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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Azta

  1. 1334 posts in this topic Which means im correct. 1335 is next
  2. Somebody missed a number. Here i am to bring justice 1331
  3. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc5gaLn-boL9hfxsDfTCsIPBmagKwkavo Some useful tutorials. Also his PvP casts are educating too
  4. 1252 I sneak in Wiggle wiggle wiggle
  5. When i was 12-13 we used to play a lot half-life in school with other students and teachers too There were even tournaments. When i sucked at it i died alot and always said "Aztaaaa" because i was "fret" ( not sure if this is the right word ). it's actually hard to find the right word translation to this, i can only describe it. So its only clear for hungarians But then i got better at the game, and named my self Azta. Whoever i killed after that always shouted "Aztaaaa" haha. Even some student started calling me Azta since that. And one of the teachers also called me Azta ever since lol. So i use this nick for more than 13 years now. I sometimes use the nick MeHaza or Wanderer. MeHaza means GoHome in hungarian in very peasant way I use this incase some people takes my name for unkown reason.. Wanderer.. hwell...
  6. He has many alter accounts on forum to boost his rep And talk with himself when he is bored.
  7. I think the deck level restriction is a good idea. Rather than Upgrade level.
  8. Natureorb.jpg >>> Shadoworb.jpg Frost.jpg Fire.jpg


    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Ultrakool


      Photoshop :kappa: And I think the wrathgazer will beat those swifties

    3. EranShoval


      The amount of midget M size units here is too low. :rogan:

    4. Ultrakool


      @EranShoval So you add another one, gr8

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