the links inside the qutoe so, sorry for them being there.
So now to the answer, thank you for replying, I'm gonna look through the links. But a short answer I can already give you, I'm no social person, I find most social interactions exhausting, so I don't like trading. In the old game I bought most of my cards with real money (around 2000 to 3000 bucks at that time) because I had much more fun when I didn't have to think about getting cards and could just play what I wanted and how I wanted. That's also the thing BF always stood for in my mind, a big sandbox where I could do what every person who has ever liked a card gathering game always wanted to do, see your cards come to life. I know and understand that there are many ppl out there who need something to accomplish, but I don't need that, for me it's more of a hassle instead of fun gameplay.
The thing is: This game for me and many others is HEVAILY based around the social aspect, I mean, I don´t get daily onto the Forum to see if there are any news, if I just wanted that, I would go and log on here weekly. I already get on here daily because of the community, and I doubt that I´m the only one who thinks that way.
8 minutes ago, Rakkhot said:
So to summarize my thoughts, I understand why you want to have something in place to work towards for ppl who have never played the game or just like to do something like that. But I wanted to put in my voice for ppl like me who nearly had all cards already and do not enjoy having to grind back everything they lost, in my opinion this game is at it's best when you have all cards available and you can think about where you want to go to have some fun instead of feeling punished for not playing the maps the quest system gives just because you don't feel like playing 2player coop today.
This is not a demand of sorts, I just wanted to say this because it clouded my mind the last few days. I'm a little worried that the frustration could be to big after the initial rush.
Well, while the topics I am gonna link dont cover the same exact topic, but a pretty similar idea, I hope they will provide some insight. (Inside those topics I even linked more topics)
Don´t forget, this is gonna be a 100% free only TCG if everyone had access to all cards, or well, pretty easy access to all of them, wouldn´t the Social aspect.... partially die? Idk about you but alot of the fun encounters I had while playing BF where with ppl who I traded with. I´m one of those ppl who´d grindout the entire thing without any second thoughts, simply because it´s fun to me, if the game itself wasn´t fun enough for me to unlock more cards, I wouldn´t even bother with it. -
6 minutes ago, Dallarian said:
You are suggesting that Null isn't female?
I think the only one who can awnser this would be @Lord NullPointer himself.
1 hour ago, Lord NullPointer said:
I thought @Dallarian would be shipped with Null Omni (Ignoring the fact that its one-sided)
Told him you ended the ship early by sinking it. (Denying the marriage proposal)
Voted for @Lukaznid his Logo might not be finished, but he can sitll finish it and it already looks amazing to me.
The second one was obviously a scrapped card for the scrapped "light" faction, it´d have been Ice/Fire and this card would´ve shown their main mechanic, now we´ll never know how that faction would ahve worked!
Hard question, but I´d probably have to say Firestalker, that card was such a game changer early on when all you had were the F2P cards and a few extra cards.
18 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:
The rules state you should post/talk in English only, as suggested above. Reason being this community needs to stay united with a language most of us speak.
"These forums are made for a global community. We assume English (UK/US) to be our global language and thereby it is required that every user posts their content within the English language. "
Well, in that case the "Rate the song above" topic or whatever it was called, broke that rule multiple times ;P
Otherwise, I´m really not a fan of advertising your youtubechannel, like at all.
Also, the line " Moin Freunde falls ihr kein Englisch könnt hier eine Erklärung auf Deutsch ", what the hell? How the hell are we supposed to navigate to the Thread without knowing english... + It ain´t even a translation of everything prior to that, it´s entirely differnt content...
1 hour ago, Archeon said:
Ok, so I managed to get the ranger to the end of Act 3 and then started playing in Breach. Currently have a Witch and a Marauder near the end of Act 1 and still have no idea what I want to play! I like the Witch more i think, and have been taking her the summoning route with zombies, skeletons and spirits, but I've also played around with spark and essence drain and both seem fun too. Any suggestions on what is likely to be a better build for a beginner?
I see a lot of guides showing Witch builds as shield based rather than life, and as I understand that's usually more expensive, should I give it up and go melee instead? Would be good to see people in game too, quite enjoying it so far!
Yes, CI(energy shield) is more expensive than Life based charachters, but you also get 100% immunity vs chaos damage.
I myself am currently playing a Summon Raging Spirits Witch as my league starter, and well, getting upgrades is pretty hard as you mostly have to go self found with Energy shield, since good energy shield gear is kinda expensive.
For reaching late game for the first time I´d recommend either Flameblast Totems, or maybe Essecen Drain/Contagion combination. Look up a guide for the one appealing more to you. They are both fairly cheap and require little investment of currency to get while still being decently fun to play. -
Wants to grow an Afro (Someone, I need a photoshop of a Wrathgazer with an Afro!)
Probably didn´t notice tha the double posted that message ~
But I guess that one didn´t have a poll? And was like 9 months dead, but I really see no reason to create a new one.
Maybe an updated one is a good idea.
Well anyways, I don´t consider Amii to be a faction, I prefer to call it "Shadow Nature" because calling smthg a faction because of one card seems rather... odd I suppose? But yeah, my vote is for that "faction"
How exactly did I not comment on this?
Spellforce (not the second game, the original), one of my fav RTS of all time. It also has tons of RPG elements. I love it
But another good RTS that I personally didn´t enjoy as much, but I know many others did and I know it´s a fantastic game, just not my taste:
Supreme Commander (series)
7/10 Mostly for the kinda releatable lyrics
Currently in love with this song. NateWantsToBattle is also incredible.
14 hours ago, Dallarian said:
Word: Water
If your stupidnessy could be write in heat of vaporization, it would be 100* higher than water's heat of vaporization.
Word: window
* If your stupidty could be measured in heat, it would be 100* higher than the heat required for the vaporization of water. (Not sure if this is 100% correct, but it should be better to understand)
Word: Window
If you would spend less time licking the windows of old buildings, you´d have more time to be productive.
New Word: Tea -
Someone needs to do a counter to see how many days he´s gonna miss!
But in all seriousness, Eddio requested this, you thought of this aswell, I bet Eddio won´t be the only one thinking this is useful. So yeah, let´s see what song is next ~
Edit: For some reason I wrote Eddio despire meaning Anonyme... Oh well, their profile pictures are both giant One Eyes Heards, so yeah. Don´t mind me I´m just being stupid ~
Guild Wars 2 : My new addiction
in Off-Topic
Just curious, what good does a private server do when the main game is mostly free to play + having the need to get 150 ppl together anyways for World vs World?
Well, vistas are worth watching if you actually like the zone they are in, like I skipped the ones in Queensdale because they were boring, but looked at the ones in Kessax-Hills because I love that zone.
Also, while theleveling experience in Guild Wars 2 is solid, the level 80 zones still crush that leveling experience by alot. The lvl 80 zones feel so well designed with permanent action going on and being so damn fun.
Leave your tag+username here and I can add ya to the opening post, that way you could team up with some other new comeres here, like LagOps who also started out recently.
You did about a gj to adding your username to your post as I did yesterday haha, why didn´t I add mine yesterday? Well, I was busy playing Guild Wars2 xD