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Cash shop, with monthly vote for a charity to send the funds to.


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I did a search for "charity" and saw the posts about the extra income after server upkeep on the Patreon is sent to charity. Could a cash shop for BFP not be made and the extra income is also sent to charity too? 

"Small community asks EA for permission to donate to charity for digital points" seems harsh if they say no.

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53 minutes ago, birkenhair said:

Could a cash shop for BFP not be made

It's already "not made". There is no cash shop.

While there most likely wouldn't be need for another permission, the whole project is designed as F2P but not P2W, and there are planned further adjustments/ extra achievements for new players.

In current state of the game there isn't even a point to spend money in-game, because of how much you get for playing for just a while a day.
If you want to support project, you do it on patreon. If you want more cards, just play a bit longer, it is really easy to get them.

So not only there is no point in launching premium shop, it also is against the spirit of the project (which do not support pay to win).

Volin, Archaic, Metagross31 and 1 other like this
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