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Posts posted by Asraiel

  1. 7 hours ago, Graaf_Markus said:

     I think tempest artwork is much better then stone tempest.

    ok thx for link is a newer one and for me i do pref the stone tempest but thats a personal opinion alldo i like also more the stonking artwork of the magmahauler :D

  2. nice grafics but for me does the stonekin one look very diffrent to your grafic:


    even if both should be kinda the same the stonekin has vey diffrent arms, head and so i dont remember how both look in 3d ingame as creatures

    but from the topic name and 1. post i cant tell what the reason of this topic is.


    but if u look for more artworks here a very old topic from me with several original artworks to use



  3. On 1.4.2018 at 7:38 PM, ferevus said:

    Tracking IP does not stop multi-accounting any more than my method. You can have multiple people playing from the same location. 

    just adding here a proxy and IP traking doesnt work. like if u play on a pc over a public hotspot like schools or whatever u can not ne certain if the IP is only 1 person

    The easiest way would be with the option of more Chars per account, where you can just play another char if you want your anonymity or want to play a different deck or play a troll deck.

    just adding a anonymus mode to the account settings where peoples can switch alldo if they play ranked pvp a account that is on anonymus mode doesnt get any rep.

    Actually i played on all my smurf just the colour it was made for (maybe a second, for example fire-nature on my fire account) but never shadow or lost souls on others. In think otherwise its not the sense of smurf anymore: One reason for smurf is I want to know how good I am really with pure frost for example. And nearly all other players i know with muliple accounts made it this way too. In this context i want to mention, that i started using smurfs even before being a higher gold player.

    here could be implemented a separate statistic in the game. like all ranked pvp is in the ranklist but u can open a sorted look so u see how many Pvp matches u won with each deck (win/loss statistic) 

    the problematic with multi accounts is in my opinion that u get more rewards with each account u get alldo its maybe limited. for example if u get daylie BFP for log in and for every hour u played up to 3 u could do it with 24/3=8 accounts to get the max reward alldo u get boosted against players with only 1 account. 

    in case for the Ranked PvP matter i think best would be if theres a Anonymus button thats hideing ur name but in case of a win u dont get a thing and on loose u dont fall alldo the oponent seas your rank color and can climb up the latter if his rankcolor is lower if he wins. 

    for diffrents deck a selecting mode for a separate statistic like win/loss is a simple way to see how good u are with the diffrent decks  like if u played 20 fights and u did win 15 and lossed 5 u get the statistic 15/5 or 75% effectivness. and that without overfilling the Ranksystem with ur smurfs which take spots away in the ranking system. 

    so that the high ranks arent dominated by nolifers and smurfs 

  4. Act of Agression is a newer title of RTS game u find it on steam but simular games to Bf u wont find. alldo RTS does have the look every player has the same "cards" or  units buildings and stuff and its more focused on uppgrading, deffing bases and fighting but in order to get a new creatur or tank on the field u have to craft it in a building and cant just summopn it somewhere on the map close to a own ground unit or building and spells doesnt exist in them. 

    cardgames does it have a few even for free, my personal favorit is solitaire

    or visit https://www.miniclip.com/games/en/ they have a ton of minigames

  5. 22 hours ago, Ultrakool said:

    Being full of hype like what you said functions similar to a burnout situation. Like do you know that scenario that you work so hard for hours everyday and then one day your mind just shuts down? It’s similar: you get :hype:d up way too much then when it doesn’t actually turn out how it was promised/expected, you shut down and some do it in different ways than others.

    so kinda the same as if u take crystal meth, 3 days party and then a break down. or softer thing drinking to much alcohol and next day u get a headeck.

    and for those that arent devs its like ordering something in a online shop but when the package doesnt show up at the time u get mad and maybe want a refund for the delay alldo here u dont pay so u cant be refunded

  6. Hello 

    How does your preferd decks look at the Start. Share Your Deck prefered or selected under some rules, since its ment for starter decks, use mostly Common & Uncommon Cards with max 2 Rare Cards.

    Here my choise made out of only Common Cards:


    Rifle Cultist & Silverwind Lancer are mostly in for the use of Offering to reset Charges since cards dont hold that many Charges at the start.


    what are your decks in considering of the rules to create decks at start with Common, Uncommon and max 2 Rare Cards?


    This may help new Players at the start to create some stable decks to beat RPvE and maybe some PvE maps.


    rittindentod likes this
  7. 1 minute ago, Aldred said:

    They actually needs like 1-2 weeks. The 3-4 weeks is like: we can do it faster, but something can happen like last week. They learned the lesson don't you think? :D

    its safety make somefing and give u spare time to recheck. i would have been happy if they told insted of 3-4 weeks in the 2. quarter of 2018 so then they would have time up to the end of june so no presshure and if its done sooner well a small announcment and the forum explode.

  8. time changes a lot. if i remember back to my starting age on pc gaming i did live in my parrents home and we only had a modem for internet even after 4 years (arround 2004) we upgraded to permanent internet but even then onlinegameing wasnt as it is today i remember the first online game i played was Ogame. but on 3d grafic games the market wasnt big back then u mostly bouth a game and could then use multyplayer. but today or even 8 years ago the mmorpgs started to pop up which holds a big piece of the gamers today and offline started to disapear. i do play old games from time to time to get me back in my teens, but there are only a few still playing them. but even if old titles would be still online today they might getting a decreasing community cause no new players coming to play a game that may looks cancer compaired to the todays grafic. but for bf i must make an exception cause i tested many TCG OG in the time and for me the concept on BF was unique to fuse a TCG OG with a RTS. 

    but in general are most games that got shut down allredy replaced with newer versions in end it may look diffrent, have a diffrent story, diffrent look but the gameplay is the same, the object to win is the same. kinda like if u take age of empires 2 there it had diffrent versions and even aoe3 is the same but diffrent look. or take sport games for example like fifa 2000 compaired to fifa 2017 or 2018 the object to win is still the same the round thing must go in the edged thing. only grafic has changed. and there i realy understand that if a old version got shut down and the copy right blocks to revive it.

    the weekening of the copyright must focus more on unique style games (unique in gameplay not apearence)

  9. even if i dont go wth their desicion i understand wy they did decide that way. 

    every humans day has 24 h and if those who play onlinegame playing in free games that reduces the costumers stock on other games even if we talk here in big numbres. but most requests are made in the begin to hard. (i didnt read the official report) but as far i know was the request more that the copy rigth drops if a onlinegame was shut down or never made it in to release. and then the copyright instandly get out of order but that is to harsh in my opinion to get ever passed. better would be after shut down or not releasing the game keeps the copy right for 5 years so the producer have time to revive or bring out simular title. 

    but even then it would be hard to get aproval cause arts ar considered to have a way longer copy right like a painting for exampla has the natural copy right that no copys are allowed to make from it until 70 years after the death of the creator. and tecnicly are games since the have a lot of grafic in them partly in this category. 

    for me i would say it would be nice or best that is a game gets shut down the content is under copyright for 5 more years and then the copyright gets lowered so that everyone can release a non profit version of the game if the title wasent sold befor so that after shut down the company can sold the title for money and the new owner then have a new copyright if the game is online.ö if set in contract with the allowence to make money or not in advance. that way fan comunitys would have the natural legal way to get their beloved game back online.

  10. childrens childrens just be pationt i even once waited over 2 years for a game after official 1. relesasdate and it was worth the wait. in that time they made the game more stable with little to no bugs and in the end it only released 2 patches in total. for me thats a way better solution than lunching a game that isnt realy rdy and then add patch after patch and even after over 250+ patch the game isnt stable at all (look ARK).

    a game that runs smooth without many delays or laags is just a so much better expirience and make way more fun to play than one where u have to wait 5 sec every move. 

    siply said: the more time u wait now the less time u wait during gameplay. i dont know what u guy like but if i watch a movie i will that it runn smooth from start to end without waiting inbeween to load a bit more. 

    and to all the negative posters in here u may now blow some steam but in the end when the game is out even u will play it and may never ever again writhe a single post. so instead of trashtalk writh it on a piece of paper and throw it in the trash, that will help the dev team way more and saving time that they can use to programm and not have to explain it to u cause they are so kind.

    SunWu likes this
  11. well big thanks to all that worked on the project, from initiator over devs and testers. i geuss if one ore 2 peoples in those 3 categroys would have been missing in the past 2,5+ years the open beta would never be that close. and of corse as well to the familys and life's that had to give those peoples away from time to time.

    @fiki574  i hope u regain some of the lost weight and maybe ur avatar reveel its true face =D

  12. 9 hours ago, Offten said:

    How much u need exactly to finish this game? I can afford few k $. Pm me

    there is no need for such amount its more to pay the server and that doesnt cost so much in others are a few € needed but also there not so much since all the work the devs do is free. u may ask mrxlink about their adresses to send them a giftbasket.

    7 hours ago, anonyme0273 said:

    The bids are getting higher by the day.


    @Malt2824 O.o

    you wanna sell your mom even if she allowed you to play battleforge 5 years earlyer (pegi/fsk 12 game) if you do sell her i hope shes not the one paying for internet at your home. 

  13. had this problem 2 times in the past on all pc's i owned during the last 14 years.

    1 was that my screen broke so just buy a new one the other reinstalling windows

    i does not save any files on my pc since 2007 so i can easy reinstall without loosing files.


    if it would be an overheat (had this once) your pc would normal start and then after a while shut down itself because of overheat. 

    another thing that might be of intrest did u clean your pc (tower) from dust and you didnt water it or something like that?


    maybe this helps as well had this myself on a pc at work: unplug every usb devices exept keyboard and mouse and then start your pc.

    had it once that the pc did start but nothing did show up on screen so after i unplgged the usb's and started the pc again it worked. and allways shut down wait a little then restart.

    if used with autorestart it does not 100% restart

  14. had a neigboure playing that in the early days and he told me inorder go get somewhere you re better off buying a small transporter over ebay or play 3 month to get one

    dont know if this has changed but u start into a galaxy with players that play the game over 10 years. good luck reaching the top or being competitive :ph34r:

  15. 13 hours ago, Axeis said:

    So, we are obviously all waiting a bit impatiently for Skylords to become available for us to play. What games have a good enough card collecting aspect to sate your current thirst?

    there was once Magic the gathewring online but if still online dontknow but if yes its the biggest tcg there is

    once was yugiohh online as well running but same as magic dont know if still running

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