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  1. This is indeed great news. The best in a long time.
  2. Reading the OP again, I realized it makes a distinction between winning/completing and playing. So if I understand this correctly, winning, so far, is not a requirement for completing quests except generic ones. If that is the case, then I don't mind reroll penalty. Someone would have to clarify the terms.
  3. As I was writing that I knew how it would end up. If they want to make winning a PvP match a quest then it should probably say 1 or 2 games tops. If they want to do it that way then rerolling a PvP quest to generic quest should not result in a penalty, especially if you can only reroll one quest. I don't see why penalizing is a good thing.
  4. Maybe the way I thought of it was wrong. I thought you could only reroll once so if I get 3 quests per day, I can only reroll one of the three quests once only, thus no unlimited rerolling, but please correct me if I am wrong.
  5. I guess they could make so it requires completing 3 matches instead of winning. I'm a PvE player myself and do not particularly enjoy PvP but completing 2-3 PvP matches is doable, winning them is another story. Another aspect I am not fond of is rerolling. Why should rerolling result in a penalty of 25%? You are penalizing players for not being a PvPer/PvEer? Some people do not have a nack for PvP and penalizing them for such a think is not a fair treatment. Think of HS, rerolling does not cost you anything, even though it is mostly preferential rerolling, not skill based.
  6. The idea of "advanced" tutorial is very appealing. Having a "beginner" tutorial just like the old BF and adding optional "intermediate" and "advanced" tutorials will be very helpful. Adding rewards for completing the optional tutorials should be enough incentive. I'm not very enthusiastic about quizzes but I can see how they could help teach new players about different mechanics. I think the quizzes could be implemented into the tutorial maps. Is it possible to create a tutorial PvP map? because it will be very helpful to have PvP and PvE oriented tutorials. For the PvP tutorial you could have the player be asked what he should do at certain points in the game and explain why some of the answers are wrong or not optimal. We want players to experience the situation they have to think about and not just read a question and give an answer.
  7. I was thinking about the help menu in the forge, not an actual tutorial map.
  8. Does anyone remember how informative the in-game help menu was? I was thinking we could incorporate the best guide we can find into the in-game help menu such that even complicated stuff (void power, bound power, counter, etc..) can be looked up in-game.
  9. 1 and 2. By combining 1 and 2 so that you are rewarded for a friend who reached a certain rank (rewarding for every rank is too much) and limiting the number of rewards you can get. This way multi-accounting becomes too much of a hassle. 3. Like I said, it might not be viable so no need to pursue it. 4. I would leave it up to the devs to decide how to implement it but it's not a bad idea. Regarding those who do not have friends, right now I have no idea how BFR is racking new players but I would assume some, if not most, heard of it from a friends or an existing member and since BFR is also a social game I don't see why this suggestion is bad. As for tutorial maps, I agree, it's a pretty good idea but you won't be able to add official maps so they would have to be custom tutorial maps.
  10. The main issue with this game is the level of complexity. The TCG aspect itself is complicated and lies somewhere between HS and MTG so it would be nice to shift the complexity towards HS without sacrificing the quality. If there is a way to do this it would be through working on the ability wording (make them clearer and perhaps with less words by adding keywords). I think one of the better areas to focus on is referrals/friends. After all, friends tend to help each other so if we could add rewards for friends helping each other it would make it a lot easier on new players if their more experienced friends would help them during the early stages of the game. So many things can be done here and I would like to suggest a few: Getting a small reward for referring friends to the game. (probably already suggested) Getting a small reward for friends who reach higher levels/ranks. This might incentivize players to help their friends learn the different mechanics of the game. Create a quest where one would have to spectate a friend and have them win the game (PvP/PvE). Not sure how applicable this is since spectator mode was not officially implemented in BF and would probably require quite a bit of work to get it to properly work. Create a quest (with slightly higher than average reward) where you win a PvE game or play a PvP game with a friend. (This one is probably easier to implement and I feel it would be very nice to play multiplayer games with friends, especially if I am rewarded for it.) I hope this helps.
  11. 1911! And the current member count is 6969!
  12. Great read. I think I prefer the soft cap even though I might not play for more than 3 hours a day. Does the soft cap continue to decrease BFP earned per 30m all the way to zero or would there be a minimum?
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