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Posts posted by Hirooo

  1. That makes sense. Aren't shadow phoenixes strong against fire? And mounty or lost reaver? Still, I feel like LS can still turtle through t2 and can have a stronger t3 than pure fire. Grigori can disintegrate juggernaut, for instance, which can't be disenchanted. I think there are ways to modify the shad-frost deck to make it better against a pure fire matchup, but pure fire can't really change the deck at all.

    Shadowphoenixes arent good vs pure fire. You have a firedancer you can not oneshot 50m from your base. The distance between that is enough to force engagements that are spread out enough that a shadowphoenix will not be efficient.

    Reaver is fine but decently microed gladis/enforcer can deal with him. Mountaineer is very strong against pure fire but if the pure fire player does not mess up he will be the one attacking. Since pure fire is not afraid to be the first one going t3 the point where you could really start to splittattack while defending is not good enough to delay your own t3.

    A Grigori can not disintegrate a green disenchanted juggernaut.


  2. LOL  all I am saying is remove the Rapid Construction Feature, the card will still work as intended.  The Rapid Construction is where a lot of the problem lays.

    If you have a cliffdancerposition the mainpoint is your opponent can not strike back for a long time and only with dazed presence.

    If you make an frontal assault RB helps you to make an ongoing attack against non dazed units while not haveing cc to back dazed waves off as you would mostlikely do it in other colors.

    So the first kind of play is the one we want to make weaker and the second one is fine.

    Making RB take more time to build would hit the second one really hard and the first one can easily get the time till the RB is finished.

    This is not the right angle to solve the problem.

    Please no, don't nerf rallying banner. Pure fire need this to hold a offensive pressure (low base hp for unit if they spawn with half hp)

    @xHighTech That's repeating me in other word. But My formule was maybe too complicate to understand.

    Well we posted this idea like ~6 times in the cliffdancer thread. Blocking shots from dancers that are coming through cliffs and set cliffs at any critical spot on the map.

  3. Against some Factions Shield-Drakes/Shield-Fiends are useless. They are very strong vs pure fire and good vs Fire/Nature but useless vs Frost for example. So the T2 is NOT only about shielded units. It depends very much on the deck of your enemy.

    What IS important for Fire/Frost is a strong and long T1, to build up the enrgy flow for the expensive Units to keep constant pressure on the enemy in t2. If you play with mounty, the T2 is all about mounty, but if you play without you need to know how you have to fight different decks. Beware Lost Souls and Stonekin Mass-Unit-Tactics.. both matchups are Autoloose in T2 if you have no advantage from T1 and dont keep the pressure on your enemy.

    I disagree with shielded units ever being useless in any matchup of fire frost.

    The early t2 is often the best timing for shielded drake and scythfiends to get valuable trades against s/f or stonekin.

    Mounti gives good scaling with longer t1s but generally a not super long t1 benefits fire frost more although a short one might end up being an autolose against certain match ups since basecompositions tend to be a bit more costly compared to other decks.


    Playing against pure Frost is great with rageclaws but shielded drakes work fine on every map that allows to position against gravity surge.


  4. "Bound" power means any power you spend that doesn't go back into the void pool. So building and units are bound when they're in use, but become un-bound when they die. The power from a well or monument is permanently bound, whether it dies or not. That's all I mean; was it too confusing?

    The energy for monuments is not bound in anything it simply gets lost so I would not use the same word here as for bound energy that can be released (what is kind of implied by the word) by destroying units/buildings.

    I know what you meant but in my opinion it should be way less confusing this way :)

    Do you know what the nasty cap was? I meant that the grigori would hit the monument until it got into nasty range, because I still thought it was over 1000 damage, which is still a lot.

    Iirc 990 Dmg per target. A grig wont get your monument down to that in a reasonable time. There are scarier things in t3. But this point wasnt that important. Your point was more about something big and angry stomping a base anyway and you are right about that. 

    Actually, it IS 2 separate mechanics.

    You have a advantage of 300 energy. You say you will get between 100 and 200 energy more back because of this.

    Following this you mention you have 300 more voidpower. You have higher voidbackflow because you have more energy in your pool so you lose this faster so as much advantage you get by having a higher backflow as much is your advantage in the voidpool lowered.

    So its the same thing. Or am I missing your point here?

    Regarding orb color, it's actually pretty devastating for fire-nat to lose the fire orb (I used to play fire-nat-shad but I could never let orbs be traded).

    If I lost my t1 I could only play mauler and ghostspears (burrower would have helped, but not a ton, I think).

    Losing your t1 orb is on most maps not too common.

    Yes burrowers would have helped a ton because what you want to do is either pressure monuments or reconstruct your t3. Burrower is the perfect unit in this situation (swift/siege) and should be considered a staple in most fire/nature decks. So in your special case of a deck not running burrower but firestalker I can understand you are a bit more worried about losing your t1 orb but from a standpoint of building the strongest possible fire/nature deck or even discussing a remotely standard one losing your fire-orb is not such a huge deal.

    But maybe I'm biased and it's just harder on fire-nat than other factions?

    To be honest most fire nature players run burrower  :/

    While firestalkers can be fun burrowers  should be easier to handle for players new to PvP. 

  5. For now it would be nice if you would look over the guide and see if there's anything else you disagree with.

    Alright. I dont even remember my most recent shadow frost list so uhm I currently dont feel like writing stuff before I had access to the forge/a decent deckbuilding tool to refresh some memories.

    Even worse, that 300 power is not eco-friendly. It’s bound, which means it doesn’t get recycled. If it drops that’s a huge chunk of power gone, although it’s still permanently gone even if it doesn’t drop. 

    "Bound" might confuse some people if you use the same word when talking about the power system besides monuments as bound energy in units and buildings is a completely different thing.


    or I just summon a Grigori and nasty it. 

    While I agree that this was like totally great n stuff (okay it was probably the strongest t3 attack next to old sandstorm and instastampede juggernaut..) they changed nasty to a hardcap on maximum damage making the infamous grigorinasty no longer viable.


    That sudden loss of 300 power will bring back somewhere between 100 and 200 by the time your monument gets up. Even then, I’ll be getting power faster than you because my void will have 300 power more than yours.

    You are talking about the same mechanic twice here.


    Because of the nature of fire-nature t3, it’s often impossible to prevent an orb from dropping in t3. For this reason, it is highly recommended to play the t3 orb the same color as your starting orb.

    While you got a point here I disagree with highlighting this in such a strong way.

    For one your startingorb is the most secured one on nearly all maps and dropping to t0 happens almost nether. And if you do this requires you to lose two orbs so nature t2 creatures are no longer playable. For this to happen your t1 and t3 orb have to be more exposed than your t2 orb.

    In the rare case with fire nature on one orb and you not having groundcontrol near a new orbposition the game is probably lost anyways. 

    While there can be games where this is different the power difference between different t3 colors are almost always more important.

    Personally I would not highlight it this way in a beginners guide.


    mountaineer is fairly essential for fire-frost

    I disagree. Fire/Frost gets powerefficient trades especilly by abusing frostsorceress + skyfiredrake/scythfiends and can scale into the higher energy t2s with using mountaineer but rageclaws do the job just as well in most matchups. Not a bad use of a deckslot by any means but fire/frost on budget is just as viable.


    Pure frost is probably your hardest matchup because of your lack of air control

    In my experience pure Fire was way harder to deal than pure frost and I considered shadow nature a pure frost counter.

    DAs nightguards and ghostspears give you very strong offensive options with nothing but frostmages left for the poor frost soul.

    Pure fire on the other hand.. You had no highly effcient way to clear out a offense as long as you could not get a lucky 900hp nasty and that powerwell really dropped fast this time :)


    Offering: It’s rare to lose all of your charges in PvP. 

    Btw. The only time this saw play was while voidstorm was overpowered but had little charges. Might be used as soon as low charge card gets buffed too much.


  6. Updated again to include bandits!

    Anyone willing to assist me on another faction?

    What do you need?

    Btw. in your motivatedescription you mention keycards for shadow t1. I agree with them besides lifeweaving.

    Lifeweaving was borderline useless in t1 and got its value of buffing high cost units in t2 and t3.

    Shadow/Nature had no use for the card in t2 and had a lot of options so would most likely not run it.

    Same goes for every shadow/frost deck that does not include reaver/mountaineer(and even with mountaineer it wasnt must have).


  7. @FrozenRipper I use amazon and ts in t2, especially amazon. Not counting spell is your own point of view. Fact I Play the same amount of t1 of a normal shadow deck (Dreadcharger, forsaken, nox, nasty, life weaving). I play to win, t1 is skippable and it's how they made the game and I won't change my style to the very restricted meta deck. I win most match with a t2 lead and then I finish in t3 you're just beeing salty and prefer to point op card instead to check about your own mistakes, so keep loosing to my deck or just copy me.

    Shadow T1 includes motivate and mostlikely phasetower while liveweaving was not needed in most splashes.


    Your point is that t1 is skippable and you play to win so you do it this way. But this discussion should not be about you.

    It should be about the card that just like you said enables to play a tier 1 that forces your opponent to avoid all aggression.

    Is that not as a statement enough reason to change treespirits?

  8. @Eirias To compare a card with another one that was not played and to claim since it had many upsides is not a good argument.

    While I havent played a while and maybe overlook a matchup since the stormsingerbuff razorshards seemed fine. The idea to fix the animation to make micro easier should help because this way a keyfeature when playing against them. Generally every unit could doge the damage if microed properly. The splash that had the biggest problems dealing with them was shadow nature. 


    Tree spirit has a lot of counter play, for exemple the animation has a delay you can bait the 1st wave and dodge it to gain a free 10 secondes at the beginning of the fight. Not requiring micro is a disadvantage, they just attack the closest target. It mean you can use a tank like skelleton warrior, life weaving, ice barrer, amazon in front lane to take all damage. Meanwhile the tree spirit user cannot do anything beside spam them.

    You could stop the treespirits form firing by ordering a stop command. A root in range to get a meeleunit was worth the energy and could block a reengage in most areas.

    Skelletonwarriors can be hurricaned if the shadowplayer chooses to activate them. Lifeweaving is not a viable choice. To spend 75 energy for one unit to tank a bit more in t1 loses you the fight in an instant.

    While icebarrier is a viable choice amazon isnt. A 25% damagereduction wont change the fact that the amazon will get rooted and die very quickly to treespirirts.

    Shamans and dryads against treespiritspam does not work. The dps of treespirits is way more than any other natureball creates and a naturemirror with one side having treespirits and the other side doesnt forces an early t2. Thats the highest possible default advantage a t1 can archive. 



    First of all nice work

    Magma Hurler was best shit eva.

    Root and Banditlancers ~40m magmapowpow!

    Some players just dont see the beauty of that tho and Ashebones outclassed magma hurler at everything

    but the fact that they dont work with the banditlancer rangebuff.


    About shadow t1:

    Using witchclaws is a really bad idea as long as you can afford a dreadcharger.

    They get eaten alive by windweavers since they could concentrate their damage here.

    Dreadcharger does have 30 less hp than witchclaws. He deals a bit less damage but since you lose 50% of your dps as soon as one of the witchclaws dies 

    he was way better. The only "use" for the witchclawability would be to defend wallmortars but the dreadcharger ability onto frenzyed forsacken made him also in this regard way better. On top of this his spawnanimation is faster and he costs 5 less.

    +1 for Radis opinion on skeletonwarriors. Very strong card in a mirror and still good against fire.

    Executor gives you a wider range of aggression against frost t1 so if you ever stumble over a player who is known for playing with frost t1 you can use them for a wellrush.

    Useless in every other matchup.

    Snapjaws where usefull against sunderer because a high energy t1 would result in a undefendable sunderer+eruption attack without them.

    Most of the decks did not have the slots for this tho.


    On soulsplicer:

    You used to be able to get corpses out of the building itselfs when collecting over it with balmers active.

    Unlimited corpses next to a FoF results in an empty voidpool.

    They changed it so splicer can no longer collect out of himself. IIRC Embalmers + FoF still works.




  10. Bad Harvest: 2:54.4 Dannyyx, MephistoRoss, SylarXXI, ducarev 

    not bad :D

    That was with stampede bug live so you could sac into 1 player to rush t4 into bloodhorn into stampede 1shots.

    how did you do that btw? im kinda curious how it works

    You can read a lot with a hexeditor. Even change names etc.

    But here somewhere in the forum should also be a replayanalysistool. It shows a lot of stuff like mapmovement gametime and so on.

  11. The suggested try to get cliffs(the ones where dancers seem to need to walk around before firing) around the known spots would be enough to stop cliffdancing.
    Mortar seems like a lesser problem in my opinion.
    To prevent groundpresence with 50 powerlead (+the difficulty to get a building up with 50% speed) seems reasonable.
    Also there are a lot of buildings that lead to an advantage if you could get them builded up like termithill or iceshield tower but I would not consider this as hard to counter as firedancers.

  12. Thugs give a huge edge vs fire and are even stronger against shadow since both were pretty much 1 swift s counter + s unit m counter spam. Also made welldefense way easier and enabled you to take one well up earlier than without.
    Not a must have no but I would strongly advise using them at least in every firesplash that isnt fire/nature since that one stretches the cardlimit a bit harder.

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