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PvP Balance


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Is pvp ever gonna be balanced. Fire and shadow have such broken cards and 90% of the player base abuse it. I'd happily be proven wrong but watching tournaments feels like watching the same match been played the same way over and over again, mad boring. Firedancer is the most cancerous card in pvp, the amount of abuse you can do with her is insane. Oh and aura of corruption should not last 40 seconds with a 40 seconds cooldown,dum as fuck. Yes im a stonekin player.

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To give you a short answer: Yes there is an ongoing discussion about balancing. There is a separate discord server for that, where community representitives can work together to get proposals done (finished ones are already in the forums). That said, we don't have the permission to get proposed changes onto a test server yet. As critical cards like Phasetower or Mortar for instance might need iteration based balancing, we have to wait up until we can test certain changes to get to a consensus about what is good for the game, so these changes can be useful in the end.    

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15 hours ago, Fudge said:

Is pvp ever gonna be balanced. Fire and shadow have such broken cards and 90% of the player base abuse it. I'd happily be proven wrong but watching tournaments feels like watching the same match been played the same way over and over again, mad boring. Firedancer is the most cancerous card in pvp, the amount of abuse you can do with her is insane. Oh and aura of corruption should not last 40 seconds with a 40 seconds cooldown,dum as fuck. Yes im a stonekin player.

generally its a matter of mangetment of units and power.
I never used to have problems with firedancers(i use past tense as i have still not got all the cards for my pure frost pvp deck again(but had in the old battleforge)). it is a matter of countring it. firedancers have to low life to really be a danger to a M counter that is not a small unit, i would proberly use something like a razorshard or aggesor to deal with it
you do know you can also use the aura of corruption against the enemy even if he plays it, the only anoing place he can put it really is at wells and orbs but all you really need then is remove his ground precense and the aura is useless, and it is dam expensive to use and easy to counter with cheap units, just spam something like northguards or heals and you kill his units and yours stay alive, it is not so hard as the damage is spread over all the units in the aura, eighter mass it making the damage negletable or cast expensive units and move them out of the aura

Edited by korsbaek
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